2 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No comment on the level of PFAS aside from

though the levels were low

This is just feeding the outrage machine to get clicks. If it was a story they'd be citing concentration guidelines and telling you what concentrations were found in the products. It's not a story, it's rage bait.

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Android has 41% market share in the US. It sounds like you've got some pretty heavy sampling bias going on.

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Start with -2 bread and add one bread.

Eh, you're being lazy. Just compile the kernel from source.

Sometimes I just don't bother learning new stuff till the old stuff stops working for me. It's amazing how many really simple things people stroll past on their way to god knows where.

The answer used to be John the Ripper, but I'm a decade out of date on this stuff, so it might not be any more.

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No. No it is not.

I don't understand. How is the DoJ shrugging it off when he's been indicted on federal charges?

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Seriously. All this talk of automatically updating versions has my head spinning!

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Pretty sure the ball bits are always screwed on (Archer: Phrasing!). If it's coming loose some locktite or nylon plumber's tape should hold it in place.

The market for IBM Model M keyboard clones is already pretty full.

An effect can be observable but still negligible in terms of the actual increase of risk.

Giulliani tryna look hard, but just looking like he can't remember where he left his teeth.

The old answer is a chroot jail, the new answer is a Docker container or VM if Docker won't cut it.

I'm lazy, so Virtualbox is my VM software of choice. I keep a machine with a fresh debian install and just Clone it to make throwaway VMs.

Keep in mind that malicious software on a VM might be isolated from the host in many ways, but if it's allowed to communicate on your network then it can still be dangerous, especially if you have samba shares, or services you don't expose to the outside internet with weak or default passwords. (Did you change the admin password on your router's Web interface?)

Creating a VM with no network interfaces is "mostly safe", but you hear about VM bust out exploits now and then.

In reality, gold standard is a separate physical computer with no network connections to anything but other untrusted physical computers, and no wireless adapters (Bluetooth or WiFi). This is an "air gapped" network, but if you're dealing with shit that makes you want an air gap, either you already know more than you're gonna learn on Lemmy, or you're bout to get your door kicked in by men in black suits :D

Love it. I'd never have thought to look for it, but I'm glad I stumbled across this post!

They're usually clearly documented in support forums by people saying "MY STUFF WON'T BOOT PLESE HALP"

And then responds to every answer "Of course I tried that, do you think I'm dumb?"

OK, but is coffee a soup?

On protondb one guy mentioned that a full uninstall reinstall (not "check game files") helped him with a "wouldn't get past loading screen" issue, but that doesn't quite sound the same as your issue.

Have you tried proton experimental?

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You can fear the implications of war without thinking you'll lose it.

Also worth saying 99.9% of air gap failures are due to some idiot getting lazy with a usb stick or a phone. They're a bitch to work with.

(Another 0.09% are someone plugging the wrong cord into the wrong switch by accident or stupidity)

It's a 125gb game, what kind of disk were you expecting it to ship on?

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That's amazing, I love it. Thanks for linking that!

So we're all in here saying "shorter copyright would be great" but still pirating stuff which came out last week?

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OK, so this is one of those comments that's either "wtf, of course everyone knows that" or "oh shit, ok", but generally wake on USB is a bios setting. Have you looked around in the bios to see what your options are?

Doesn't explain the weird behaviour, but may be a good way forward.

This may be a silly question, unless is isn't. Are you sure that your maximum upload speed is 300Mbps? Your maximum upload speed can be different to your maximum download speed. can help you check.

If that's not the answer, sorry for possibly being overly simple, but some people might not realise.

There is (was?) a great website called cooptimus

Did you watch the first 30 seconds of the video?

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Yeah, but back in the day, a CD cost a lot less than a dollar. Have you looked at the unit cost for a 100gb disc?

And if it comes with a single-use registration code 80% of the people in this thread would still be pissed off. So, it's now more expensive, and still deeply flawed.

Yeah, so the issue here isn't "omg how can they sell a case with no disk" it's "hey, I want to own my game", which is totally fair. Seems like people focus on the most superficial part of the whole issue, a literal shiny piece of plastic.

But it seems legit (except that is asks for my PayPal password), like really legit (I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason the need to know my social security number and my mother's maiden name), I'm pretty sure it's not a scam (where did I save that copy of my birth certificate?) And its totally for it for $35.74 (oh, yeah they probably would need my left thumb sent to them in an ice box, wouldn't they)

Edit: misunderstood what OP wanted to do, leaving this here in case it's interesting to anyone.

Sounds like what you are tyring to do is called Split Horizon DNS.

Requests from outside your network should resolve to the public IP, but requests from inside your network should resolve it to the private IP.

If that's what it is then you register the public IP with your nameservers. You also run a DNS service internally which you point all your computers at (likely by putting it as the DNS server in your networks DHCP settings). That DNS server is set up to return the private ip addresses for all your servers, and to forward any other requests to some external DNS like

I'm not sure what your use case or for needing to use the internal IP address from inside the network, but it might be to avoid traffic exiting your network just to be sent back in? Or you me a that you want external requests to go to one server and internal to go to another server? I'm which case the set up above still works, but on just use the appropriate IP addresses in the appropriate places.

I was wondering if the Android fingerprint login had been compromised since the days of the gummybear attacks. For anyone else who was wondering:

Interesting question OP, I'll be (academically) interested in the answer.

Edit: this Tasker answer is fiddly and very old, but may be worth looking into:

Lol, I thought it looked like an AC/DC song!

You think a mercury sandwich isn't a realistic representation of wood.

Wow, you know, after careful consideration I think you may be right. Thanks for your wisdom. Truly enlightening.

I'll go eat some wood.

If something is part edible and part not, then it really depends on the nature of that not edible bit. If it's inert, then great. If it's not, then you could be kinda fucked.

The fact that something is 45% edible says precisely nothing about whether or not it is edible.

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Wood is just less than half cellulose by weight, so wood must be safe to easy.

This mercury sandwich is just less than half bread by weight, so it must be safe to eat.

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Also, thanks, that's awesome!