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Why does the far right obsess over whether or not women have kids? It’s so creepy.

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I wonder if this is because W benefitted from the same ratfuckery that Trump uses (Roger Stone, Brooks Bros Riot, etc.)

Elections don’t work for Republicans, because we’re the first generation to be royally fucked and we’re pissed off. Boomers would be pissed too if they were on the bottom of the capitalism pyramid scheme.

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This case is heartbreaking.

He confessed! Shame on those lawyers for this trash narrative.

No adult would blow up their whole life at the age of 71 if this was consensual.

Mme. Pelicot is a hero to women.

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Good for the woman who was attacked to maintain composure. That must have been really hard. From the article:

Spring said she understood it was critical that she remained composed even while being attacked.   

"I wanted to make sure I acted appropriately so that I could keep my job because the script could have been flipped at any time if I had retaliated," Spring said

It’s so heartbreaking that the bolded part is systemic racism. Like she can’t defend herself because that terrible white woman would have pretended to be the victim? Fuck all of that and fuck that white girl.

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Notice how Trump dilutes and distorts the meaning of words on purpose so they don’t hit as hard when used toward him. I find it terrifying that he’s openly calling everyone a fascist. He’s being honest about his true intentions, America.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them!!!

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It’s a lot of processed bread / carb products and very little protein.

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People just don’t want to spend what little time we have on this earth commuting, paying $10 for a shitty Subway sandwich for lunch, and listening to Elderly Manager Brian talk about his glory days to a captive audience.

This feels like it’s just a way to get around Pride in June.

Didn’t read the article before I said this. Why are my shittiest suspicions about Desantis always right.

You’re missing that the special counsel saying this was extremely editorialized, unprofessional, and dubious at best. This is the counsel’s opinion without facts to back it up.

Whereas Trump falling asleep actually happened without editorializing. NYT is just reporting facts.

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I wish they would stop this:

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children and young adults, with about 10% of young people between the ages of 3 and 17 diagnosed with the condition.

What about women and inattentives who are usually diagnosed way into adulthood???

This makes it sound curable, temporary or like it only impacts young people.

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Isn’t it funny how the public servant basically manifested the home for her because she probably has a great lawsuit now?

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This feels like it was written by someone who has never been on Lemmy because that has not been my experience at all.

Reddit is fucking full of bots astroturfing right wing political nonsense and we’re not getting that on Lemmy because those instances are often defederated.

Or, you know, he’s one of those guys who signed up for world when he should have gone to exploding heads.

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And what happens if UNWRA does just that? Then they’ll be shamed and accused of working with a terrorist organization. It’s a no-win situation.

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There’s a concept that we studied in literature in University about never truly being able to go home again after you grow up. We were reading an Alice Munro short story collection but Tom Wolfe famously wrote about the topic.

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Yes but I have no clue what to do about it.

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I don’t feel Canada is wrong here. You can’t just murder one of our own citizens on our own soil. If India wants to prosecute or use the legal system that’s fine.

That being said, I also feel like Canada accepts a lot of immigration from India. We take tons of Indian students and Canadians don’t necessarily go to India for schooling. I’m wondering how long this will last because I don’t feel Canada needs India as much as India needs Canada. I could be wrong, just a layman’s assessment.

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I hope someday he gets the help he needs so he can leave everyone alone.

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I would disagree with renting a car.

Get a JR Pass instead - it lets you ride the bullet train unlimited for a specific period of time. This is a steep discount over buying tickets in the country. You need to get this mailed to your house in the US while you are outside of Japan, before you travel. They mail you a voucher and you bring this and pick up your pass at the airport (Japan is big on physical paperwork). Don’t forget to get an eki ben when you ride - it’s part of the experience.

The Ghibli Museum may still be closed to tourists so if you want to do that verify before you go. If it is open to tourists again, you also need to buy your tickets to that from outside Japan, have voucher mailed to home, and pick up as well from JR iirc.

Look into booking TeamLab Borderless (Tokyo) ahead of time, Kabuki is fun, sumo is fun (depending on when you go there may or may not be a basho going on & the city switches), and then just wander around and enjoy temples, sights, and food!!!

Oh yeah also get a suica card ahead of time and you can install it on your phone to tap in the subway and also pay for snacks at Family Mart if I recall correctly.

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There’s actually a great article on this. Warning, it’s a TOUGH read.

Archive link

What kind of person forgets a baby? The wealthy do, it turns out. And the poor, and the middle class. Parents of all ages and ethnicities do it. Mothers are just as likely to do it as fathers. It happens to the chronically absent-minded and to the fanatically organized, to the college-educated and to the marginally literate[…]

Last year it happened three times in one day, the worst day so far in the worst year so far in a phenomenon that gives no sign of abating.

The facts in each case differ a little, but always there is the terrible moment when the parent realizes what he or she has done, often through a phone call from a spouse or caregiver. This is followed by a frantic sprint to the car. What awaits there is the worst thing in the world.

It’s a shockingly common occurrence and actually not due to neglect a lot of the time. The article posits that a large reason is because car seats were mandated to be moved to the back seat.

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Could this ruling impact the Georgia RICO case because it’s now on the record that the election in Georgia was not rigged as they have claimed and keep claiming? Can a civil ruling like this be used as evidence in a criminal ruling? I am not a lawyer and not American.

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Just admit you’re queer already, Mike Johnson. It’s ok.

I read my (dementia/alzheimers) mother’s journals and they were full of “she’s just so angry” and “I don’t understand why her room is so messy” and “She’s lazy and won’t help with the family business, but I would have been happy to as a teenager.”

I’m like damn mom you were never given language to actually understand me.

Even my sister to this day goes: “Well now that you know you have it you can just come up with strategies to overcome it.” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

He’s very clearly already on meds.

Why does Biden seem slower? Not on go pills like Trump.

I think Trump is showing dementia.

More like yes those are the problems and children are not the answer to those problems.

Fuck these guys for real. I had just set up a raspberry pi and nfc tags. I’m not buying their shitty ecosystem even harder now.

lol and also see John Mulaney’s latest “Baby J” on the topic of doctors prescribing whatever:

Paraphrasing - what you do is you go to Yelp and look up doctors in your area. And then you sort by lowest rating and you find the lowest rated doctor. They need your business.

Ew brother ew.

Well to be fair that quality almost killed him. Glad to see his mental health is doing better.

I don’t think CNN would even report on this if it didn’t have some truth to it.

The Intercept, a pretty good source, alleges that CNN runs all of their Gaza/Israel coverage by their Jerusalem team, subject to the IDF’s censor, prior to publication. They’re SUPER Israel slanted.

In the coming days I fully expect them to blame Hamas for it or something in a “quit hitting yourself” type of way.

You are right: CNN is terrorist propaganda - the IDF are terrorists too, after all.

It makes total sense for Russia to make Jill Stein a Russian asset because it neutralizes an anti-oil organization. Oil is very important to Russia’s economy so of course they don’t want any phase-out of fossil fuels.

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I get that it’s hypocritical for someone in his role and he wasn’t allowed to refuse the drug test but goddamnit how dumb is it to be grilled over smoking pot when other countries have fully legalized. It’s fine in Canada. The problem is fentanyl. Do something about fentanyl instead of wasting time on weed ffs.

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God I wonder why Palestinians are so upset. Oh wait:

Last October, Palestinian grandmother Ayesha Shtayyeh says a man pointed a gun at her head and told her to leave the place she had called home for 50 years.

Here’s the thing too - there was an interview on the news in my country with an Israeli legal expert on sexual assault. She was pleased with the UN report investigating Hamas’ sexual assaults.

When asked if there would be a similar UN investigation for Palestinians, she said she didn’t see why the UN needed to because Palestine has its own agencies on the ground who can investigate.

Except the media also tells us not to believe anything UNWRA says because of Hamas involvement with UNWRA.

How is that fair? The Palestinian civilians are caught in an impossible trap.

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I love how the media slow walks this so hard and gives Israel every damn chance to back off.

CNN was interviewing a group of Israelis who want to colonize Palestine and I swear to god the host said “That sounds like ethnic cleansing” with a puzzled look on her face, waiting for some cogent response.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck….

I don’t understand this false equivalency.

Yeah militaries around the world have done terrible stuff and they shouldn’t.

It doesn’t make what India allegedly did OK during peace time and to a Canadian civilian.

The seats are haptic too. It takes forever to render the graphics apparently so maybe that’s why - not playback but rendering. Apparently After Effects will only go up to 12k?

I’m not super technical but I have been to the Sphere. It’s awesome.

Well yeah it’s the only chance he has to get out of jail.

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The conservatives in Canada have been going wild over carbon pricing.

The current government recently removed carbon taxes on home heating oil for the Maritimes, where home heating oil is used a lot, to make things more affordable during the cold winter months.

The conservatives are collectively screaming that this should be evenly applied to everyone and that home heating carbon pricing (but really all carbon pricing) should be removed. And that the PM is only doing this to retain votes in the maritimes.

Because this is a hot button issue, the conservatives are trying to claim that this legislation makes Ukraine agree to implement a carbon tax, but as is often the case with conservatives, this isn’t reality at all. In reality if I recall correctly, Ukraine needs to put in measures to reduce carbon emissions. This is something they have already agreed to do to be part of the EU.

Fascist Milhouse, the opposition leader, just wanted to spin the issue into a culture war topic that touches on a lot of things he’s been yelling about like affordability (he has no plan to improve this).

The last part is purely my conjecture: I would not be surprised if he is cozy with Russia. He was cozy with the “Freedom” Convoy in Canada that conveniently spun up right as Russia invaded Ukraine. The troll farms on Reddit were heavily commenting/ arguing/ advancing the cause of the Convoy, and Facebook groups/propaganda about it was thick. I notice that conservatives in Canada use Facebook groups like “Canada Proud” and “Ontario Proud” to advance their causes and these spin up like crazy around election time. These groups have dubious ownership at best and I suspect are foreign influence operations. Interestingly for a while the conservatives were chomping at the bit to investigate foreign interference in Canada’s election but hmmm oddly wanted to ignore Russia and focus on China instead. If you’re squeaky clean wouldn’t you want to focus on all foreign interference, no matter the source?

This, imo is also why they were trying to tie the previous speaker of the House’s dumb decision to honour a Ukrainian war vet (oops he fought on the side of Germany) to = Ukraine supports Nazis/the PM supports Nazis. That’s not reality and it was a dumb oversight by the speaker of the house and his office who has nothing to do with the PM. But I do recall that one of Russia’s favourite attacks on Ukraine is that they are Nazis so this line of attack by the conservatives here in Canada seems questionable at best.

TLDR send help, Canadians are falling for the lies of a fascist shitbird

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