0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah but she's straight white and cis so it isn't icky.

/S, obviously


So uh.... Who ya creepin' on?

5 more...

That's exactly what this is. It's violence porn for right-wing psychos.

As a 40 something, I tend to find memes tedious, boring, and unoriginal. Like, to the extent that I actively block every meme community that pops up on my feed.

Except Risa. It's my favorite community on Lemmy and makes me laugh multiple times per day.

3 more...

We know how it, by your definition, "works." That's the problem.

Fellow adult with ADHD here, welcome to the club! What you're feeling is referred to as "imposter syndrome" and it's one of the more pesky symptoms of our particular affliction.

Just knowing it's a symptom of ADHD has been a huge help to me... When those thoughts creep in, I just remind myself how hard I've had to work to get here.

I know for a fact that I had to study for some of my licensing exams three or four times longer than some of my coworkers, for example. Those coworkers don't know that, and I wouldn't care if they did, but I know how hard I've had to work to get where I am and I'm proud of it.

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Anyone have any context here? No idea what I'm looking at

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You're not lazy, you're not stupid, and you're not a loser. You just have ADHD, and once you figure that out things will get much, much easier. Hang in there.

He couldn't afford cab fare.

There's literally a whole right-wing movement who picked their name because it rhymes with "Civil War Two."

But sure, calling attention to the very thing the right has been very loudly advocating for since at least 2008 is "predictive programming."

11 more...

Am I weird for still just using Firefox? I don't see the need for a standalone client.

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Holy shit thank you. Reddit on Mobile was such an unusable mess to me that I've just been using old.reddit. Absolute game changer.

Still fuck that place, but now I can check in my my favorite old niche communities without getting cancer every time. Cheers!

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Pretty sure a 3rd grader could figure out that "riggers" sounds a whole lot like a really naughty word for black people, which is about where he's at mentally.

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According to the satanic temple, it's a religious ritual and constitutionally protected for that very reason. So thank you to these christofascists for, in their own myopic and ludicrously incorrect way, giving that argument some weight, I guess.

you're breathtaking!

This is the way

Sorry, I'm going to fully disagree with you there. There was no "Satan" behind the Satanic Panic; there weren't hoardes of satanic teens sacrificing animals to Satan and eating babies, or any sort of movement trying to make that happen. It was just a fundie misinformation campaign designed to scare old white people into voting Republican.

The threat of AI-generated and assisted misinformation and disinformation, however, is very real, and has had disastrous effects in the real world. A casual glance at what Cambridge Analytica's algorithms have done to the US political landscape is all you need to confirm these things are very, very different.

I guess a no-substance shock rocker dude who wears makeup and calls himself Alice would have a take on this subject. Really shitty take though.

Pretty sure they think it's just a fancy word for homophobia

You're just repeating over and over that you don't understand what a primary is

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You can't actually think that's a credible defense, come on now

.... While making $9k a month.

Jesus fucking Christ dude your situation is exceptional because you make a fuck-ton more money than most people, it's not a difficult reality to accept.

The Simpsons reference took me by surprise.

That's the part that's been sticking with me as well.

That, and a creeping dread that 30% percent of the audience is going to view this film as either a masturbatory fantasy or an instructional video, but I imagine that's probably Garland's point.

Lol holy shit

! There might be better places to look, but you can get started here. I've been on King TV for about two months now and it's pretty legit. The stream quality isn't as good as YouTube TV or FUBO, but for $15 a month I'm not complaining.

4 more...

Are you suggesting he's incapable of those things? What is this comment even supposed to mean?

Default UI, just on dark. Might look into photon though.

Old and out of the loop gamer here - used to love FPS games but quit playing them when Counterstrike was new.

What's uh... what's going on? I keep seeing trailers for new FPS games that look like they're running the original Doom or Rise of the Triad engines. Somebody help me understand.

12 more...

Nope, I'm on Mobile. Since all I really use lemme for is text posts, links to articles about things, and the occasional star trek meme, there's just no added value in using a client for me. I have no interest in ad-supported software at all, so if there's a decent FOSS one I'd maybe try it eventually, but unless there's something as minimalistic as BaconReader, probably not.

Because this is the Internet, I feel like OP is gonna to get at least a few creepy DMs over this.

Gonna check out this whole list. Thanks!

1 more...

That worked! Awesome, thanks, I tried a few other methods last week with no luck

It looks like a good time

It's really not that grindy. There are multiple different endings, and if you want what most consider to be the best/most complete ending you'll be playing for a while, but then then you don't really need to spend any time xp milling

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I’m an ardent supporter of Israel and their right to defend themselves in these extreme times. This isn’t that.>

Honest question: after this, will you still continue to be? Because they're not done.

We do not live in the same reality lol

That's crazy to me, but badass. Interested to check it out.