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This is an article from 8 years ago (2015)

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I think this is a good point. Lemmy pre protest sucked. There was just no content or activity. Post protest, it’s not too bad here. It’s viable. Slowly, hopefully more people end up here over the years. I still browse Reddit (not logged in, my account is kaput) and it seems the same as it was before though. However, digg too died, so there is hope yet.

You need both though. Memes and shitposts to scroll though and chuckle, and then quality stuff to engage on. Lemmys got that, and the momentum will keep it growing.

I tried lemmy like a year or so ago, and it felt so stale. The technology is there, but the content just wasn’t. That’s clearly changed now. 😊

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Yeah, it is a bit strange. That was a central hub of where I got news, jokes, stayed connected with internet culture. That's mostly gone now. So many things feel splintered anymore. I'm old so I don't keep up with the latest games, but that feels all over the place---too many games, too many communities. Streaming/TV stuff---very few people I know watch the same things I do, and I miss the joy of watching something new and then talking about it the next day moments. Worse now is that most people can't even access the same content since there are too many services. Music is strange now too. Partly, I'm just not connected to pop culture, but also everyone is listening to VERY different stuff (referring to college-age folks---most other millennials I know just listen to NPR, podcasts and 90s mixes). There doesn't seem to be any monolithic music culture at all anymore. Everyone has super customized spotify playlists. I know a big part is just millennial aging, but also reddit kept me connected to broader things, and now its just like everything else and enshittified and disappearing. sigh ... get off my lawn I guess :(

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Plasma. It’s the most customizable and you can dive in and shape it. It feels much more natural for me to jump into.

I put xfce on older hardware.

Distro wise I tend to go with Ubuntu flavors most because they seem to have better compatibility for various software and stuff I need, but I haven’t really shopped around too hard in years. Work is RHEL (and clones) and they make me sad.

I don’t really have a problem with the main post you linked to. Are we a strictly pro-NATO server or something? I think I’m missing exactly what the issue is 🤷‍♂️

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Why oh why did they get Arkansas right??

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Universities are also on a trend to not host their own stuff or run their own servers. Most US universities are either google or Microsoft schools which handle all the email and (often) file sharing services. A lot of this is from a combination of shrinking budgets and security-scares.

I think fediverse and universities could be interesting, and it may just need to take some slow momentum buildup and education of fedoverse services.

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Oh no! I had a great experience with 2 men and a truck when I he used them! No idea it was associated with the 1 800 junk folks

This place is feeling a lot like the Reddit from 2008. Just get some rage comics back and this place will be 🔥🔥🔥.

Lemmy takes a bit more curation to start finding communities and has some rough spots, but I’m super excited for this.

I was also reading an article about nutritional quality of food itself has been declining over the last 50 years. So to get the same nutritional amount, you need to eat more food period.

There’s also bigger systemic issues about food access that is driving people to “choose” it. Lack of time, cost, availability, transportation all factor in that are beyond a simple idea if a person having a pure choice between two equal (or even somewhat equal) options.

I mean you're not wrong, but its also a larger societal thing which ends up meaning government who negotiates such things. Its not just work, but school start times and bus schedules, public transport times, parking fees/times. It balloons out a bit, so its easier to have some official stance. However, it doesn't have to be federal, and could just be local municipal governments.

In general, though. Yes, individuals could just shift what they do, and this is exactly what humans did for a long time. The industrial revolution changed us so that we needed to coordinate and regiment societal schedules, and here we are now.

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You earn you degree once your last courses end. So if there’s a summer term, you’ll have competed the requirements for the degree at that point and can say so on jobs. Your transcript will reflect this.

However if you are talking about the ceremony, most schools don’t have a ceremony at the end of summer and will have these students choose to walk in the December ceremony (if one exists) or the bigger may ceremony. Or choose not to walk at all.

The specific details are going to vary from university to university though.

I think it will be a long, long slow death. Digg is still out there doing something over a decade after it’s users exited en masse. I think Reddit as a store of useful human content, will just keep slipping and having more noise than useful signals. It’ll be a while, but at the same time it’s already dead. For me it was just so shocking for them to not realize what their actual value is. Pissing off the oil you are drilling, is not going to go well in the long run!

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What was the reason? I watched the game's promo video and it looks fun, but like ... just also a lot? Like its trying to cram a whole bunch of things into one, and I was almost stressed just watching the video seeing all the things to manage.

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I thought that the assembler is a specific program that translates mnemonics into the corresponding machine code. Perhaps in early computing this was done by hand so a person was the assembler (and worked in assembler), but now that is handled by software (and supports various macros). So programming in assembly would generate a stream of text that must be assembled by an assembler. (Although I have heard people refer to programming in assembler as well, just not often.)

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There are also Mario videos and Suika. It’s not just nips or Bloodbath the Incinerator HD.

It’s hard parenting because the platforms change quickly and navigating when and how to have impactful conversations with kids is hard.

After being here a few weeks, your “home” server doesn’t matter too terribly much, as long as it stays federated with other servers. You can subscribe to communities (subreddits) in other servers and they’ll appear on your feed. It’s kinda cool. You do have to do a little more work building your communities you want to see and participating, as there no algorithm to tell you what to see. It’s with it though! Sort by Hot or Top Day and you’re good to go!

It’s shwetek patels group at Univ. Washington. They’ve had some interesting stuff in the past, and are good at the PR part of things.

It makes the same problem though. You create some abstraction layer of "at 3 I start work". You then travel somewhere else, and you have to shift your abstraction layer again to "at 8 I start work" --- or you ask "but its 3 at office X, why aren't they at work?" and then still need to shift mental times to figure out when local day/night is.

The local noon system works to ease the local abstraction shift, but makes it harder to jump to absolute times.

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I can't comment on specifics. I'm back in linux after several years away in mac land. The snap experience is awful, and confusing. I have not had the same experience with flatpaks. They seem to act more like regular apps that you update. The issue with snap is that firefox will say the snap needs to update, and that the update is pending warning my I only have days (or hours) to use it, but no way to actually do the upgrade. Then it will say its upgrading, but nothing happens. I just keep using firefox, and every once in a while it may say something like the update failed (I honestly can't remember, since I just ignore any notification with the word 'snap' in it since they're all meaningless). Eventually, when I quit firefox, it might update and quit pestering me. But how knows? Maybe it won't upgrade, and then I'll open it again and it won't be upgraded.

Flatpaks, I can just update in the package GUI (Discover for me, since KDE) alongside other updates, and we roll on.

Distro-wise, I dunno :/ I like ubuntu cause its more standardized in terms of software availability --- most things will support an ubuntu package. However, I'm really considering just jumping into debian and going with the rolling releases.

Snaps just act strange. They update in weird ways, it’s always automatic and it’s confusing how to keep something in a version that won’t auto update. It’s been a bad experience for me.

What didn’t you like?

Even Throughline had a history of policing episode (NPR, so liberals); and even their takeaway from what I remember was: police just come from slave patrols and solely exist to maintain existing power structures.

I think I have a verso book “End of Policing” by vitals, but have gotten around to reading it yet … and maybe I should!

Definitely not rice. That’s farmed on huge fields and have (in USA at least) telltale levy lines which are used to control flooding the fields. Poke around in northeast Arkansas and you should find some.

Oh wow Usenet is still a good spot? That brings back good memories of sailing the seas.

It’s been getting absolutely worse and worse with hardware as they shovel crap at you and then also expect you to buy subscriptions to make it usable. Keysight/agilent/ whoever they are had been really annoying about this.

He does get a bit ranty. I still appreciate his take though. Some of the LLMs are super helpful for me for some tasks, but the hype cycle for AI is really a lot to take and it does warrant some actual pushback against it. I can tell I’m becoming more of an old man, but it’s nice to have someone else confirm how bad the Internet is becoming. It’s almost like a hazy dream for me of back in the early days when it was just people sharing weird stuff with each other and not the active battle to fend off ads and scummy sites to find things.

We can just talk about Americas team then. That’ll unify everything, right? 😉

I completely understand what you're saying. It works for synchronizing well as things run on an absolute time. However, you are still going to do a localization shift, and you end right back up with time zones.

In your example, you work at 1500. Cool. I need to coordinate with Bob from Bulgaria. Its also 1500 there. Is he working? Who knows. I need to get out ye old solar map and find out. Or, I'm flying to Tokyo. My body is going to follow its diurnal cycle and want to wake up when the sun rises. We are still going to have a local abstraction of what the day hours are that shift with respect to longitude. A universal time doesn't get rid of that. I agree that flight coordinating would be easier. But, if I know I want to arrive somewhere in the morning, right now I sort by AM arrival, and boom I'm done. In a UTC system, I now have to go look up the solar morning hours for my destination sort by time, find the window I want to arrive in, and then I can be good. I still might not have a good sense of what is super early versus what is closer to middle of the day.

Not the op, but syntactly they are ver similar. And so for minor things like looping over a matrix or making a plot or some calculations, It’ll be the same. Your intro numerical course will not really know the difference. It’s when you get to the packages that there’s massive divergence. Matlab really sells packages that have all sorts of libraries and gui things built in to do some advanced calculations or pre-Canned tool. They also change the package syntax from time to time. For things like signal processing or filter design, the tools reign and most scripts depend on them. Octave has a totally difference package ecosystem and syntax for loading packages.

So for basic things, you can go between the two fairly easily. For anything advanced or for 90% of scripts you download from papers, octave will not work.

This is starting to feel like an iteration of BBS— edit: I say bbs, but really I mean Usenet. I guess this is like bbs with better threading and organization, and you login to your local mirror to see what’s new. I like it, just need to get my head around it.

When spam musubi ascends into white boy nirvana. True enlightenment

Yeah, I think this is the real reason its older folks here: We remember the old Internet. The old Internet was interacting and talking to new people. The modern internet is just dodging ads, and making data for companies serving ads.

Oh I agree it would be utter chaos! The idea that "why does it take an act of congress to change time" on the one hand sounds crazy, but I think what I'm trying to point out is why it takes an actual act of congress --- we are coordinating lots of services and activities, and no one wants to descend back to the days of no one agreeing on noon!

There’s a bit more as well. Corporations have been closing their research labs over several decades and chasing short term profits over longer-term-payoff research. All that risk is passed onto university research labs (and the grad students that actually do the work) and heavily subsidized by the government. There is then little to no incentive for a professor to care about teaching and is rewarded for bringing in grant money. Students incentives are papers (and the prestige that follows) and the machine is born.

Basically, the neoliberal project is moving the risk of research out of corporations and the public pays for it.

I have an lg tv that I route through a pihole that blocks most stuff. I wasn’t going to connect it to the internet, but it had airplay support. I think I’m using this list:

I use as my interface for it and usually just look at the top 10 of the day.

I think this is very true. Your identity changes depending on who you’re around, and that’s fine. There’s a lot to about building identity, and it’s all about social acceptance within a group as foundational.

You need more info and the whole truth table. There’s a few functions of f(x,y) that would yield true when both x and y inputs are true. In general though, exclusive or (XOR) is common-use English “or”. Inclusive or (OR) is what you mention, and then the inverse of OR is NOR which may be what you are talking about or the inverse of XOR or XNOR or NORX depending on the textbook.

This is all digital logic stuff, and I’m not sure if logic involves in philosophy would use the same naming.