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Joined 1 years ago

the same fucking idiots that believe sky daddy made them through "intelligent design"

I chose engineering, and when I started I loved it, but eventually I ended up working in places I didn't like, on jobs that made me feel dirty, but now I don't know any other way to maintain the lifestyle I'm accustomed to.

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You new castlevania game was Bloodstained:Ritual of the Night, and it's amazing!

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automatic response, same as when someone says "how's it going" to a cashier, and the person responds "good". this interaction rarely means anything other than formality. The person asking doesn't usually want to know, and the person responding doesn't usually want to tell

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I feel like there's a collision of fetishes here about to start paying for your yarn habit.

Buy a laser printer. They've come down in price a ton and are so so so so so so so so so so much better than fucking ink jet printers. I'll never go back, and regret the years of anger and stress they caused me.

Brother printers are the best as well.

I got a Brother HL-3140CW and couldn't be happier. Also just works with Linux.

One that I didn't see on here that I've added to my list

  • tldr
    • simplified man pages with common example commands.-

If on desktop

  • distro-box
  • yakuake

I got malware in my wetware and had to change my underwear

huh, I always felt it was kinda dead.

Fucking hell there's a lot of dedicated people here, or a lot of liars.

I've been unable to build any kind of oral hygiene routine my entire life. My parents were absentee parents so I never built the habit when I was young. I've had major bouts of depression my whole life, I was only recently diagnosed ADHD, and in general am shit at any routines, and on top of that I never have tooth/gum pain to remind me to brush and the dentist doesn't hurt/bother me. Even having been in the military didn't establish any kind of routine. But I've definitely paid for it. I don't know how many thousands of dollars worth of crowns I have, and I know it's just a matter of time before I have to pay for bridges/implants.

It literally just doesn't occur to me that it's a thing unless I am specifically reminded externally and do it immediately. I've tried reminder apps, notes on the bathroom mirror, Alexa reminders, but they all become background noise after a while.

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that movie is a god damned cinematic masterpiece. this is how I know rotten tomatoes is full of shit.

Diablo 3 was also the last game I pre-ordered. I took the day off work on release day, had the game downloaded, and spent the next 14 hours on an error screen because their servers were overloaded for an always online SINGLE PLAYER GAME!

Fucking bullshit.

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This was my immediate thought as well. Easily in my top 5 movies.

Also Bomb Rush Cyberfunk just came out and it's an amazing homage to JSR. Highly recommend. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1353230/Bomb_Rush_Cyberfunk/

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listen, i can get a burger for free out of dumpster, but I'd rather pay for one from the menu.

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yea, I did the same thing. Switch version is garbage. PC version is fantastic, and it runs great on the steam deck.

Agreed, although I was disappointed in the last one, but that's because Chronicles was my favorite, and I had hoped it would spawn a Star Wars-esque space opera like series. I was super invested in the world. We still never got to see the underverse! I get what happened with three. Two didn't do well enough to support the investment that a true sequel would require, so they tried to cater more towards the pitch black "space thriller" audience, but it just felt like they rewrote pitch black on another planet.

I do both. I use Obsidian to maintain lots of notes and links and such. But I also carry a fountain pen and a notebook in my pocket. I find when I write stuff down in there I tend to remember it more. I also carry an A5 notebook at work to take down work notes and track my todo's. More productive, looks better in meetings, and I'm less likely to get distracted by notifications or the draw of apps/social-media.

Lots of times I'll do a drawing of dimensions or an idea, then I'll take a picture of that and throw it in Obsidian later. Also if it's a note that I want to keep later I'll transcribe it into my digital notes.

I just enjoy the act of writing and getting to own a pen that I won't just lose or loan away. I'll also pick up old notebooks sometimes and be reminded of things I wanted to do or ideas I had that got missed, and the reminder is way more tangible and impacting that being reminded by found digital notes. It comes with the tactile memories as well.

yea, I love the hidden 8 bit levels and getting the pixelated items and such.

that is a fantastic build. and the wax lacing! It's such a lost art, but it works so damn well! Next PC build I do I'm lacing all of my cabling.

yea, they usually have a rectifier in it. All that is usually is a configuration of four diodes(a component that only lets current flow one direction) so it can take the alternating current(AC) and convert it to direct current(DC) and then a large capacitor to stabilize the rectified voltage.

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You can just tap the top comment of those song/pun chains to collapse the whole thing away. Works here too.

I personally finally made the fulltime switch in November 2021 after years of on again off again attempts. The one I was finally able to stick with was Endeavour OS with KDE desktop. It's basically just an arch distro with a good installer and som QoL apps. Easy to maintain and a good community if you need assistance.

And with the creation of Bottles running windows software has been surprisingly easy. I do some home studio recording and just got EZdrummer setup as a vst in Ardour, and it just works.

Block freely and block often.

Hard to remember because it was in 2000 on my gateway PC, but I remember trying to setup Gentoo and redhat and knoppix and failing miserably.

I use Feedly after Google reader died. Pretty much only use it for webcomics.

"City Morge. You stab 'em, we bag 'em."

Well I'm installing this as soon as I get home.

It is tragically.

huh, this is one of the features i switched to vivaldi for. edit: just saw the original comment about vivaldi not on linux. That's weird since I'm typing this on vivadli in linux.

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Dogs are for people that don't feel content unless something desperately needs their attention or it will die. Codependent narcissists.

I like dogs like I like kids. They can be fun for a short bit, I like to be able to give them back when they get to needy and/or shit themselves.