Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸

@Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸@lemmy.world
2 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I'm pretty adorable, but I've seen some shit.


You slightly misquoted the next line of the article, but that's okay as I see it's not part of the direct quote

Remember when people were using allo and Google play music? Google doesn't.

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Oh really? I'll have to see if I can find how to do that so I can get off world

Headphone jack, bigger batteries, front facing speakers, SD card slot, IR blaster, magnetic field to let you use your credit cards at check out from your phone (MST) - THROUGH THE ACTUAL CARD READER SO THEY DIDN'T NEED GOOGLE/APPLE/SAMSUNG WALLET WHATEVER THE FUCK. I also agree that I miss the light too lol

That said, here's what I can't stand in newer phones: camera bumps. Unless you're a droid x or Nexus get that rocking on any flat service while I'm trying to type shit outta here. I don't give a shit about my cameras but if they need to be that fat and advanced, just make the rest of the phone that fat and give me the extra battery instead of making a tiny stovetop in the corner. Fuckin weird and dumb. Also camera cutouts in the screen, put that shit under the screen or set it next to a front facing speaker on the bezel. Also bezel-less phones, I know we're trying to fill our phones with screens but my fat palms don't care about that when I'm accidentally touching everything on the side while holding it

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This just blows my fucking mind. Same thing happened with Crunchyroll, apparently I could have been part of a class action lawsuit when it was found out that they were selling users data. But I didn't hear about it, didn't get any letters and didn't see the email. The date came and went. Because I didn't "take action" in time I apparently forfeit my right to my piece of the settlement AND to sue.

HOW THE FUCK IS THAT LEGAL. How can you make the least amount of effort to notify someone after illegally fucking up their life, then when they don't respond (because they didn't see the notification or whatever), say, "well legally that means they're ok with it, and can't do anything in the future"

What the fuck

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And that kid's name? Everyone Clapped.

First thing I said! Amy is the singer, the professor is the priest, and obviously either zoidberg or Hermes is ruby. Then bender should be gary oldmans character

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I seriously don't get why this can no longer be controlled by the user. I like my weather and music to be readily available, everything else can be killed

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Eyyyyyy got em

It's worse even, they couldn't afford the ship. They claimed the sale was taking too long, when they couldn't afford it, and another company bought it out from under them.

I don't like the sound of getting on with "productive uses" either though. I hope the entire thing is a catastrophic failure.

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For a 3 hour flight, with all the Passengers supporting him, after repeatedly asking for water. Fuck this headline and the airline, I'd do the same thing

If you can't handle the jokes and criticism that comes with making a shit game, then maybe don't shit out a shitty dlc in 18 months and sell it as its own standalone game with a full price tag? I think the game awards would be way more interesting and funny if a little more roasting happened towards the companies and games that deserve it

I agree with this sentiment for every corporation. WAY TOO OFTEN are people wronged, with life consequences, and they aren't taken care of and the company gets a slap on the wrist.

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Haven't tried worlds yet but wilds is a masterpiece that blew my mind and ruined other games for me. Might be my top game of all time.

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But.... it's charging?? Why did you charge it PAST 69?

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What if the company wasn't trying to get you to rent the car? What if they tried REALLY hard to get you to think you were buying the car, but once you "bought" it, they start crippling things and telling you you can't fix it yourself but instead need to pay exorbitant prices for them to "upgrade" it, since, now that you've "bought" it, you don't technically "own" it

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I've unfortunately found myself back on reddit here and there for some niche communities, and also to just not be so depressed by the news, politics, and Linux that permeates EVERY FUCKING COMMUNITY regardless of the focus of that community. We all seriously need to branch out here a bit.

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Damn, Nintendo's going after everyone

Wait, you mean US corporations will take money to do questionable things? Surprised Pikachu face.

Maybe the US government shouldn't have set the precedent that that was EXPECTED AND ENCOURAGED

I've personally had a few terrible customer service experiences over the years, to the point that I stopped buying from them. I've had years of experience selling phones, applying screen protectors, and skins, and sometimes d brand sends you one that straight up doesn't fit. And even with pictures (I had one that was too small for the phone, hard to argue with that), they refuse to acknowledge it was the product's fault and refuse refunds.

I never got one but their airpods skin was ridiculous and close to impossible to install and they basically posted a snarky response saying how even though the product is perfect and the customers are all idiots, they'll try to make it easier to install for our tiny brains.

So I don't really care that they have an "attitude" with advertising. I care that that attitude also permeates throughout all customer service experiences, and that they have this idea that they can do no wrong to the point that they refuse refunds to people who deserve them.

So I'm not buying from them ever again, but I can't deny they have a case here. That's all I was saying, but the redditors yet again confuse the downvote button for the disagree button, but hey, they're probably also the ones defending d brand so no surprise there.

Looool look at this guy, he still has some faith left

I feel like half the time that doesn't work though :/

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My face unlocks my brother's phone lmao this isn't a good idea

Speak for yourself lol, I don't know any morons calling it anything BUT Twitter

Worst venn diagram ever.

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I don't listen to nearly as much music these days, YouTube music is so ass, I really miss gpm. YouTube can't even get notifications right, like I get a notification that a band I like released a new album or something so I tap it........ and it just fuckin opens the home page of the app??? EVERY SINGLE TIME. How do you fuck up even the most basic feature of the notifications?!?!

The "radio" always brings me back to the same shit that's playing on the actual radio, regardless of me playing the radio based off of bluegrass or fuckin clown techno idfk it will play imagine dragons and blinding lights shit eventually, guaranteed. The algorithms are actually dumpster fires.

Probably around 60% of the roughly 20,000 songs I uploaded (I think that was the limit) didn't get transferred over and are just gone. Thanks Google.

Also even though the notifications don't work, it is nice to know when your favorite artists release something new. Gpm was great about this, ytm seems to think I want the hottest vevo shit

Also who the fuck ever thought it was a good idea to use the music video versions for songs instead of the song version, when we're in the music app, should be fired into the sun. They're probably the same person that originally synced your video and music "histories," skewing your YouTube algorithm entirely so your homepage would suggest nothing but music videos

Seriously, what a shitshow of an app, but that's where most of Google is headed these days

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Download the roms of not your games too!

Yep, this is now the 2nd time I'm hoping it stays cancelled

Learn how parentheses work.

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I personally loved the lockdowns

So what does this mean for Trump, does he go to jail? Have to pay some money? Can he still run for president?

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How do you milk a fridge?

They definitely don't look the same, but they certainly both look like shit

Before it was a single tap to turn Bluetooth on/off, and a tap+hold to open the Bluetooth settings (or any quick setting tile in your notification tray). Maybe you just didn't know about that feature but the old way was 100% better.

It might also be a good thing for you, because despite the existential dread it left me incredibly hopeful and put things into a new perspective. Maybe others could chime in but for me it was an emotionally rewarding experience.

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The one with the clock better have a moving clock otherwise I hate it. Static clocks should never be part of a wallpaper.

If your partner knows about it and is ok with it? No. In any other context? Yes.

If you're keeping this from your partner, the fact that it's not recognizable/traceable doesn't make it better, it just means you know what you're doing is wrong and you're taking steps not to get caught.

If you're serious about this question, you should not be in a relationship. Regardless of whether it was you or your partner doing it, if it was hidden from the other person, it's cheating.

They know they don't need to, it sends the message perfectly.