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Joined 1 years ago

Plus people commuting less = less pollution and less congestion.

Good for people, good for the planet, bad for profit for some.

Makes you wonder why the staff unionised in the first place. Sounds like they weren't being valued from the offset.

As the parent to a 5 year old, I feel this sooooo much.

I'm having to change my "just-a-second", as she takes it literally - a second is counted. I now say just-a-minute. Frozen got it bang on when Anna says "just give us a minute " and you can hear Olaf quietly start counting to 60.

This is it.

I've had an awful experience recently with an ex-friend, caught having an "affair" with his 16yr old employee. He's mid 40s. Turns out, the only illegal part is that there's pictures. He can fuck girls still at school legally, but he can't send her or request any pictures. It's insane.

Another layer is that the age of consent rises 18, but ONLY if you're in a school, healthcare, care-taking, Religion or sports club setting. According to the law, being her Boss doesn't mean he's in a Position of Trust or a Position of Authority over her. Yet, he plainly is.

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My husband has ME/CFS, like the Physics Girl. It's an absolutely devastating illness. He was a very active 35 when he was told there's no cure, not even a treatment, and that pain/fatigue was his life now for the rest of his days.

We've been around this long enough to see promising drug/cure/treatment/diagnostic tests come and disappear, month after month, year after year. The influx of funding/awareness linked to Long Covid is incredibly welcome, but many instances are repeats of previous ME/CFS research, so it holds up previous findings but doesnt drive anything forward. There's not been any real progress in the last 2 years, and the funding/focus is waning. I may be jaded, but hopes are low. I also sincerely hope I'm wrong.

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I've edited all my posts to read

"Comment Removed - leaving Reddit due to API changes"

Deleting the account leaves up the content. Doing it this way is a little time consuming but it'll get the point across better

I hate to say it, but while hopeful, it's unlikely.

I've been around the CFS/ME community since my husband got it 6 years ago. There a small handful of people who have recovered, but generally they've been "misdiagnosed" with CFS and then correctly diagnosed/treated. The majority live with it for the rest of their lives. It's also why the life expectancy is only 50 - many simply cannot live with that level of pain/suffering day in, day out without any real hope of improvement/relief. Its a dreadful illness.

Oooh, that's fascinating

Please enlighten me

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Best news I've had all day.

Happy to see LJDawson rising from the Reddit shitshow.

Thanks! Tried the Google reverse image search to no joy.

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I did something similar to this yesterday, but with the comment "Comment Deleted - left Reddit due to API changes".

So far no roll-back, but I've been permabanned from r /news

Thats quite the photo.

Though the article does point out that they were nearly swallowed.

Luxembourg has a gay Prime Minister. While not Head of State because Lux still has a King, he is rather up there in terms of practicality.



Or Peaky Blinders

I'm conflicted.

Sad that all that development and fossil fuel usage will come to a rather nice and remote section of Scotland.

But would be cool to take my daughter to see a rocket launch.

Just subbed/posted

Replaced by whom?

I get that some people will step up into being Mods, but modding is hard and thankless work - I've done it a few times over the years.

There's always subs crying out for new Mods, so you'll end up scraping the barrel for Mods, then the quality will go down, people will get pissed off. With thousands of Subs suddenly needing modding, there's simply not enough volunteers to go around.

One of Reddits unsung resources was its army of Mods keeping the content of some quality (define that as you will). Reddit really is cutting its nose off right now.

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I'm trying to rebuild my sources after losing the useful ones on Reddit. Which ones in Lemmy/Kbin can you recommend?

Banana and Salad Cream sandwiches.

The Salad Cream adds a nice tangyness, you can tell yourself the banana makes it healthy, and you've got a proper student sandwich.

Works surprisingly well.

I feel that so much.

No bots. No companies or agendas. Too small to be interesting to them as yet. I like it.

The idea behind calling it CSAM is that "porn" has become synonymous with something desirable - foodporn, earthporn as examples.

Child porn needs to keep it's status as abhorrent, however the term is changing its nature (as language can).

Female here. Can touch ass but not all the way through to get a good wipe of both areas.

Ask me a month ago and it would've been Reddit Sync.

Now - WhatsApp, kbin, YouTube

Awww! Love their names!

I used to have 2 ferret boys, absolutely crazy adorable guys. Miss their antics and their endless energy.