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It is almost like natural monopolies, such as primary power generation and supply, should be under the control of the Government and not private individuals.

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I find it funny that everyone assumed they walked out over Gaza, while I assumed it was because Jerry Seinfeld isn't funny.

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At least he used an ally instead of an enemy as Reagan did.

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"Too Nazi" for the walmarts is a rather high bar.

Sign of anxiety, not necessarily ADHD.

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They lost so many users they needed the "engagement" numbers for the IPO so they opened the flood gate. Now they are stuck with an issue they can't fix without admitting the fraud.

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No, that isn't remotely what is happening. They rolled back price increases that were more than the public would accept.

It is a false positive as Googlie tries to find a way to detect and block adblockers on browsers they don't control. install ublock origin and it should solve the issue.

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Rhonda Santis needs to come out and admit it so the healing can begin.

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And instead they exhibited calm professional and actually useful behavior. Real World Professionalism VS Movie BS means no one needed to die.

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"I'm not gay, but" is the "I'm not racist, but" of sexuality.

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Isn't that how they knew Peter Pettigrew was dead as well? Remember how accurate that was.

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They all hope it'll end years of having to pay employees.

You shouldn't remember the ravings of idiot minds.

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Sub 20% turn out for under 30's in TX is more embarrassing.

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the gag order that in no way has shown consequence for his ignoring it.

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Where as,
youtube = googlie
google lens = googlie
telegram via web requires chromium api, so = googlie

Hmm, proprietary things that are totally under the control of the corpo in question run slower or not at all on the corpo's competitor's browser. I wonder if that isn't exactly what avoid a monoculture is all about preventing?

But what about their tax cuts for the wealthy? Are they safe?

Like all 'conservatives' it is the corruption that is the point.

How can you have a Trial when there are no charges? Submitting impeachment documents with the words "we don't like him" is at best a cry for help.

Translation, "You do all the heavy lifting and then I'll jump in to enjoy the results while I complain about it."

Which is why the right work so hard to assure Gov. does not work.

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If only you could put linux on them so they get security updates and give those to poor kids. Shame that is not possible. /s

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It is called Money Laundering and is definitely not Legal. But is hard to prove because Shell Companies doing it and lying makes it very easy to accomplish.

So what? All Deutsche Bank did was front for Russian money laundering to 45. They would have done that regardless of what they were told.

They'll ban the known IPs of any well known VPN provider. It'll not really affect 90% of VPN users that are tech literate, but the 80% of the People that are Tech illiterate shall be punished and the Politicians shall pretend it works. This is how all the Countries blocking VPNs do it now.

God is omniscient and thus knew exactly what Lucifer would do. Angels don't have free will. Lucifer did exactly what God intended. God wanted Man to have free will. Free will requires the choice between good and evil. Man is the "bad guy" as well as the "good guy".

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And yet somehow we survived thousands of Years without them.

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Do not send a rude letter nor in fact say anything rude. It is fine to be honest but be professional. You never know where the People that read your note shall end up and in five Years they may be reviewing you for a position and the note may affect their decision.

Burning bridges may seem cathartic at the time but they are unlikely to lead to anything positive.

Pay and then install the pirated version to play without the overhead of garbage DRM.

The GQP held many, many hearings on Hillary Clinton's supposed crimes, released multiple reports with no evidence, and you'll notice Hillary Clinton isn't President. Why would they change when it worked?

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"Please let me flee and avoid the consequences as I am rich your Honor.", rich dude at trial.

You can judge a person by the company they choose to keep.

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Hmm, using threats of terrorism to terrorize on behalf of a Legally declared Insurrectionist. I think there is something someone is supposed to do about those things. Next, how the death threats in Colorado are bad for Biden.

You are simply wrong from the get go. This is the only way it'll ever get addressed, is 100% in the stated purpose of the Internet Archive, the dumb part isn't on the side of preservation efforts, there isn't a separate issue nor is there a separate copyright the publishers are the same with the exact same unsustainable arguments regardless of web page, code, or ebook.
You are making the same mistake made upon a lot of patents, assuming "but on a computer" is somehow transformative.

Oh, the Corpo whores in black robes get a say? What could go wrong?

"there is no technical difference between lakes and ponds, according to the National Park Service. While the distinction between lakes and ponds can be a bit blurry, there are some general guidelines. For example, if sunlight can reach the bottom of the entire body of water, it's generally considered a pond, according to the National Park Service. Conversely, if the body of water is deep enough in some places that sunlight cannot penetrate it, it's generally considered a lake.

When it comes to size, though, there are no exact guidelines. Ponds are generally smaller than lakes, but there's no universal standard. That means some things we call a pond might be considered a lake by some. And some lakes may be more pond-like to some people."


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Damage was done so they pretended to care about the truth.

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