
1 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I would love to know how many mods are no longer moderating, have reduced their moderating, or have left Reddit altogether after this whole situation.

I haven’t been on Reddit since the third party apps shut down, so I have no idea what’s going on over there now.

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But hey, they’re “leaders and stewards” of their communities now, and not the landed gentry!

The niche subs are the ones I’ve missed the most, honestly. There were some really great little communities on there!

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I felt like a Reddit old-timer and I have (had?) been on there 12 years, ha ha! Seventeen years is wild! I don’t have much enthusiasm for staying/going back, either.

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We have a literature community, but I would love a weekly “what are you reading?” or similar thread. I love seeing what other people are reading and sometimes find new books in those types of threads. Mostly I just want to talk about books, ha ha!

Really enjoyed his book as well. While all the tech stuff was cool, what really impressed me was how much he was able to do by just acting confident and working the people around him. Like calling up companies and asking for information (with just enough insider knowledge) and getting what he needed. The social aspect was really interesting to read about!

Thanks, as always, for the info!

It’s just crappy that good, ethical, quality clothes do cost a lot more. I absolutely understand why, but man does it suck for the average consumer nowadays.

I’ve been slowly upgrading and updating my wardrobe over the last couple of years, and I’ve bought a lot second hand and then been trying to put my money towards the most sustainable/ethical choices that I can when I buy new stuff. (And I realize that being able to do that is a luxury, too.)

At this rate there won’t be any mods left to respond to the admins’ feedback request!

For real on the joycons. I think I’m on my fourth set?

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Maxis was the one that came to mind for me, too! I played everything of theirs that I could get my hands on. Still playing The Sims after all these years!

Have a good week, everyone!

I would want to know how famous the murder/suicide was, which sounds super weird. But I wouldn’t want true crime junkies driving by my house to gawk at it if it was scene of a case that got a lot of publicity. Like the Amityville horror house, or something like that. But otherwise I don’t think it would bother me.

I’m on board with a whitelist if Beehaw wants to stay on Lemmy, too.

And if they move, I’ll just make a Lemmy account on a different instance or kbin or whatever to keep track of a few communities outside of Beehaw. I don’t think you can migrate your account, but I could definitely be mistaken about that (still figuring out this fediverse thing)!

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Thanks for always being so transparent with what’s going on with Beehaw! For my part the experience here has been great so far, and I appreciate the help I received when I reached out with an issue. It was above and beyond, really. I appreciate that Beehaw has different values than reddit, and look forward to seeing how this community develops. Please take care and don’t burn yourselves out!

How are we already in the second half of February? Has this month absolutely flown by for anyone else?

Busy week coming up, but mostly with events and activities that I’m looking forward to. Hope everyone has a good week!

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Don’t ever stop talking to each other. It’s what the internet is really and truly for. Talk to each other and listen to each other. But don’t ever stop connecting.

Love this line. I’m so sick of and disillusioned with social media filled with ads, hate, and more ads; it’s good to remember that there are still people that want to talk and to seek out places to do that. What a prescient article, thanks for sharing!

Love seeing the results from the survey, and also love the word “beeple.”

So far so good! I completed my training to be a poll worker for the election in November, which I’m excited about! Also going on a quick vacation this weekend, which should be fun!

I started noticing a drop in the quality of some subs after the blackout, before the third party apps shut down, too. I suspect a lot more subs are that way now.

Me either. I’m a “normie,” I guess, and it feels unwelcoming and condescending.

The weekly “What are you playing?” thread, too!

Silent Hill was the first video game I really played all the way through on my own (and was also on the first console we ever owned). I had played Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, etc. at my friends’ houses, but that was the game that really started it all! I was already into horror stuff at that point, so it was right up my alley, though. I still think of Pyramid Head on foggy days.

Related, but PT was a fun experience when it first came out. Played it once on my own and then once with a group of friends!

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Answered! Thanks for taking the time to listen to our feedback!

This has been happening recently in my community, sadly.

One more turn…

…and it’s morning.

It’s only Monday, but so far getting things done this week.

Have a good week, everyone!

Still having a blast playing Baldur’s Gate 3! I just made it to Act 3 and there have been some very unexpected events (don’t know how to do spoiler tags) ha ha! It’s been quite an adventure so far; I’m already planning another playthrough!

Also thinking of doing another run of Fire Emblem: Three Houses to complete the house I haven’t aligned with yet.

Love Darn Tough socks, would definitely recommend them! I haven’t had the chance to use their guarantee yet because my socks have held up well, but I’ve heard good things and that they actually do honor it!

I’m really enjoying the vibe of Lemmy so far! Still figuring out how to effectively discover communities on other instances, but I’ll get there eventually.

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I relate to this a lot. I was on Reddit for over a decade, too, when I left after the third-party apps shut down. I loved a lot of the discussion over there (once I got away from some of the big subs and found smaller ones), and still kind of miss it. There really was a period of sadness when I left. I’m trying to be active over here to help these communities grow, but it’s hard to get back into it and be motivated sometimes.

A lot of the Zelda games, for me. I tried Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask and they were not my thing. A lot of people raved about those games but I couldn’t get into them. Then there were a couple on the DS that I couldn’t get into, either.

But then I found Wind Waker and absolutely loved it, and then loved Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (so far), too!

Love Stardew Valley and I’m excited to see the new stuff, even though I haven’t even finished everything new from 1.5! I’m always in awe of how much time and effort he has put into this game and how much he continues to put into it!

Agreed! I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by being defederated from whoever we’re defederated from. I would definitely check out wherever Beehaw moved to, if it came to that.

Thanks to the Beehaw team and all your hard work!

I’ll definitely be picking up Haunted Chocolatier on release day, whenever that ends up being!

Related, but has anyone else noticed the “default” tip amounts (on registers and such) are higher now, too? In the past I would see 15-18-20% as kind of the standard options, and now I don’t seem to see anything lower than 20% on those preset options. I saw one the other day that had 35% as a default option.

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So far so good! Hope everyone has a good week!

For now I’m enjoying the early-stages, slow pace here. It feels like Beehaw has a lot of good potential. In the meantime, I’m just commenting and trying to be active in discussions. Eventually the culture will emerge and mature and then we’ll be longing for the good ol’ days when it was new.

Hope everyone has a good week!