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Joined 1 years ago

"We apologize for the confusion" is the "I'm sorry you're angry" of corporate communication.

Here's the thing. Her business isn't real. There is no "wedding website" business model and the person she alleged asked her to make a website for his gay wedding is straight and has been married to a woman for 15 years. This entire sham business exists for the sole purpose to get the court to rule against Colorado's anti-discrimination laws.

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Even if they are not currently lying and have the magical ability to determine the exact number of installs. They have shown that they will arbitrarily change their pricing structure. There is no way they can be trusted. Anyone who can move their project to a new engine would be wise to do so.

Because the mod itself is intended as a form of political grandstanding. So that bigots can download it thousands of times and then hold it up and say 'look how many people are modding the woke out of BG3' in an attempt to discourage inclusive content in other titles.

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Interesting that bigots are so insecure in their bigotry that they require it to be externally validated. How pitiful.

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It sounds like you're a little bit into it. If at this point you are not curious about the Nomai or why you keep dying and finding answers to those questions, then you should stop playing. The game might not be for you. Because it tells a non-linear story and if you don't care about the story then there's nothing there for you.

That being said, my experience with the game was heavily influenced by recent loss in my life and playing it helped me process my grief. Naturally that is a highly personal experience. But there was one point in particular where I read one bit of text and the realization of the implications just made me sit there and cry until I died.

But I was fully invested in the story. If that isn't important to you the gameplay alone isn't going to carry it.

I don't see how this isn't a brazen attempt to taint the jury pool. If he has evidence exonerating him he just needs to present it in court.

I don't think both of their egos would fit inside a cage.

It's the shadiest anti-cheat on the market with a very troubled history. It was enough on its own to make me reconsider buying the game.

Someone finally calculated the cost of legal challenges, I guess. While this certainly saves in developer costs in legal fees, I don't see why anyone would keep their projects in Unity under the new terms, charging a developer based on a metric disconnected from sales is always going to incur unacceptable risk unless the developer has really deep pockets.

Outer Wilds is top of my list for most profound video game experiences. I have never went from joy to thinking "Oh. Oh..." so fast in one game. Plus, the music and graphics are so well done and support the narrative themes and mood. Just a masterpiece game.

I'm so happy to have learned so much about the Fediverse and its communities in the past week. A big thanks to the admins and developers who have put in all the hard work.

I am cautiously hopeful for Life By You. My favorite thing in the Sims was to set up crazy soap opera dramas and see what happens, but Sims 4 sims are so docile and boring, it feels a lot more like just playing with dolls and decorating the house. I'm not judging if that's the part you like, but it's just not for me.

Pressure at those depths is terrifying, but at least there isn't any doubt of the outcome. Being lost with no evidence would be far harder on the families.

I feel bad for the three crew who were just doing their job.

It's not an exaggeration to say that millions, if not billions of people will die because of the actions of ExxonMobil. Those responsible should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

Same here; I used to be fluent, but lost it to disuse, it's been nice to brush out the lingual cobwebs.

I would describe myself as vegetarian but there is a wide variety of ways to be strict about it so it's almost a useless way to describe oneself. Personally, I avoid cheese because of rennet, wine because of eisenglass, I won't eat anything with gelatin, i avoid eggs unless they come from my friends who have chickens (because I know their chickens are well cared for). I end up being close to vegan but don't really feel like that label fits me because I'm sure I eat butter without realizing it, or other milk products which can end up in places you don't expect (milk is in tootsie rolls, for example).

On the other hand I know vegetarians who just avoid meat and are fine with chicken or beef stock or gelatin.

Why in the world would anyone want to stay on a site with people like that? Good riddance to that crowd. I understand that some people may be afraid of losing what they have in reddit and lash out at a perceived threat to that, but they just don't realize that they have already lost what made reddit special. It's never going back to what it once was and over time it will diminish further as more and more people get tired of the same low-effort commentary over and over again with fewer and more overworked moderators eventually closing communities because it's just not worth it anymore. It won't happen overnight, but slowly, unless spez decides to go full Elon on the site, which wouldn't surprise me.

Stick with the story through the end of Shadowbringers there is a good payoff.

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Such a great game too.

Respectfully, I disagree. If you are running a bar and a nazi comes in with all their nazi periphranalia and orders a drink and behaves. You still kick them out. Because if you don't the next time they will bring all their nazi friends and it will be much harder to kick them out and then your other patrons stop showing up because of all the nazis around and now you are running a nazi bar.

Ban hate trolls. Ban them immediately. Because if that content festers on the site it will be much harder to ban later.