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I'm in the income bracket described here (certainly not "wealthy") and while I wouldn't say i am struggling, I have had to cut down on some extraneous spending. Nothing like what most people are facing though.

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The district is extremely rural and Republican and the opposition to Boebert were unable to coalesce around any one candidate, thus splitting the slightly less crazy vote. Let's be clear here though, none of the other candidates were good picks either.

This makes me unreasonably angry. I used to have a Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula and they are super cool and delicate little things who do not want to hurt you (except mine thought my hand was another female spider and would rear up if I reached into her environment).

Anyway, Tarantulas are amazing and this woman is a psycho who should also be charged with animal cruelty.

Sorry, I absolutely did not mean to minimize the struggles of anyone else. So much of our situations are dependent on factors that just can't broadly apply across such a broadly defined demographic.

The only way Biden leaves the race is by his own choice. He can be cajoled to leave but the party isn't going to force him out. The question would be who would replace him and he would have a lot of say in that matter. I would say Harris and Newsome would be the two most likely picks. Personally, I think Newsome would be the right choice since he is corporate enough to please the neoiberals but forward on enough issues to not totally lose the progressives.

Yeah, at White Castle you have to at least use one of those tiny napkins to wipe up after.

To clarify, the material is engineered at Rice University, it's not made from grain.

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Why would he need to raise the money? He told the court he had $500M in liquid assets.

Could it be that he was being untruthful in his statement to the court? I think there is a word for that.

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It is ghoulish that this deeply personal information has to be made public just for this woman to get medical care that she always should have been able to get.

I hate to side with Disney, but this was clearly a case of a government retaliating against a company for making a political statement. This is literally what the First Amendment was written to prevent.

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Libs of TikTok is amplifying false accounts of furries biting and scratching students. It's just more fake outrage porn for right wing fantasists.

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How in the hell are there no criminal charges in this case? He died of dehydration in a jail that also denied him access to medical care. The coroner ruled it a homicide. People need to be charged in this death.

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He is such a casual bigot he can't possibly remember all the times he advocated for people to be locked up for daring to have consensual adult relationships. I mean, for me the day he lobbied the Supreme Court to take away my freedoms was a horrific affront to my welfare, but for him it was just Tuesday.

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These guys aren't physically repulsive, it's their shit personalities that keeps them from getting laid.

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"We are sorry you noticed, we didn't think anyone would read all that." -Adobe, probably

Advertisers should be held liable for malware delivered on their platforms. A big reason to block ads is to prevent these types of attacks.

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Not sure about hackers but it's kind of a meme among software developers that senior devs are more likely to be trans, furry or both.

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Politicians famously consider the opinions of people who don't vote. /s

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Optimistically, if we vote the Republicans into oblivion the Democrats will split into center-right and progressive parties.

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As an individual the single most important thing you can do is vote for leaders who will make the necessary policy changes to make a difference, assuming you live in a country where this is possible. You can try to lower your own carbon footprint, and that is laudable, but the only way to change this is with strict regulation of fossil fuels and investment in renewable energy and that requires collective action.

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Kind of a nice change of pace to see a closeted homophobe be a woman this time.

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I guarantee he is telling congressional Republicans to shut down the government so the economy takes a hit.

This woman is a psychopath.

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The worst is "high-efficiency seating" which is just a long table where you sit elbow to elbow with your colleagues and try to work. Even cubicles are too fancy for these companies.

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Let's see my list of anxiety:

  1. Climate Change
  2. The rise of fascism (and being in a marginalized group targeted by fascists)
  3. Inflation eating into my earnings and savings
  4. The entire marketplace being dominated by broken, fake or scam services and products.
  5. Pretty severe imposter syndrome and the related feeling that my job mobility is bad because I'm not valuable.
  6. Anxiety and ADD feeling worse than ever and having little hope to get help treating it.
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It doesn't make it warmer, it just gives you cancer.

Clemency is a useful tool, it just needs reform. Some states require it to go through a committee rather than just handing the power to a single official. There are probably other ways to curtail abuse as well.

He is also the most viciously antigay congressman as former lead counsel and spokesman for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian extremist legal group.

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That's the logical play, but they better get the aid up front because Johnson isn't trustworthy and obviously isn't in control of his own party.

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I went to a DoDDS school overseas and can confirm it was miles ahead of the public schools I went to in the US. The teachers were all well paid with a generous COLA. The school, while crowded, was in good shape.

The best thing though was that we had such high turnover year to year (about 30% of students changed each year) so there weren't a lot of cliques and most people were pretty inviting.

Oh and getting expelled would result in getting deported which kept a lot of problems at bay.

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His own health issues almost certainly played a factor there. He's 82 and clearly having some issues. I'm surprised he's even holding out until November.

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Nah, this is the feds. There is no parole in federal prison. And once he served the 9 years the USMC will get him since he was active duty at the time of the crime.

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I don't have any ethical issues with it, I just don't find meat appetizing anymore. I'm all for having the option for people who want it though.

What are you on about? Buck is criticizing Greene because she is threatening to oust Johnson for pushing to pass a Ukraine aid package. She is carrying water for the Kremlin.

Jordan taking control of the GOP leadership in the House demonstrates how dangerous the ideological extremism has become in the party. No longer can anyone hide behind the argument that the far right fascists make up only a fraction of the party when that fraction can seize control through pressure campaigns.

One might suspect such an "accidental" attack might discourage foreign aid workers from providing relief.

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I suspect his campaign will make every effort to avoid unscripted live forums throughout the election. It seems his mental state is deteriorating. I bet he will avoid debates during the general as well.

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I'm not convinced Paradox knows what they are doing as publisher. Millenia was similarly pushed out the door before it was ready (though in a better state than Cities: Skylines 2). And both games pushed out the door in the last week of the quarter in a transparent effort to boost their earnings. The shortsightedness of the publisher is now impacting their reputation in ways that will be hard to recover. I no longer consider buying Paradox published titles until they are at least a year old or have at least a few months of reviews showing they are solid (like AoW4).

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It's just a motte and bailey argument, we don't have to name things after Trump.

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The FBI has already issued cautions for domestic events. The state department only warns about issues abroad. This is in response to chatter, not a statement about how much safer the US is for LGBTQ people.