
14 Post – 480 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yes and no. The backplate was attached but broken, and I didn't realise that the broken piece was where the third screw for the hinge was.

In fairness to the manufacturer, this is a 7th gen i5, and it was doing great until my wife 'definitely didn't drop it' on the corner >.<

That was going to be its fate if I couldn't get the parts :)

I've managed to find a replacement base, as that was broken too, but not this part. It looks like I should be able to fix it with some epoxy though :)

Fair enough :)

She sounds similar to my mother. She's got a laptop that never moves too, but refuses to consider a desktop 🤷🏻‍♂️

In fairness to them, this is a Stonebook branded Clevo laptop, and it's a 7th gen i5, so it's been doing well :)

I've got to give them their dues, it's a Stonebook branded Clevo laptop, and it's a 7th gen i5, so it's lasted a long time. It seems to have been dropped onto its corner, which broke the base and weakened this part. Hopefully the epoxy will do it :)

This is years out of warranty, it's a 7th gen i5 :)

The photo is of the top part of the laptop base, so where the keyboard is, but from underneath. The base below it was already broken, which is what put the extra strain on the top.

As you say, I should be able to put some epoxy on and hold it together, as none of this needs to be removed again. I've got a new base coming, so as long as the pictured piece doesn't move, it should be fine :)

Stonebook branded Clevo laptop

Yep, it's the mounting point here. As someone pointed out below, the insert that holds the screw has ripped out of the plastic. The base of the laptop was already broken, so put extra pressure on this part.

I'm going to strip everything out and epoxy the inserts back in place, then epoxy over the bottom part of the hinge once the screws are in. The laptop should never need to be opened again, so a bit of overkill won't hurt here.

I'm going to try to loosen the hinge slightly too, but it looks like a pin design rather than a screw, so it might just be a case of cleaning and lubing it instead.

It's hard to see from this photo, but the area below the insert is quite thin. It's a bit wider than the screw, but with some supports. I don't know if there's enough to take a new insert.

My plan is to clean everything up, then epoxy the existing inserts in place, screw the hinge in, then put some epoxy around that too, leaving room for the other screws that come from the other side of the case.

Stonebook branded Clevo laptop. It's been a rock solid workhorse in all fairness, but seems to have been dropped onto the corner.

As far as I can see without stripping everything yet, it looks like it's a pin. I might just have to clean and lube it, and hope for the best.

It's a 7th gen i5, so I've definitely had my money's worth :)

I'm hoping that epoxy will be enough. I'm going to strip everything out, clean and lube the hinge, then epoxy that in and rebuild the rest around it. I've got a replacement base, as that was also broken, and as the laptop shouldn't need to be opened again, I'm hoping that it will hold :)

I've been looking at replacing the mounts with brass ones, but as it's an old laptop, I should be able to get a replacement case for around £40. I don't really want to spend any more, but if I can get the case I'm going to go down that route :)

Devices that you already own (PCs, smartphones, tablets, Fire TV devices, and smart TVs) can become your gaming devices, and Luna also supports peripherals that you already own, such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 controllers, and mouse + keyboard.

This is the part that interests me the most. I've got a handful of controllers that I've tried using with my phone in the past with not much luck. If they work with Luna, I've instantly got a decent library of games to play anywhere :)

Don't scare me, I haven't fixed it yet 😅

I was debating doing something similar, and putting it behind the TV to replace the Fire Stick, but I've found what looks like compatible plastics on ebay. My base has broken quite badly too, so replacing both is going to be my best bet.

Daft question, but have you tried ebay for the hinges, or a spares or repairs listing?

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The Realme photo looks fake. You just don't get that much light at night from a 30 second shot without a lot of post processing. You'd probably get blurry stars too, depending on your location.

It's great if you want to take photos of your friends at night, but if you're trying to get genuine photos of the stars, I wouldn't trust it.

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She got stressed by me clicking things constantly during the (remote) interviews.

What in the everloving fuck did she think was going to happen on a remote interview for an ADHD diagnosis!?

Don't feel any guilt for that. At all.

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That being said, I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy's comment nesting is excellent. It's very easy to follow conversations.

You could set that up on a lot of forums, you just had to select threaded view in the settings 👍

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If you're getting skidmarks, you're not cleaning yourself properly, no matter what you're using.

I'll second Mint. It's got a similar layout to Windows, so eases you in, and everything just works.

Nobody started bullshitting you, and everyone knew that you were using Linux. You started a post asking how to run repacks from Fit Girl on Linux, and when you were given an answer, you told the other person that they were wrong. The next comment explained in detail how to do it, including setting up winetricks, but you didn't respond to that.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing how to do something, or with asking for help, but don't accuse people of bullshitting you and not helping just because you don't understand the answer.

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You're lucky that you live close enough, or that you're not popping in on your dinner break, or on your way between jobs, and don't have time to nip home to pick up your ID.

Your lucky that you're not elderly or disabled and struggling to get to the polling station at all, never mind having the opportunity to get there and back easily.

I've got one of these for Photoshop. I've got the front wheel set up as normal, but the second wheel is set to change the brush size. It makes working much smoother, as I don't have to use the keyboard.

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You'd be surprised.

I personally know a guy who lives in Spain and owns a house in France, and he voted for Brexit. The stupidity here is ridiculous.

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Hobbies for beginners, if you want to take up knitting then start with a cheap kit and upgrade as you get more serious.

This is the big one. If you're starting a new hobby, it's easy to fall into the trap of buying loads of expensive kit because it's shiny and new. Buy the cheaper versions first and learn what you actually need. If you need to upgrade then, at least you know what to buy.

Obviously this doesn't apply to safety kit 👍

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I witnessed something like this once. I worked for a pawn shop, wiping and reinstalling Windows on computers they were selling, but occasionally working on one of the counters if they were short staffed.

One day a regular customer brought his PS2 in to trade, so it had to be tested first. The manager took it as a training moment for me and and a few others, and connected it to the main TVs around the store so that we could all see how he checked the system.

The customer had left a rather hardcore DVD in the drive and completely forgotten about it, until it started playing on the big screen, and everyone in the store learned about his preferences.

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While it sounds good on paper, in practice, they've screwed it up. They're putting the new speed limits in place on every 30mph road in Wales before they've put the public transport alternatives in place.

There's currently no reason for someone to switch to public transport, especially if the buses are going to be stuck at the same speed as the cars, but stopping regularly too. Our roads are too narrow to install bus lanes, and barely have enough room for single file traffic through lots of the towns and villages. The trains are being upgraded, but that's not scheduled to finish until at least next year, and at the moment they're slow and very unreliable. It feels like every week the trains are cancelled and an inadequate replacement bus service is put on.

I'm disabled, and have to travel from my town, Aberdare, to the main hospital in Cardiff, UHW, on a regular basis. If I had to leave now, it would take 42 minutes by car, or 2 hours and 6 minutes by public transport. The shortest journey is tomorrow morning and would take 1 hour and 31 minutes, more than double the time of the car journey. The closest inpatient hospital is 22 minutes by car, or over an hour by public transport. The difference the new speed limits are going to make is negligible compared to how slow public transport is here.

All this is going to do is annoy and upset people, and turn them off the idea of using public transport, and push a lot of people towards voting for the parties who were against this. Out of the main parties, that mainly seems to be the Conservatives, so that's going to be bad for all of us.

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That's the other side of the confusion. You build houses out of sticks and paper, and live in somewhere called Tornado Alley...

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Emojis evolved from the smileys we had in the late 90s, which were mostly yellow, but could be in various colours, like red for the angry face. Those smileys evolved from the text versions like these :) or :D

In fairness, if I was locked in a box all day, I wouldn't want to do coke either. Take the mice to a club and see if they stick to the sugar then ;)

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With my luck I'd get stuck to a steel chair

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You literally said that they bullshitted you in this post, the one that you've just edited >.<

Using Wine, you should have been able to just run the game, that's the point. If you'd said that you'd tried that and it didn't work, then you would have got different answers.

Either way, good luck with the game 👍

You got the last part wrong. I tripped over it on the way home from the library...

Where does the training data come from to create indecent images of children?

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Ublock Origin does nothing to stop Google's sponsored results, or SEO optimised articles which are barely disguised ads :(

toilet flushes

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I imagine you already know, but be sure that you're saying that the street sign doesn't exist, and not the street itself 👍

First of all, it gets easier. Even if nothing else changes, once she can start doing things for herself, you automatically get a bit of extra time. Once she can feed herself, you'll be able to eat breakfast at the same time, for example. It might not sound like much, but it makes a big difference.

I have to ask, what are you doing in the morning that takes over three hours? Not judging, but like the other poster said, you may be able to prep some of it the evening before and take the pressure off.

As far as breakfast and meds go, is there anything you do automatically in the morning? I tend to make myself a hot drink, so I put my meds and things next to the kettle, and I remember them because they're in front of me. Maybe doing something similar would help?

The most important thing is to try to take some of the pressure off though. Maybe put some snack bars in your coat that you wear to work, or in your desk. Put your daily meds in separate containers so that if you're rushing, you can take them with you?

My kid was quite active too, so we built a baby prison (not as bad as it sounds, honest!). We had a sort of extra long baby gate that formed a circle, and put some toys inside. This one was fairly small, so we only used it for when we had to do something that we couldn't do with a baby, like washing the dishes and cooking dinner. We also bought a paddling pool with inflatable sides, and put some thick blankets in the bottom. My kid couldn't climb out of it, so could play in it with their toys, but couldn't do anything that would hurt them. Not everyone likes the idea of things like these, but they kept my kid safe while we did things that had to get done, and it gave us the chance to relax a bit and stay sane.