
1 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I accidentally dropped the red pill. And took 17 blue pills...

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I don't think it would ever fly in Europe.

It does, or at least did. I'm in the UK, and it used to be fairly common. Over the last few years, maybe the last decade, more and more providers used the lack of tethering restrictions as an advertised feature to show that they were better than the competition.

Now that we've left the EU though, I wouldn't be surprised to see the restrictions come back. We've already lost free EU roaming on a lot of tariffs.

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You do realise that you're saying that piracy didn't work for you, so you went out and spent your money instead, yeah?

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Another reason on top of what's been mentioned already (although probably minor), is that out of the box, Firefox doesn't let you run multiple instances.

I've been learning to write a web app and updating websites, so have been using PortableApps to launch a second instance of Chrome to double check how everything looks when I'm not logged in. I tried switching to Firefox, but it wouldn't let me open the second instance, meaning that every time I wanted to check the site, I'd have to log out. I check them in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

I might be a niche case, but I'm already finding it really annoying. I can't imagine how much more frustrating it would be to try to write a browser that can't run at the same time as your preferred browser.

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As I understand it, which I'm not sure I do, the -arrs will automatically grab torrents. In my mind, this would eat up a TB pretty quickly.

You seem to be partly misunderstanding. They only grab what you tell them to, so they won't automatically fill your disks with random videos.

What they do is grab any movies or TV series that you specify, and give you the option to upgrade them to a file size and quality limit that you set. For example, you could tell them that movies can be a maximum of 10GB per file, and TV can be a maximum of 3GB, and that you'd prefer 4k.

There are profile options that let you grab any available copy of a video, and upgrade it as better versions come along.

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While the person you're replying to seems to be trolling, there is a legitimate argument that the BBC is influenced by the current government. The argument is that the current government has had a hand in appointing the current BBC director, and he's a member of the Conservative party or a donor.

I haven't looked into it for a while, so am not up to speed on the details, but if the detractors are correct, it's not a good look for the BBC.

I vaguely remember reading about that when I was younger. I don't know if it's true, but this is what I read.

The peasants and farmers were made to stand in the fields throwing stones at the sparrows, preventing them from landing. The thinking was that the sparrows would die from exhaustion, if they weren't killed by the stones.

What actually happened was that the existing crops were either trampled or broken by the stones, and as the farmers weren't working the fields, nothing grew the following year either.

Like I say, I have no idea whether it's true, or if it was just 80's anti communist propaganda, but it's stuck in my head ever since.

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The fact that it might stop some immigration is a small bonus to the tories. Their goal for a while now has been to strip our rights so they can grab more power and money.

The sad part is, all the brain dead little bigots will be cheering them on, and not even noticing that they're losing out.

Thanks for replying :)

This works because applications truly aren’t fully uninstalled from your device. They are just being uninstalled for the current user

This is what I mean by hiding them. It's essentially just removing the shortcuts. Can't they still be restored by an update this way?

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You shouldn't be asked for an account if you click the magnet button either. You might want to double check that you are on the right site.

This works if you signed in with your Microsoft account, are scrapping the old PC (or at least not using the copy of Windows), and are installing the same version of Windows on the new hardware.

During installation select the option for I have no activation key. Once Windows is installed, open settings and select the activate Windows option. Go through the activation troubleshooter and there's an option to transfer the key from an old installation. Select the correct one based on whatever you called the old installation, and you should be set.

There's lots of good advice in this thread, but there's no point in pirating a copy of Windows when you already own one.

I'm not sure to be honest, I'm still new to container tabs. I'll give it a try in the morning, thanks πŸ™‚

The Steam Deck works so well because the screen is only 720p, and even then people have complained about low framerates on some games. Scaling it up to 4k for a modern TV would drop the performance even more.

It looks like a great handheld, but I think trying to use it as a console wouldn't work.

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I thought the fuss was because of the apparent tracking, not the fact that it's a paid app?

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Off topic, but I read a book or short story once that was similar to your edit.

It followed a character who lived on a planet with a toxic atmosphere. At the end of every day, everyone would get into a personal chamber that took a complete copy of them, destroyed their body, then rebuilt it and added the memories back the next morning.

I can't remember if it was specified or implied, but the gist of it was that the machine ripped the body apart to the molecular level while the person was conscious, but the snapshot was taken before that, so no one remembered the pain.

A foldable flip phone would be much better than most of the book type foldables that seem to be the trend :)

Sorry, off topic, but do you have a link to the photo deduplication conversation please? I need to get mine sorted :)

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I wouldn't risk it in anything expensive. Get a card reader that leaves the micro SD sticking out a bit, and try accessing it with that. At least then if it jams, it's only the cheap reader that you've lost.

I don't remember the steps, but there used to be a way to do it through Calibre. You could download your library into the Kindle desktop program, run a DRM removal tool, and have them available through Calibre.

You might have had to remove the DRM through Calibre, I'm not sure. Hopefully this gives you somewhere to start though :)

Thanks for the reply :)

The PortableApps version is a separate installation of the program, so Firefox in this case, that's self contained so that it can be used on multiple computers from a removable device. The default profile should be completely unrelated to the fully installed Firefox's profile.

I've tried it on Linux too with an AppImage, but get the same result.

The humour in the first season can be a bit forced, and it can feel like they're stopping the show for the scheduled joke, but it's worth sticking with πŸ‘

Opening a twist off bottle top with your hands when everyone else thinks it's a normal bottle top is a good one for a quick laugh

If you're running the Folding@Home project through it, it might be worth looking at the Banano project. It runs the F@H program in the same way, but using credentials that they give you, and you get Banano as a reward.

On the one hand it's a cryptocurrency, so take it with a pinch of salt, but on the other hand you get it for doing what you're already doing.

If you're taking any other meds, speak to a doctor before you try it.

I have a chronic illness that led to organ transplantation, and cannabis would interfere with one of my rejection meds. That would have caused me much bigger problems than the pain that I was trying to stop.

Unfortunately, cannabis has an almost cult like mythology around it. There are lots of people who will tell you that it cures everything, from mild pain to every type of cancer, and will even clean and polish your car πŸ˜‰

I hope you find what you need. Good luck πŸ™‚

In all honesty, I didn't think of that πŸ™ˆ

Complete nonsense.

Before Brexit, we were the 5th wealthiest nation in the world. Even now we're still in the top ten. We can afford to feed and home our citizens and immigrants, but the government chooses not to.

Aren't doing terribly? Every one of them is overhanging the pavement.

I don't think every update would come with an updated version of every system app that would automatically get installed.

I think we're on the same page, but looking at it from different angles.

I've uninstalled updates and disabled the apps, but a system update restores them. I would imagine that disabling them with ADB would end up with the same result. Removing them with root should, in theory at least, remove them completely.

If I get more than five minutes to myself this weekend, I'll try the ADB method and see what happens πŸ‘


That's how it was advertised at the time. It may officially be the Mi 10t Lite, and the 5G was added to show the capabilities, but I don't know for sure.

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I'll look into it, thanks :)

I'm still trying them out, but if they work as advertised, then AppImages. That's mostly because I use my desktop and laptop pretty much equally, so being able to copy and AppImage from one to the other and keep going would be really handy.

On a similar note, if a computer dies, being able to just copy and paste them to a new computer, or run them from a portable drive would be great.

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I've noticed that a lot of the reasons to upgrade now are artificial. My wife dug out an old PC to use two monitors recently, but still does the same tasks that she was doing a decade ago. The computer is ridiculously slow though because of 'updates'.

Bog standard things like checking her emails and opening Word slow the computer for nothing. Even bare Windows runs slowly because of the graphics enhancements.

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How do you fit the kettle down the drain? ;)

Are the tracks incorrect as in the first track should be English but is the French track, or track one is labelled as English but is actually French?

If they're labelled correctly, your media player should be able to select your chosen language from the options, whichever order they're in. I think Plex does it.

If they're incorrectly labelled, there are tools that can fix them, but it's been years since I last used one. I think MakeMKV did it, but it was gui from what I remember.

Don't trust hacked software to protect you from hacked software.

The other one was very very underpowered so I threw CasaOS onto it

How did you get past the website? It's bloody awful :o

Joking aside though, I hadn't heard of CasaOS, so I just did a quick search. That website is awful on mobile. I swiped up, assuming that there was more than just the live demo link, but nothing happened for a while. Then, loads of content popped up at once and scrolled past >.<

I've sent it to myself to check out on the computer. Hopefully, if it does what it claims, it could resurrect an old laptop :)

Unfortunately it doesn't clear anything up. It's a m2007j17g, and some sites label it with the 5G, while some label it without. Xiaomi UK doesn't have any results for the model number, and lists both versions. The specs are pretty vague for both, saying things like one supports lpddr4 vs lpddr5

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Yeah, that would be my luck. I'm going to dig through the specs and try to find the difference, and go from there.

That's helpful, thanks :)

The fact that it might stop some immigration is a small bonus to the tories. Their goal for a while now has been to strip our rights so they can grab more power and money.

The sad part is, all the brain dead little bigots will be cheering them on, and not even noticing that they're losing out.