1 Post – 11 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There'd be a few times it would be really inconvenient.

For example some concerts only allow tickets from the Ticketmaster app, not even a printed ticket. Though possibly showing the ticket on the laptop would work but then I'm not sure they'd let you bring a laptop into a concert.

Not the other poster but a Canadian too. It varies. To see my GP I can get an appointment within the week, usually same day, though most people here need to wait a couple weeks. Then there GP refers me to specialists, that's usually between 1-6 months wait.

Emergency yeah you are usually looking at 4 hours wait absolute minimum. Though you don't get charged for it at least. Though I guess it depends on severity, they will prioritize by how serious it is not by first arrival.

The other thing the other poster didn't mention is that medication is not covered so you have to pay full for that unless you have insurance. Also for some reason dental isn't covered at all without insurance (or I think recently for low income families but I'm not 100% sure if that's implemented yet or not)

You don't have to knead it? Whenever I try to make bread I find I'm kneading forever and it sticks to everything and I get flour all over then it turns out really dense.

4 more...

Ah! That's my problem, I wasn't using a machine! Just doing it by hand. Maybe I'll pick one up.

I had to use my email rather than username, though I'm aware not all instances require one.

Yeah most people I know that used signal stopped using it when they took this away.

Woah seriously for vasectomy? I'll want one in about a year should I try to get an appointment now? Though to be honest I wasn't sure if it'd be completely covered or not.

I have that and while it tastes good, some of it ends up airborne and I end up coughing or sneezing like crazy while eating it. Maybe I'm putting on too much?

f.lux kinda works but doesn't go all the way

Do you need two copies of the game for that?

Cool, thanks! I've signed up. Got James Brown Live at the Apollo as my first and I'm digging it so far.