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For what it's worth, I'd like to put my voice. Out here in support of defederating them.

Our goals and their goals are like parallel Lines, They'll never cross.

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This can of beans has become the most popular post, top quality content right here.

op does not work in a hospital.

I wager 70% of all crocs worn are hospital employees.

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LEOs exist as an enforcement arm of the state, one which universaly will always hold power over others, which can attract the wrong type of individuals to the profession. Furthermore, their interests are not your intrests.

Reform will not change that, cops and corruption are a trope as old as they've existed for.

Alternatively, you are armed and advocating for your own interests, its not that you will use the tool at your disposal, but a matter of having it.

Strongly disagree here, better to cast them down now while the chance is there. No mercy or quarter provided to Meta considering their track record.

If anyone is foolish enough to go there, let them, but do not drag us towards them.

Speaking as a hospital worker, in a hospital, wearing crocs. Doing a fast count in my department I see 12 pairs of crocs, among about 20-ish people.

What the fuck is a birkestock.

FTL: Faster than Light, and Into the Breach.

Both are fantastic and made by subset games. FTL the better of the two imo, but that's personal preference.

CDDA, Dwarf Fortress, and FTL all had a huge impact on the genera of Rougelike or free-form games, and all 3 have slight variations in the degrees of free-form game play which is very welcome.

Most rougelikes I enjoy have a set ending, that being death, or rarely triumph, and playing after either isn't possible or just not the point for me.

As for the most memorable moment? To set the stage, I was 13, playing FTL blind. I had made a few runs before it, but I had just reached sector 8, the federation base and the last stand for the federation against the rebels.

I had fought the flagship once before, so I knew it was a big-fuckoff flagship with multiple weapon systems, but I had died really quick.

I had my faithful burst lasers, Artemis missiles, and beam, and was charged and ready to take this ship down. And it was a slog of a fight, I lost a lot of ship HP, and was in the red from the flagship missile launcher.

But it died, as my final shot landed, I rejoiced as its left wing broke apart, until I realized the noise and flash of FTL. It escaped. It had multiple stages.

I resolved to chase it down and desteoy the ship once and for all, victory or death! I died to the supercharged drones in about 2 mins flat.

It was then I learned, you don't win FTL, you just do a little better every run. It still kills me on the harder starts with Captains Edition on.

When he was alive, TotalBiscut made an excellent video on it which does it far more justice than I can in text here.

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When I was a unit clerk for an ICU unit, I was taught an "optional" part of the job which was basically me billing patients for "missed" (doctor forgot to bill for, intentionally) services and procedures.

Suffice to say I intentionally didn't do that part of my job. Glad I'm off to x-ray where we've got 2 steps of detachment from that crap.

A Critical success, just shy of an overwhelming critical success.

Fantastic! Thats the same code on my luggage!

Doesn't even look like ECMO or a ventilator set up. Man is on high flow/bipap oxygen at most in that image.

Guys just got a baldurs gate style guardian and the nurses aren't having another spirit haunting the floor.

A green vote is a green vote.

A libertarian vote is a libertarian vote.

An independent vote is an indepdent vote.

How about we get better candidates from both mainstream parties if they actually want swing voters, rather than painting their opposition as a bunch of shitbags. (Mind you, both parties are shitbags who force unpopular policies).