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Joined 12 months ago

This has been known since 2017. It’s the ultranationalism and xenophobia that did it for me. When your followers call themselves “patriots,” you’re a fascist.


Interesting. Invoking God to ward off crazy. Like Reverse Uno.

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It’s an article about climate change, greenhouse gases, or global warming. I upvote.

Money and religious fundamentalist legislation. Same reason Viagra is covered by insurance but tampons can’t be supplied in schools.

Bees, everywhere.

It’s capitalism.

Bye, bye YouTube.

Why should I care if someone is a Trump voter? So I can hate them?During the course of a conversation you’ll begin to tell. Ask the bigger question. Why do Trump supporters exist?

Weird. I agree with West.

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Yeah, where video?

Not necessarily. Maybe Crimea. Russia has their military navy there. They only have 2 facing Europe/NATO .Asking them to give that up may be too much. If Mexico joined BRICS and China started placing weapons there, ya think America would be happy. That’s what is going on in Ukraine. I’m not defending Russia or Putin. I just understand that there’s a lot of geopoliticking going on that we aren’t privy to. If you were Russia, would you want NATO on your border. You can be against NATO and Putin. Not everything has to be a false dichotomy.

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Easier to be an American apologist. AmIrite?

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The guy that created this platform is a Marxist-Leninist, and has read some theory. His essays : Desalinnes.

Watched the interview again. Still agree with West. You are prioritizing land over lives. Should Russia have invaded. No. But here we are, and people are dying, homes lost. The alternative is to play this out. Where everyone loses, but America and NATO. If that’s the goal. Proceed. You want Russia to retreat and concede. Would NATO do that? The solution is concessions. Is it optimal? No. But again, the alternative is death and destruction.

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Faster than expected

Why wait until death?

When did we stop saying war and violence are bad?

NATO bad!

Guess I’m an idiot. And I vote.

West was prescribing a position based on a hypothetical situation where both sides choose diplomacy. That is what I agree with. That is not the current situation. Russia has said they do not seek diplomacy and Ukraine doesn’t want to concede land, so the hypothetical is irrelevant. If you don’t agree to the hypothetical diplomacy, due to historical precedence and speculation for the future, you’re condemning the region to war. Yes, Russia may continue and expand the war. But making geopolitical decisions based on fear and speculation is not the ideal position when lives are being lost daily. Do you want the war to stop? If you do, then Cornel West’s position of diplomacy is the best option.

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Upstream. The Socialist Program. Marx Madness. Refuse Fascism. If Books could kill. Best of the left.

Corporations are evil. Thanks for the article. Never heard of the New Lede.

Good video. Although I was distracted when reading about his illness. I’ve researched this somewhat recently and am understanding the reasoning for supporting NATO in Ukraine. I think the central dissonance is between comfort and change. I have no misconceptions about Putin/Russian imperialism and what their intent is. And for that matter, China. I also understand the goals of American / European imperialism. The consistency of capitalism. In that regard, Western imperialism is better because it is comfortable and what we know. But when analyzed from a global perspective, it is the greater evil, and needs to change. Niger is a current example. The greater left sees this in NATO and forms opinions accordingly. You can be against Russian aggression and NATO expansion. You can support Ukraine independence and be against capitalist imperialism. Those of us voicing opinions against NATO aren’t necessarily pro Russia/ Putin.

Everyone has bad takes. Take the good from it and leave the bad. Like tankies or not, but they tend to know more theory then the average socialist. I listen to Vaush, he has some good takes, but he’s also pro NATO, which is no bueno for me.

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I’m down for that.

They were all liberals. Source: Vaush

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Do you think they do the same with world politics?

I don’t feel like debunking this crap, but you’re wrong and placing the blame on individuals.

You have such a limited understanding of everything you profess to know about. It’s disheartening. Read Marx. Read Kropotkin. Read Lenin. Read Mao. These people aren’t the demons capitalist want you to see them as. They weren’t perfect either. But reading The NY Times, Washington Post, Forbes, and Wall Street Journal aren’t gonna give you the full understanding of economics. Socialism can work, but capitalism won’t let it.