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Joined 1 months ago

For some reason the phrase "thought experiment" makes me want to beat the shit out of the person who said it.

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Anti-isreal = jew hate? Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

And military pension.

edit I totally spaced on the orginal comment mentioning the military pension. No regrets.

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Expecting Republicans to be on the correct side of Isreal is legit the dumbest thing I've read all week.

"Some of the best players in the wnba could likely play in the NBA..."

As an avid NBA fan (occasionally watch wnba) this is absolutely not true. Golf, Nascar, Tennis, yeah. It's more likely to happen in the NFL than it is in the NBA though, because specialists positions like kicker. The NBA, players are required to play both offense and defense. For a woman to have both the pure athleticism to be competitive with the best 500 male basketball players in the world? Not an impossibility but she'd still likely be bench depth and seen as a pr motivated move. That level of nba player gets paid, maybe, 3x the top paid WNBA player but it's give and take with potential endorsements etc.

I legit think Sarah Palin was when the GOP jumped the shark.

It's totally unfair to use Caitlin Clark as an example of the pay disparity as well. She's a rookie on a pay scale. Her salary is less than half the average wnba salary. What's really crazy to me is that the average salary is about 150k with only one woman making over 250k. For the salaries to be that flat seems odd compared to other pro sports but it's just a part of the W having less revenue. Athletes have very strong unions also.

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I'm Burt Reynolds.

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You do know that professional sports is considered part of the entertainment industry, right? This is like you insisting that Margot Robbie and Christian Slater should be paid the same because they do the same job.

I seriously think his decision to brand it "x" was to protect the name "twitter" from his unpopularity and inevitably devaluation of the platform.

I tend to get a lot of pro wrestling recommendations too. It's a nostalgic fix for depression.

Roger Alies and Roger Stone were on the Nixon staff. Helll, even Eisenhower is mostly responsible for the GOP co-opting Christianity. Before that they leaned left cus of the charity and and helping the needy.

This is both comforting and incredibly morbid. Idk how to feel.

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I can't find anything about the debate rules, etc. Anyone know if its the same structure as the last debate?

yOu MeAn MoB rUlEs?!?1?

Because it is established by a state law.

Yep, this is perfect. And if anyone who takes this goofball seriously (Rogan) might take a good long look in the mirror. Fucking empty headed dumb fucks.

I'm suicidal and I broke the internet plz find me.

Yes. I would love to hear her say, literally, "I heard everything you said but I didn't hear anything worth listening too. Anyway back on topic."

If I put my conspiracy hat on for a split second I want to say this is a machiavellian (sp?) move by the DNC. I'm reluctant to give them that much credit though.

Women are the same as the person who told you to be a lot of words in my mouth and I don't really open up like this

That's accurate.

I totally agree. His next primary should be hilarious lol

First car was a 93 Carolla named the rockolla. Then an 87 Supra turbo that looked like it was straight out of mad max. That was Facemelter. Then I had Gump, the no runner (a 4runner that was always breaking down) and then the station dragon. My current car is Beyonce.

Average NBA salary is about 10 million. So Wemby is getting paid like 120% the average in his league. Clark is getting about 50% the average in her league.

I love the perspective you have on this. Choosing Walz definitely increases my confidence in Kamalas decision making.

Villifing the "other" is throwing red meat to the base. It's an easy sell to the ignorant. And also the very first target of the Nazis. Trans people are the lowest hanging fruit for the mental midgets that make up the maga base.

Democrats need to learn something though, because when trump is, finally, irrelevant there will be a vacuum. I don't think it's hard to make an appeal if you look at Bernie sanders crossover appeal and the mistakes of the Clinton's.

Clinton's are called "third way democrats" designed to win back some "Reagan democrats". Economic policies that are very similar to conservatives while relying on social justice issues for their legitimacy among the base fron the left. That left literally zero benefit and minimal consideration for working class and rural whites. It's also why I love the pick of Walz, he speaks to this voting bloc very effectively and the way Kamala is handling the campaign, specifically shutting down the "lock him up" chants makes me think that dems are on this wavelength also.

The case that needs to be made is something I've best heard described by MLK (I've also heard Bernie echo the same term) as "Economic Justice". Which is basically Marxist class theories and the money aspect of "all of God's children, being free at last." regardless of race. Being able to judo the "out of touch liberal elites" developed under the concept of Clinton democrats into "out of touch billionaire weirdos" of Trump, Vance and Musk is something the DNC should really focus on. Easier said than done though, those weirdos have infinite firehoses of infinite bullshit.

You missed the entire point of what I said. The "lowest" the left went is an obvious joke, which is the oranges. MTG calling dems pedophiles is the fucking pine cones. They are NOT similar, at all. It is not something that can br used to measure a god damned thing. Don't be obtuse because you have a bad take on an issue, it's a bad look.

And anyone who thinks someone would write about fucking couches in a grift book to Bible thumper is a fucking idiot. That is not believable.

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This is totally harmless and a total tounge in cheek reference to the only talking points MAGA can come up with. MTG says Democrats are pedophiles on the floor of congress, lefties are saying JD fucks couches on Twitter. There's apples and oranges but this is oranges and pine cones and also helps lighten the mood overall which helps voter engagement and turnout.

But most importantly, fuck em.

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Lol k sounds like "internet people" do this a lot. I'm sure it's everyone else's fault you sweet, sweet summer child 🌼 🌞 🌼

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I made a choice to stop engaging. After this post I'll stick to it, i dont have the time today. Have fun with the final word on this, if you'd like. Your last statement and the importance of this to you is a clear demonstration of your ego and validates one if the first observations I made. Quoting myself:

"Don't be obtuse (maybe pedantic is a better term) because you have a bad take on this. It's a bad look."

Bye cutiepie

"I don't want to measure how decent I am by the shittiest benchmark conceivable, i.e. MTG."

Like 15 minutes ago goofball.

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