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Joined 1 years ago

The feeling that things might get better.

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A similar thing happened in my school with a card game called Euchre. Heaven forbid the students enjoy the small amount of time between bells or in a class once their work is complete.

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Not Australian, but looking through the proposal, it seemed pretty basic. It's pretty sad that even a relatively toothless measure like this couldn't pass. Though I'm definitely not throwing stones, I'm in America.

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Especially after he backtracked on the compromise with Biden and then loudly announced he would not concede anything to Dems. The guy went to Home Depot and bought the rope himself. Like, it wasn't going to end well for him either way, but it isn't sad. He constructed this situation, he shouldn't be surprised it blew up in his face.

A damn shame. KOTOR 1 & 2 are still, IMHO, one of the greatest Star Wars stories/experiences. I'd really love for something to revisit the time period.

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Just more enshittification. Glad I cancelled last month, you don't get to tell me who is or who isn't in my household.

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Only? The US accounts for 40% of all military spending in the world. We are at nearly 3 times second place, China, $876 billion to $290 billion. Considering the US has the most billionaires and compilation of billionaire wealth, I really don't think GDP is the great earmark you are portraying it as.

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To answer your question, most people aren't against age limits. But the elderly are the single strongest voting population and the people already in power won't do anything against their own interest without significant voter follow through.

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That's a wild question, cause for me and most of the people I know, a fantasy version of myself with double my income would mean not worrying about groceries, maybe a short trip out of the country once a year, being able to pay off debts, and affording some medical procedures that we've been putting off. Maybe saving some money so my kid isn't homeless in a few decades. Not some life of leisure.

To answer your question, though, it would be categorically worse.

"Reset the board!" 14 0 days since a classified document leak

Not an expert, but there is a lot less ground to legally challenge the partnership if a couple is married. If a couple isn't married and one of them suddenly dies without a will or some sort of similar situation, the deceased's family can fight for everything from how their funeral is executed, custody of children, or even control of finances. Obviously it would involve some sort of legal intervention, but marriage would supercede any familial relationships in most cases. I'm not sure how common it is, but I've definitely heard stories about this in gay relationships where estranged family ends up getting legal guardianship of children because the parents weren't officially married and one died.

I'm married and, though I don't think I can numerate all the ways, we are definitely more financially stable than we were when we were just dating. Even just the convenience of being able to do certain legal and medical stuff on my partner's behalf makes a big difference. And that's isn't to say it's for everyone, but it is worth investigating if you have specific concerns.

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I hope I have the wherewithal to maintain my convictions at that age. Perhaps that's naivete, but I never became conservative, either.

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Not a single gift, but my MIL has this obsession with keeping things "even" for the holidays so everyone receives the same number of gifts. This inevitable means that everyone receives a set quantity of filler gifts. So I get grouped in with my BILs, who are nice but we are different people. She'll split sock packs between us, bulky shirts that don't fit me, car and garage accessories that I have no use for, etc. I got a single roll of duct tape once. Not even good duct tape, a thin dollar-store roll. I've said so many times I don't need a pile of things to unwrap, that I'd be far happier with just one, thoughtful gift I could really use instead of having to haul a boxful of cheap useless things home. But nope, gotta get those numbers up.

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I'm from MI, nonreligious, and I live in an area with a decent Muslim population. This wasn't inevitable. There are a lot of places across the state, and across the country, that really rely on these sorts of coalitions of voters to stand against conservative strongholds. Religion aside, it's just a bad political move. They've splintered their supporters and really raises the question of if they can keep their gains. Really a damn shameful "cut off the nose to spite your face" situation.

This, the OGL, the Pinkerton incident, the continued decline in quality products. Talk about squandering the opportunity of a lifetime with the renaissance of D&D.

Who could blame the greatest minds from being entranced by a mysterious "X"?

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[7] Eh, it's not inactive. Not as active as reddit, sure. Just kind of a different pace.

I empathize with what you are saying, but the red wave didn't happen because a bunch of Republicans died from COVID and youth voters mobilized in big numbers. The best solution I see is, as someone else said, changing our voting system to ranked choice. It will create more freedom of choice, parties will have to develop stronger platforms, and it will be easier to stomp out fascists. And Biden has made some moves to help progressive causes, and there has been a lot of success on local and state levels. Even if that isn't satisfactory, the old guard is shuffling off slowly but surely. It is a miscarriage of democracy that Diane Feinstein still has a seat, and the politicing over filling her space is doubly shameful. I would certainly hope that establishment Dems know how fragile their voter coalition is, especially after losing Roe after decades of doing nothing to codify it. As much as it is fuck around/find out time for the GOP, it's put up or shut up time for Dems.

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Michigan, but I know what you mean.

From what I've read, biological parentage can get preference even if the child had been living in another household. You'd think what you said would be the case, but state legal opinions are not a thing I would be super trusting of if I were in that position given how our rights are in a precarious position, to say the least. IANAL, but everyone should write a will. That's better than letting lawyers and judges guess at what you want.

It's important to note that she didn't do it alone. There have been a lot of grassroots activists working diligently to combat the gerrymandering and to rouse usual nonvoters in conservative-leaning areas. Not taking anything away from Big Gretch, she's been doing really well, but it's a team effort that everyone can contribute to.

Friendly reminder that you don't need to buy WotC/Hasbro products to play 5e. The 5e publishing ecosystem is pretty strong and there are lots of options so that you don't have to get rid of your old books. Level Up Advanced 5e has free PDFs online of their whole books, but the books are fantastic quality. Tales of the Valiant is coming soon, and there is a huge catalog of Kobold Press content before that. And then there are hundreds of smaller presses that also support the ruleset. I haven't gotten any WotC products in years even before the OGL, mainly because quality seemed to be taking a turn, but there is still great content out there.

First these organizations will be stretched to breaking, then we will see a crime spike. It is the opposite of the crime drop decades after Roe. It seems obvious that unwanted children or families that just can't provide for children being forced to have them results in more problems. But the GQP thinks it's more important to punish and control women for daring to have sex than it is to make sure kids have a loving, stable environment. Pro-birth and nothing else, more meat for the machine.

Knowing how solid the indictment was, I'm curious what Smith might know but can't prove.

I don't play Magic, but that issue definitely overlaps with tabletop gaming. Early into my start into the hobby, I played in a public campaign at my FLGS and the whole table was kind of sad stereotypes. Thankfully on my way out that night, I met some other folks who were looking for another player in their private game and they were all more socially adept, sanitary, and welcoming.

Sweetened, doesn't particularly matter with what. Though I think my favorite has been a honey/citron/ginger tea from Costco. No caffeine, but the flavor was immaculate.

As a former librarian and bookseller, never trust that any rightwing political book (or "history " book) is an actual best seller. Their audience is too cheap to buy and hates libraries too much to borrow in big numbers.

I agree, but there is definitely a limit to the degree of frivolous side quests. I'm playing TotK here and there, and some of the quests/objectives are basically punishment. I liked the koroks in BotW, but a lot of the new ones can fuck right off.

On a whim, I decided to start a Total War Empire campaign as Poland-Lithuania. I saw a meme about playing games in your Steam library instead of buying something on sale, and I felt justifiably attacked.

It is a fair criticism. There is a limited number of historical conflicts/periods with multiple factions, large troop structures, etc. Do they continue to refine past entries or explore more into fiction and mythology? Personally, I'd love to see a more finely polished Medieval, but I think it is more likely that they will follow the Warhammer model and do more licensed products.

Philosophy Tube's most recent episode explains "austerity" in the context of the UK's public services and I gotta say, what an absolutely dumb shit, quintessentially British way to cannibalize your own society.

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Well, hell is supposed to be forever. Eventually the liquid piss would evaporate, leaving behind solid compounds that, in my experience, would still smell quite bad. And then, she'd burst into flames again. Sounds like a win-win.

Definitely see what you saying. Some yellow flags in there, but it ultimately seems supportive of progressive, ethical moves by government. Demos seems to be very focused on this issue. As a Michigander, Big Gretch has been doing a great job and I'm really happy to see the state put its money where its mouth is.

Right, cause you can trust Todd and Bethesda. Honestly, their steady decline has turned me from a Bethesda fan into a real cynic. The cheap, fall apart merch from Fallout 4 and 76, paid mods, the utter mess and voracious monetization of 76, the treadmill of Skyrim releases, forcing their own broken launcher onto people and then decommissioning it, and that is saying nothing of the bugs and jank people have just come to expect. I was glued to my computer when Fallout 4 was announced, but Starfield was barely a blip for me, and the little I have seen is thoroughly unimpressive. Regardless of how it does, though, I'm sure plenty of folks will be lining up in 2032 for ES6: Skyrim 2 or whatever they come up with.

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If you haven't played the Robocop: Rogue City demo yet, you have 10 seconds to comply. Your move, creep.


I hope you are right. More end-user freedom is a good thing and, if it is a matter of turning the tide, I'd love to see more tech companies competing to be the most accessible for repairs.

Hijacking the thread to say, there are some dab attachments you can get for 510s. I got a freebie one from Ooze. It isn't perfect, but it's a nice option if the mood strikes me.

I gotta say, the turnaround of the Sonic franchise of game after game ranging from mediocre to downright broken, to where it is now has been amazing. Mania, Frontiers, a murder mystery? What a redemption.

I mostly vape now, since I have a kid and my partner is also sensitive to smells. However, my favorite is a stone bowl/wood stem pipe she bought me for father's day two years ago. It gives big wizard vibes and makes me slow down to enjoy the ritual of smoking.