I currently pay $130 for cable and internet with Verizon (was $115 but they raised it recently). Cable package is comparable to youtube tv and the internet is 90 up/down.
But I'm moving and if I want useful upload speeds from Comcast at the new place I need a package that's something like $200+ per month. I'm going with tmobile internet and YouTube tv since it's about $70 cheaper.
Personally, I'd love to just diitch cable. I only want it for hockey and I can get that with ESPN+ and a VPN. But my wife watches it quite bit. She's got a dozen shows on different cable channels she watches religiously.
It's an option because a majority of victims know their killers personally. Now, that may also mean it's scenario 2 or a family member or someone they had a bad business deal with or someone random. And I do take issue with the assumption that those two scenarios are the most likely. But it's not out of the question.