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Joined 12 months ago

"Rachel Powell, a woman who rawdogged her husband multiple times for the purpose of procreation, was found guilty today." doesn't have the same ring to it.

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Elon just wants everyone to think he's funny and smart.

Unfortunately he's so determined to be constantly visibly online it's completely shattered that illusion.

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In case anyone is looking for a recommendation, I started using Obsidian for taking notes recently. It creates markdown files which keeps things nice and clean and then I use Syncthing to sync my files rather than their paid sync option. If Obsidian ever enshitifies I can either use an old version of the application or switch to any other markdown editor.

I'm considering having some sort of nightly sync to a git repo as well for version control but that might be more complexity than I need.

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Mods might be a bunch of neckbeards, but it's better than being a bunch of corporate neckbeards.

You're working for the people who run the bots. Push the narrative and you'll get paid.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

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Modern hardware is likely exploitable by state actors via firmware/hardware vulnerabilities that can't be mitigated at a software level.

Biden was my last choice out of the field of Democrats heading into 2020, and yet I don't know what any other candidate would have done differently to achieve better results.

I'm voting for the record and the strategy more than the man himself. I wish things were different but it's hard to argue with the results considering the state of Congress and the courts.

I think Web 2.0 is coming to an end because we've seen a decade of web sites and services balloon to enormous sizes with absolutely no sustainable business model. They finally peaked with their userbase, there is nowhere else to grow. Now it's time to start making money. So how do you do that without ruining the experience and driving everyone off to the next big thing?

Not my problem I suppose.

I think there are both real and performative concerns being raised about Tik Tok as a platform.

Ideally the federal government shouldn't be deciding this sort of thing on a per-case basis at all. Pass actual data privacy legislation and force data collection to be transparent and potentially housed in US datacenters that are subject to US regulation. Then if Tik Tok can prove it's behaving responsibly it can continue to compete on an even playing field with other platforms.

Flatpaks are here to stay but they can exist alongside traditional packages.

Man you don't know how excited I am to finally catch you here in this thread. Seriously I've been trying to reach you for weeks. I don't know if you realize this but your car warranty has expired. There is still time to renew but if you've got a couple minutes I've got an opportunity that you really don't want to miss out on.

You might be technically correct but the distinction largely does not matter in terms of the West taking a hard line against military aggression in Eastern Europe.

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I'd recommend Duck DNS over Free DNS these days.

And Wireguard over OpenVPN.

But yes, this is the easiest free way to stand up a solid website. Only other thing I'd add is to put sites and services behind a reverse proxy. Typically I've used Nginx but I'm quickly becoming a Caddy convert.

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Don’t pay your taxes and you should be killed.

Only if you're a democrat. If you're a republican then not paying your taxes is patriotic and supportive of 'small government'.

I sharewared my firmware and got malware.

I should have learned Ansible earlier.

Docker compose helped me get started with containers but I kept having to push out new config files and manually cycle services. Now I have Ansible roles that can configure and deploy apps from scratch without me even needing to back up config files at all.

Most of my documentation has gone away entirely, I don't need to remember things when they are defined in code.

Ehhh, looking into this a bit it seems like "Astral Projection" and "Near Death Experiences" are paranormal explanations for a category of 'Out of Body Experiences' that aren't very well understood. I guess it's fine to say that those experiences are real, but those specific terms seem rooted in esotericism rather than science.

Emulating Switch games is pretty solid these days too if you have the hardware to run it.

I thought you were being intentionally obtuse but I see what you mean. Ukraine might not be a NATO member (yet), but that doesn't mean that NATO wants Russia grabbing land from democracies that act as a buffer between them and Russia.

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Tom is the real hero. Dude knows how to shut the fuck up.

I'm starting to think we just need to rebrand green energy projects to sound more like a tech concept to trick people into liking it more.

It's not solar, it's LightWave.

I couldn't avoid a smart TV without overpaying or compromising on features. I bought an LG but I blocked it from communicating over the WAN when it was clear there was no way to disable occasional 'notifications' advertising features or content I had no interest in.

Now I just turn it on/off with wake on LAN and get all my content through external hardware hooked up to an AVR.

Workers must choose which eccentric billionaire-run media platform to pledge their loyalty to, then they must never work in their chosen field again.

It's it's optional, what's the problem if I decline?

If it's not optional, don't we deserve to know more information about how this data is used and stored? It's clearly not just taking a picture.

Why does everyone think we are collectively too stupid to figure out how to use the internet? Like holy crap.

Normies are not very tech savvy and they are completely unwilling to deal with even the most minor inconveniences. Most people just want to open their mouth and have someone dump some internet in there. "Having to curate an experience" is not something many people are willing to do.

Cracking my legitimate copy of StarCraft just so I could play the game without the CD was how I started my piracy adventure.

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This is the biggest risk of centralized platforms in my opinion, it's too easy to get mysteriously banned and lose access to years worth of content with no recourse. Good luck getting a human customer service agent who is actually equipped to help you.

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I never really cared about them tacking on a bunch of useless shit on top of Reddit. As a third-party-app and old.reddit user I kind of figured that if they monitized that piece and let me hang out in the underbelly then it wasn't really a problem. Why not have the normies subsidize the denizens of the old reddit, it's not like we aren't using adblock anyway.

But now that they've killed off the API it's only a matter of time before the come for old.reddit so I'm out before they get around to it.

I'm seeing it from my own selfhosted Lemmy instance!

Too much resolution is confusing for my eyes. I need dithering and a max of 256 colors to truly enjoy television as intended.

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It's my understanding that this isn't possible. Migrating domains in Lemmy is not supported though it is possible with some very hacky solutions like you're describing. But the old domain needs to be retained indefinitely as a pointer to the new domain or it will break federation with other instances. If they lose control of the domain or can't keep it basically forever then federation will break. They can potentially migrate users and posts, but it is effectively like resetting and starting over as a new instance.

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Pretty funny but if you enter you actual password it will hide it. My pass is ************, which should show up as asterisks for you.

Try it out. Pretty cool security feature honestly.

Most of the hacky ways around it involve retaining ownership of the old domain and leaving it up indefinitely as a pointer to the new location. If your domain is taken from you though there is not much you can do.

Seriously dumb to have used this TLD considering there are a ton of choices these days.

I've started replacing my docker compose files with pure ansible that is the equivilent of doing docker run. My ansible playbooks look almost exactly like my compose file but they can also create folders, set config files or cycle services when configs are updated.

It's been a bit of a learning process but it's replaced a lot what was previously documentation with code instead.

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I think a combination of 3d animation and 'ai postprocessing' is probably the most effective result.

As much as I respect the rights of extras, they are expensive and easier to replace than lead actors. Disney already has things setup so extras never have to be on set with your lead actors, although you get a lot of backgrounds with 'people just walking back and forth with no purpose', but a bit more effort will mean those prefilmed backgrounds wont even require human actors, they barely do already.

It looks like some sort of issue with pict-rs, the image backend for Lemmy. I haven't paid enough attention to see which instances are having problems.

Does my user image show up? I'm hosting a tiny Lemmy instance just for myself.

Yes. It doesn't outright kill an instance, but it's definitely a major inconvenience and a learning opportunity.

I picked a domain by trying to figure out which top level domains were cheap and then just seeing what stupid stuff was available.

I'm now wondering what happens if the Mali government (or someone else) begins using those domains with their own lemmy instance, potentially with malicious content.

Would the instances they've federated with begin ingesting and serving that content automatically? Or would that be blocked due to key mismatch?

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Saying that you'd end a war by giving the aggressor everything they want is some real 10th dimensional Parcheesi.