1 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

She's so hot right now

Actually if you want a serious answer, I usually try to apply force as close to the hinge as possible when opening and closing the lid. This way the full length of the screen isn't acting as a lever multiplying the force on the relatively short span of the hinge mounting bracket.

I definitely agree this is too common a problem not to be by design.

Let the hate flow through you!

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I've been working on a fantastic response to this.

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It works just like updog

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Seems like the simplest solution would be to flood the existing pipes with liquid protons. The lead will be converted to gold. Any leftover protons will just combine with oxygen in the air and become water. Really pure water!

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The real crime here is $125 for bread and pasta..

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TesLax, the luxury laxative for your wallet

For many of these folks, it was the absolute pinnacle of their lives.. smh "Let's go streaking through the quad!" for old people..

Invite about a dozen friends/strangers/homeless over. Instruct them not to eat for at least eight hours beforehand. Also everyone brings dogs. Build a Jenga tower out of hot dogs on a smallish table of adequate height. Place dogs around the table in the "moat." Play Jenga with the hot dogs, consuming what is removed. If the tower collapses, the dogs attack the fallen food while everyone screams "meat feast" while downing shots. Person who broke the tower is dragged outside and beaten.

No big. Just run everything in compatibility mode and pick Windows 10 or 11.


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As you get older you care less and less what people think, and you get better and better at taking care of numero uno.

I invite you to stick around long enough to see that this is true, no matter how implausible it might seem right now.

She's not even that. She went full Nazi when she called for the culling of the American people. Gas chambers and concentration camps.

They're just gaming the system for more H1B's.

That whole antitrust thing was just the US gov't gaining leverage over MS. Once they got that, MS was forced to enable surveillance on their customers by the gov't. Now that they've "played ball" for all this time, they are being allowed to resume their previous activities.


Texas also sits next to a very warm body of water. Swimming in it is like bathing in a pool of hot sweat. The humidity is off the charts. I could get a general read on the comfort level by which direction the planes were landing and taking off. They always head into the wind. One direction meant high temps plus high humidity, and the other meant less off both due to a cool front blowing in from up north.

California has the opposite. Sure most of it is a desert, but the cool Pacific Ocean cools the air and contributes a lot less humidity.

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You know what? Chicken butt!

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Straight out of Reno 911

This has nothing to do with animals, and the incidents probably never even happened.

She is advocating for the return of concentration camps and gas chambers.

Just pour water on it. Stunt magnet destroyed!

This dude had his life ruined after being outed as a suspect without being charged. He was ultimately found to have had nothing to do with the bombing.

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Klaatu barada nikto!

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HP is responsible for PC LOAD LETTER.

Never forget..

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Stupid sexy Tinman.

You get a bonus?

All you can do since the sheep got that restraining order..

A semen sword would be too taxing?

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They can all go live at an airport where all stateless individuals are warehoused.

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Crash test dummies

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Looks more like a CD burner...

Calm down, Batman.. Police can hold someone for questioning for something like 48 hrs without charging them if they have probable cause. Something like that -- not a lawyer or criminal.

It was the first one, Alien, for me. I was maybe four. Nightmares didn't stop until my late twenties, but it's my favorite movie now. No movies scared me after that!

I see The Road primarily, but I could also give a nod to The Road Warrior..

b ear d

Next up: Jesus really was made of plastic.

In Algerian desert, desert bakes you!

Bethesda should redo Fallout 1 and 2 using the Genshin Impact engine and first-person view.

Cops do this to people they want gang raped in lockup. I'm willing to believe they did not intend to kill him. They're more into extended suffering not ending suffering.