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Joined 13 months ago

I, for one, trust hand written warnings from “Low Quality Facts” account

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All the protests will do nothing but drive traffic. Best response is no response.

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“No shit” we’re the first words in my head too. Will be buying electric in the summer and the list starts with anything-but-Tesla.

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This seems like a pretty significant achievement

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Nice feel good story reminding us that Steve Bannon is in serious legal trouble even though we don’t hear about it that much.

I know some will call this anti-democratic or communistic but the board was stacked with friends and family. It really wasn’t in the shareholders best interest even though they voted for it. It’s absurd sum as the judge said.

Don’t know this person and hope we don’t need to publish her name anymore. It’s exactly what she wants to happen.

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Production out pacing demand is a bad sign. Tesla has burned through all the early adopters (who are generally more forgiving) and they way more competition. They need to go after the early majority population.

Also, Elon is no longer charming. Like it or not it matters. No one can name a CEO of another car company so there less a 1:1 correlation between Elon alienating people and a brand.

And regarding the “hardly disastrous” metric, it only matters versus your competition because is measures relative performance to what was available. Taken on its own is meaningless.

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The left needs to stop believing that THIS TIME the MAGA followers will see the fraud. It will never happen. There is no house of flares related to his reputation. There is him (the victim truth teller) and the angry left who break laws to bring him down.

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Sorry for tagging a disgusting story to your post … but: Friend’s dog, off leash in the big city part found, rolled in and ate poo it found. Turns out it was a homeless man’s who was a drug addict. Dog started to OD. He carried to poo covered do to his car for a run to the vet but the dog vomited all over his back seat. Happy for his dog’s health but stuck cleaning homeless poo dog vomit out of his car. Again, really sorry!

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Elon will welcome him back with tears in his eyes

Favourite word in the English language: snarge.

If you are whale watching and get the most from a blow hole, know that you are being sneezed on and are covered in millions of bacteria

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To the down voters: the significance is Trumps words quickly become GOP dogma. With the steady drift right of the CEO of the worlds best known electric car maker this sets up a(nother) paradox for the right

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Jack Smith is who I wanted Robert Mueller to be

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Would love him doing a live stream at the same time, with the same rules, just to flex

AI has ruined me. Was looking for the subliminal “send nudes” in this picture

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Such an important note. Click bait articles stating trump did something bad, the left opens it up with indignation and wonder if THIS will be the moment THEY realize trump is a horrible person.

They. Don’t. Care.

The quicker the left understands that the better equipped they can be to beat out misinformation, target dollars and organize correctly to make a movement that matters.

Why? Is what they were missing from being a tolerant human a little advertising?

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Calling a Sarah Pailin 2.0

  • He leans towards aesthetic over skills in lawyers, press secretaries etc
  • He would be smart to pick someone young to counter age
  • would not want to be upstaged with a career politician who might have ambitions.

Looks like Wes Anderson’s dog

Judge should have mandated the legally less ambiguous 🍆💦 combo to agree to a contract

Picking your nose with your thumb. It’s still picking your nose!

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What a stupid comment

Not recognizable to me from his profile (Canada)

Who in their right mind would have gotten on a plane with that guy. It’s the same as standing between him and an open window

True! But I’m not under the illusion that I am in magical whale mist.

Elon pulling numbers (which happen to be what the markets want) out of thin site is nothing new. Delivery time of cyber truck? Price points?

He, like jobs before him, has morphed from a brilliant engineer to ruthless marketer. And like jobs before him justifies it versus his internal stunted moral compass

Appreciate him for fostering the electric car economy, admire his work ethic (space x), but hate the guy

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Should have clarified: in public. Trains, stop lights etc. nose picking is fine in private. Don’t want to see you rolling that booger

It’s our Pale Blue Dot

Seemed like he deserved it way sooner


TLD … click? It actually takes you to

I’m sure your grandparents are lovely. My thoughts were more with the decision makers from that era. How peace and acid translated into oppressive views of women

I know it’s an unfair comment to make but it’s in response to generic older generation pissing on the next, saying how things were better in their day.

The vast majority of boomers I’ve met have been kind. But there’s an element of the old men on tv victim blaming that got me thinking it’s a pattern from their idealized days when women “knew their place” and the “negro man” wasn’t so complainy

Maybe my shower thought was too harsh sounding.

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Totally agree but they would have been subsidized for anyone. It was Elon who did it

Reminder: I really hate him

But people saying that anyone could have done what he did IF they were born with money or IF government subsidies could somehow apply to them too. Plenty of born rich people out there who didn’t.

He’s a smart guy. Emotionally a child, sociopath and narcissist. But he actually deserves some credit.

This is the way

Including me

LOL Not me

What immediately comes to my mind is my “super party mix” mix tape so good on you

There’s so much context missing:

  • why’s is he eating breakfast?
  • what’s with the watches?
  • does he punch people with rings on or off?

Beat me to it