5 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeahno AI are very very VERY hackable we probably should NOT fuck around with using them as a centralized system.

Classic conservatives, conserving a status quo they do not comprehend.

Ya know if a company is gonna have you work from home they should be paying for your whole office set up :| desk, chair, monitors etc. At least the materials you need.

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The sewer dwellers REEEEE probably have done a lotta fucked up shit to people down there @_@ if they love the smell of human sewage.


Meanwhile in California it costs 100,000$ a year to house prisoners. Bad for the taxpayer, good for some... private interests @_@

pulls out ruler

:| man money has a way of fucking with peoples brains.

In Hamburgerland, we have the freedom to retardedly choose to use Freedom-units (TM) like feet & inches

10 more...

I've said it many times, I will say it again: IT WAS THOSE DAMN REPTILLIANZ

Feel there is too much pressure on researchers to produce results that are profitable vs what scientists are passionate about doing science on. As always, ALWAYS GOTTA THINK ABOUT THEM QUARTERLY PROFITS @_@

Sounds like some peace keepers need to come in and get these looters in order. I doubt they're going to be as economically productive as the people whose stuff they stole and drove away.

Praise our Lord Gaben (Daniel) may valve forever more be a private corporation fuck the stock market fuck you Logan Rosson & your brothers (market) effectiveness. Fyi they both live in Utah so gettem

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I wonder how trump would feel in solitary confinement for the rest of his life, never hearing another person's voice except his own until he dies. He deserves it. Not unusual punishment based off how other prisoners in Hamburgerland are treated. Even as his Alzheimers worsens.

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The definition of words are indeed, critical 👍

Well if they want people's data from having their app they should give heavily discounted tickets 👁️👁️👁️🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔🤔🫡🫡🫡🙄🙄🙄

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Some people don't live in reality. Crazy how effective propoganda these days can be

420 iq modern day strat. Holy shit. Hope they are politically active with their millions!

Ooo, super smart. Save on those Hamburgerland medical bills. Also was born in 1997 lawl (partial self doxx?)

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Hopefully people turn out in 2024 and stop us going down the 1930s Germany route..... my mother recently moved to Pennsylvania from a deep red state, and was saying that due to Bidens "corruption", she didnt think she would vote in 2024. Upon further questioning, my hyper conservative fundemantalist Christian uncle had been sending her news.

Hope my arguments convinced her otherwise, she detests Trump & the Republicans. Her vote DOES matter now. Have her set up with a variety of news websites & Firefox/ublock origin etc, and not "Townhall" garbage.

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Mm, I do appreciate your write up and viewpoint, however it does not address some of the details. One being the tampering of footage the night of his death, and if I recall correctly, one of the guards receiving a large payment. Among a myriad of other data points pointing towards sketch.

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If we had been 60,000 strong at Helmsdeep, Rohan would have fallen

Indeed. If I were a country on the front lines of ww3, I'd rather be a prepared WW2 Finland than a spit roasted WW2 Poland :|

But think of the c suite golden parachute damnit

Deeply appreciate you taking time out of your day to write an opinion on this (career related) news!:) you're doing your part.jpeg

Fuckin gottem m8

No, but they are doing the opposite of what is needed in this election cycle: hyping up the democratic base. The right stands together lock step and the left plays the no true Scotsman game

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Not til we got them sweet, sweet asteroid mineralz. Parties responsible for that will dictate the direction humanity goes, imo

I've been talking to an Israeli girl for the last few months... Interesting to see things from their perspective. Ya know, if I had to hide in shelters from rocket attacks almost everyday, witnessing a stabbing that happened right next to a date I was having, etc, I'd probably be pretty fucking jaded as well.

The recent pulling of UNWRA funding was pretty telling imo :/ what are you supposed to do as a state when you have a bunch of kids being radicalized by billionaires living in Qatar to kill Jews n that it would be an honorable death doing so..

This same girl was thankful for the illegal Israeli settlers in the west bank because they act as a buffer to keep the Israeli center safe as they pull ire to them vs where she lives. I know it is a talking point, but I'd be curious to hear y'all's answer on why the Egyptian border looks the way it does vs the Israeli one with Gaza.

Talking to this gal initially, I viewed it as trying to understand the perspective of a true believing Nazi German who happened to be ludicrously hot. The saying of "when you start into the abyss for too long, the abyss stares back" is too true >_< she calls the Palestinians rats quite frequently. I'm sad to say that hearing about her life, I've come to understand why she thinks the way she does. Even if I heavily disagree with a lot of her opinions and her fact checking.

Just yesterday I was talking to her about the tankboi killing those journalists in Lebanon. Her knee jerk reaction was that it was lies. Had to coax out of her which foreign media source she trusted based off what she had seen... It was fucking fox (of course). So I linked her a fox article about it, and it was quite entertaining feeling the gears turn.

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Good way to let people know their Pizza is hear. Maybe shoot at their lawn?

Let me clarify as in hamburgerland we have a duopoly: the American left vs Mr "just a dictator on day one" with project 2025 heritage foundation puppet strings

Aha, another Utahn lemmy connesiur in the wild. I've tried to convince many to make the transition, dunno if a single one actually has.

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Vaccine man from OPM was right. We need to put Saitama on trial

Thought so, I had just been out of town for that solar eclipse in Texas. Pretty wonky experience during totality, felt like the eye of God was looking at me and telepathy-ing me. I went to the EDM festival with a friend of mine that has been a pysche ward nurse in the past and she didn't say anything til I was home for a day. Good chance I didn't notice it until I was doing mania stuff and went "wat this rock".

M8, you're saying these things as if I'm not aware of the hypocrisy. Asking her why she disliked Netanyahu, and then her telling me he isn't extreme ENOUGH because he failed to protect them, yeahhhh. Then on being pressed for examples of historical leaders she thinks the leaders of Israel should emulate today, she sent me a link to one of the leaders of the Zionist movement before Israels founding who was... You guessed it... pretty terrorist-y in their behavior. The irony was not apparent to her, and the cognitive dissonance was palpable.

Asking her why I as a foreign national should give a flying fuck about Israeli hostages (she mentions them so much) compared to say Ukraine, she said I wouldn't get it as I'm not Israeli (tribalism much?), and that the hostages are going through so much suffering. I sent her a before and after of a Ukrainian pow from Mauripol... Still didn't care. Initially, I thought she was working for the IDF doing psyops, noooooope. She genuinely believes her governments propaganda and thinks the worlds media apparatus is just, lying all the time about what's happening.

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There is a lot to be angry over. A lot of her logic reminds me of a friend of mine who id known for 7 years who joined the navy recently. We had a falling out for a year, and when I started talking to him again, he had become pro life and "the civil war wasn't about slavery" sort of shit. THOSE "debates" kept me up at night for months thinking about them afterwards @_@ though, he shut the fuck up real quick about the civil war when I started linking Smithsonian articles about the Confederate declarations of Independence or w/e...

Specifically, WHY they were seceding. Then he just pivoted to abortion... Id murder a trillion clumps of cells in the womb to save or make better the life of one actual god damn human being :/

Well, you probably wont be getting a social security payout.

Anyone able to chime in on fileshare or w/e the crypto is that gives artists a cut per play? Has been a while since I've heard of it.

BUT... think about the PROOOfits