0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I sail the high seas of the Lemmyverse, posting snarky + Lefty comments

Have you used Firefox recently? There are a few chrome only sites but I've been daily driving it for a few months and it's mostly upside

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Fair enough, I capitulated and I use spotify for podcasts now

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Easy materials to get from your local 1st century hardware store

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Found the landlord / bootlicker

Ally, not queer myself but I am continually disappointed "Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minorities" (GSRM) has not caught on.

I think it

  • gets right to the heart of the issue

  • already communicates intersectionality

  • doesn't require new letters to keep being added

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Ouch owie my bones

Who is "we" and why do they get to decide whether other countries exist?

Rebecca Watson is a longtime Poster going back to the blog days. Her feminism and sardonic wit has sent many a "nice guy" into fits of rage

TL;DR: Build quality was absolute shit and it literally shook itself apart on takeoff, killing 1 pilot and injuring 4 others

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The blasphemy is strong with this one

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It's a reference to 1984


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Total guess but I imagine the increase in relative humidity impacts the combustion efficiency of the engine as well

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I definitely think queer is the only choice for a single broad word meant to convey EVERYTHING, and it's pretty much what we already all use when we don't want to say deep breath LGBTQIA+

Right!? I believe it has the hallmark repetitive blandness indicating AI wrote it (because oroboros)

It's not natively supported in Lemmy yet but lots of third party apps can. If you're on Android Sync and Connect both support it.

You're not wrong about the tankie thing, I'd say it's the major conflict in the "threadiverse" right now.

As you can see, I'm on on this account. The moderation of the server is definitely weird. Since it is the flagship server there's more diversity of thought than you would expect.

If you want to avoid the tankie trolling and brigading the instances you want to block are and

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I believe GP is being sarcastic friend

So...the US dollar is the world's "reserve currency". Most international trade is actually conducted in USD, and central banks have to hold billions of USD in reserve as part of their basic operations.

This gives the US two massive geopolitical advantages:

  • Because central banks like to hold their reserves in US Treasury bonds (which are considered safe but also pay interest) it artificially lowers the interest rate on those bonds. It's estimated this saves the US hundreds of billions of dollars annually in borrowing costs.

  • Unless you want to use literal truckloads of cash, the only way to obtain and hold USD is through the global dollar-denominated banking system, which itself MUST comply with US sanctions. In practice this means that the US can "sanction" individuals, companies and countries - and thus nearly freeze them out of global trade and finance.

I think it's best to see BRICS as a direct response to that reality. The more these countries trade with each other in their own currencies, the more they weaken "dollar supremacy".

Over time, (20 years?) I personally would predict that the effectiveness of the US sanctions will degrade to the point of irrelevance. You can already see this (IMO) in the "chip wars" and Huawei's "escape". I think the proportion of global trade denominated in dollars will steadily decline, and borrowing costs will start to normalize to the rest of the world, and possibly spike.

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I'm a dev but not very good at mobile.

I can promise you that a lot of engineering work went into making the tiktok scrolling experience so smooth. Part of the trick is having a good enough algorithm that the user wants to watch the majority of served videos.

Another huge part of it is having lightning fast content distribution and aggressive "prefetching" of the next videos in the feed.

I don't want to discourage you but I also don't want you to be caught off guard by the difficulty. Do you want to make this bad enough to give it your nights and weekends for a year?

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You're welcome!

So if you didn't care about having to wait for the video to buffer on every scroll, it becomes an easier problem. I kind of think that defeats the purpose of a tiktok-style interface though.

I agree that you wouldn't necessarily need to build a new algorithm, but like I said, it's part of the smooth scrolling magic

Well probably because:

  • Lemmy is explicitly a reddit clone
  • The vast majority of lemmy users are recent emigres from Reddit
  • Reddit is still much larger and more influential
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It's pretty standard to send keypresses to the backend before the user hits submit (otherwise search boxes couldn't do auto completion for example)

You could maybe write an extension that tries to detect the difference between this and a 'full submit' (and block those network requests) but I bet it would be very unreliable

It looks like this is the closest thing to what you are looking for.

No risk, no reward

There are actually anti-greenhouse gasses like SO₂ (of acid rain fame(!))

So both of

are alternative web front ends to lemmy. The former is more desktop oriented. I don't think Voyager supports it yet but they update at a breakneck pace.

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It's possible your posts could get boosted by new/all sorters and make it to hot/all even with no subscribers, but I would recommend trying to advertise the community and get subs first to improve your odds of growing your audience

Hello fellow traveler, have you heard of the federated Instagram alternative called Pixelfed? This crowd would probably be more likely to follow/boost you on there

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"Performance talent doesn't exist, also: Ayn Rand"

So are we doing pickles now on Lemmy?

I found this in the wastelands of Google:

I read the guide and it seems pretty solid.

If it is not x86 is it the Itanium ISA?

I don't know for sure but I know their moderation is dogshit. I think they don't want to face down the deluge of Nazis like we have had to here, they'd rather be a clique-y cool kids clubhouse of Twitter brainrot

ELI5: a database is the "memory" of a program.

Every piece of data that any software uses almost certainly comes from and goes to multiple databases.

Once the data is stored, you can execute "queries" to have powerful access to update many records at a time, read particular records based on their relationship to other records, and so much more.

Your bank balances, your purchase history, your emails, every part of your digital life is almost certainly spread across a constellation of databases.

Bonus Fediverse content:

Lemmy itself uses the Postgres database extensively. Posts, users, comments, votes and more are all individually stored in the database.

Mastodon also uses Postgres. If a post goes up on Lemmy, and a Mastodon server is federated with it, the Lemmy server will send out a HTTP request to the Mastodon server containing the contents of the post. The Mastodon server will use this information to write its own record of the post in its own database.

Regarding your question about VMs: You can run a database inside a VM, or give the VM access to an outside database via queries, or both! You might run SQLlite (a small and excellent embedded database) on the VM to track its local state, while also running queries against a large postgres database to synchronize with other services in the cluster.

You can tell this comm prioritizes high quality by the word "shit" in the name

I did a little research. It doesn't look like the scale of these efforts are large enough to show up in the graphs yet.

In other words, I think we are in the "hype" part of the adoption cycle of "dedolarization" - announcements and partnerships and symbolic gestures, but the hard work of actually accomplishing the change still lies ahead.

Let the FEDIVERSE flow through you!

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Standard Fruit Company

Fediverse people can be... territorial. I try to counteract it where I can, especially for newcomers. Welcome and you're welcome!

You're welcome! The explosion of great alternative frontends is one of my favorite things

Yeah, their whole schtick is pretty annoying