2 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Not sure either. Best guesses are a combination of elitism, ignorance, preconceptions, groupthink, and insincere memeing.

lol, blähaj - blåhaj's foul bachelor cousin.

(if you don't get it: ::: spoiler spoiler

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As someone who realized they are trans and therefore also gay within the past year...

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For what it's worth, you're far from running out the clock. If you're still in your 20s you have a lot of life left to live and are lucky you've figured this out as early as you have, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I don't know what you've already done, but one approach is to try less extreme measures first and ease into it a bit. Clothes, makeup, mannerisms, pronouns, etc. You could consider stopgap measures like focusing on hair loss prevention/restoration as a way to buy time and feel like you're doing something concrete while you sort your feelings out.

Some of these themes also touch on topics discussed in this post from a while back - you may find some of the discussion helpful:

EDIT: Forgot to specify; these are definitely common feelings, if my own experience and internet-binging results are any indication. You'll get through it. ❤️

EDIT2: lol, I didn't see who posted this until now. 😅😭🤣

This is for the fediverse as a whole, not just Lemmy. If you click through, there's a pie chart that shows the vast majority of users are on Mastodon. Lemmy only accounts for about 4% of these numbers.

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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Yeah, and I don't remember Half-life being the game that introduced the world to horse armor.

This checks out. I was cismale until I joined Lemmy and got hatched by the Blåhaj Zone. Now I can write sentences like the preceding one without even flinching.

There's really no substitute for reading the whole thing, but if you just want to know what it's about, it's a semi-autobiographical, semi-hypothetical account of what it looks like to grow up repressing your gender identity, particularly if you happen to be assigned male at birth and like women.

If that has been your experience, it's very likely to resonate. When I was still questioning, it felt so eerily familiar that it led me to frantically scour the internet for more information on the transgender experience until my egg finally cracked about 24 hours later (after many years of periodically peering around without really getting anywhere).

Falling in love, maybe.

That's because the FtM lads are all too busy chopping lumber and winning bread.

Love this text. Reading this is what started my final, frantic sprint towards hatching.

I haven't played it in years, but I remember getting really cozy vibes from "VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action". You basically just talk to customers and hear their stories while serving drinks. I didn't end up playing all the way to the end, but I remember it being really chill and laid back.

Come to think of it, since I didn't know I was trans back when I played it, I'm now wondering if some of the cozy vibes came from diffuse, unrecognized gender euphoria via the female protagonist. Been meaning to play it again to see how it strikes me now.

Actually, this is getting me kind of hype to play it; I think I'll fire it up.

Looks like Pixelfed is about 2%. Try Mastodon, I guess - it's listed as 72%.

EDIT: lol, I just did a quick search - apparently Instagram's monthly active user count is over two Billion. With a 'B'. Even with 10 million, it wouldn't compare.

Clicking through to the additional statistics is really interesting. The equivalent graph for Monthly Active Users shows a big bump in June/July 2023. That lines up with the reddit event, iirc. If those causality assumptions are accurate, it's neat how the numbers for total users is more affected by Twitter, but the numbers for active users is more affected by Reddit.

EDIT: nevermind, I didn't realize the timelines were different. The big Twitter exodus isn't actually in the second graph, so they can't be compared. It probably had a bigger impact there as well.

I like the sound of that! It's definitely on my list of priorities, but I haven't managed to start yet. Do you have any suggestions on the nature of the exercise? I struggle with energy and motivation, so keeping it simple and easy to implement is paramount. Planning to start simple with walking and stairs, then if/when I feel up to it, branch out into something basic like dumbbells or maybe novice yoga if that's safe to do without an instructor.

Even if it is that low in relative terms, your point probably still stands.

New gender goals just dropped.

I’m anti consumers (hate my self because I’m buying stuff theses times ofc XD)

Remember - gender dysphoria is a legitimate illness. That means whatever you're buying is medicine, so it doesn't count as consumerism. 😉 ❤️

I'm basically in the same boat, so take my input with a grain of salt. That said, from what I've read, it's important to avoid, or at least be careful with, guides that focus on muscle training. There are exercises out there that can apparently be harmful and cause injury. When I get started in earnest, I'm planning to begin with TransVoiceLessons on YouTube. The girl in those videos frequently makes the point that nothing in voice training should be painful or cause strain, which sounds sensible and encouraging to me. Of course, there will be muscle memory training - it's muscle strength training that can be problematic.

That might be off topic to your actual question, but I wanted to throw it out there just in case.

"mfw": am I a joke to you?

You've already got a ton of great advice, and it sounds like your next steps are lined up, so I'll just throw in some words of encouragement and further reading in case you're interested.

Since I had my moment of realization, the mindset I've tried to stick to is "the only way out is through." For me, at this point, that means transition, but it doesn't have to - that's up to you. The reason I bring it up is because it's very easy for this kind of thing to be derailed by the complexities, distractions, and dramatic events of regular life - especially if you turn out to be repressed and looking for excuses to kick the can down the road, like I was. You will likely benefit from sticking with it, in the sense of really engaging with this question and carrying through until you find a satisfying answer for yourself, whatever that answer will end up being. If you are transgender, delaying it will only mean coming back to it later in life, after having suffered needlessly. And if you're not, there's no harm in having taken the time to know yourself a bit better.

I'd also like to share some links that were instrumental to me getting through the questioning phase to the other side, in the order I encountered them.

Hope some of that helps, or is at least interesting.

I always got the sense that they were trying to promote sex positivity but didn't know how.

Oh, I thought that was the Enterprise Service Bus. Anyway, in principle, I agree segregation should be avoided, but it can help if they try to pile us all into a Full Stack.

Mostly the same for me. I'd still be open to it if it's convenient, DRM-free, and easy to back up somewhere, but far less likely to put effort into finding out.

The memes made me do it.

It's basically meat sauce between burger buns. I haven't had one in ages, but they would make frequent appearances in grade school cafeterias and other events involving large amounts of children needing to be fed with low effort. I remember quite liking them; it's basic, but great comfort food, and easy to eat.

I was reluctant to watch those at first, for the same reason, but at this point I enjoy making an evening of it.

It's definitely a one-piece swimsuit.

Thank you, this is all great. I'm definitely going to be exploring all aspects of transition to find out what sticks. This post was meant more for things that might otherwise catch me by surprise, directly from the hormones.

I really like that idea about tracking statistics and checking levels. Do you know a good resource for understanding what metrics to track in terms of hormones, and what levels I should be looking for and at what times? Suggestions on which specific measurements are best to track the effects on my body over time are also welcome. Hoping to hit a sweet spot where I'm not leaving out anything meaningful, but also not going overboard.

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Great tips, thanks. I knew about the TransVoiceLessons one, but I hadn't heard of the Seattle one before. I'll check it out!

Is that pronounced like the "ed" in a norse "edda" or like the "ed" in the garden of "Eden" (or some other way)?

Either way, I like it!

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It's like poetry; it rhymes.

I'll second this. Finding it in the sidebar was a great help when my egg finally shattered around six months ago.

I'm a bit late to this thread, but thought I'd chime in anyway in case you want to hear from someone else with some similar feelings. I'm also quite new to this - after years of wondering without believing, my egg finally broke about a month ago, and ever since then I've gone back and forth between conflicting moods. Sometimes I'm confident that this is an obvious truth that I should have seen at least ten years ago, and sometimes I end up feeling numb to it all and wondering if it was all some kind of dream or delusion.

For what it's worth, I've definitely found that the doubt is evaporating over time, and especially as I take proactive, gender-affirming actions and really allow myself to feel whatever I end up feeling as a result. It just doesn't make sense for the good things to feel this good or the bad things to feel this bad if it were from any other reason. It sounds like you're taking the same route, so I hope we'll both get to where we need to be sooner rather than later. ❤️

This last detail is a bit more personal, so I don't know how helpful it would be, but since poking a hole in my internal wall, I've also found music to be effective at cutting through my remaining psychological barriers and striking at my emotional core. Basically, if I hear song lyrics that relate in any way to my situation (even if it requires a twist of perspective), I turn into a blubbering mess. There's one song in particular that always seems to set me off, so I've occasionally gone out of my way to listen to it when I'm in a doubtful mood. It's hard to deny your feelings when you're bursting into tears. Maybe you've encountered something similar that you could use in the same way.

Hmm, looks like I've rambled for a bit longer than intended. Sorry if this essay was excessive! 😅

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For anyone who wants this same point made in more detail, Philosophy Tube has a great video on it.

I've experimented a bit with gaffs, but I ran into...ehrmm...logistical problems. Hoping HRT will help with that, actually. 😅

Definitely agree, though - they are well worth exploring more deeply.

Don't forget the part about curing covid-19 with bleach.

FWIW, I might have stayed oblivious of my own repressed gender identity for much longer if it wasn't for all the hate-mongering keeping the subject in the news and making it harder to stop thinking about. So that's at least one anecdotal example that fits such a trend.

Update: I was right, it's cozy as fuck.

Also, most of the game is just clicking through dialogue while enjoying synthwave music, which is great for letting your mind escape, but is not for everyone. I'm definitely enjoying it.