
1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The decline of American democracy.

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"...which they believed event organizers issued in accordance with Tennessee laws restricting certain books in schools."
Legal worries, I'm guessing.

It's an unfortunately common, bullshit move politicians pull, just to have something to hang over each other's heads in order to get what they want. Unfortunately, that has become totally ok in the eyes of Republican voters because it's often the only way for their reps to force through budget items that would otherwise never make it.

Either Russia pays better or they're just holding out hope that being contrarian to Democrats, regardless of the issue, will win them another term.

Eh, more like Trekkies are techies. I would consider myself somewhat of a techie, definitely nerdy, and very much into sci-fi, but I really don't give a shit about Star Trek. I've seen a lot of it, just because I've had a couple girlfriends that really enjoyed it, but otherwise I probably wouldn't have watched any after my childhood.
Now, if HBO were to do a hard R version, I'd probably get into it.

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This death is a tragedy. At the same time, I just don't care at this point, which is another tragedy. Israel has taken their revenge plot too far. They have turned the awful deaths of their people into the sad smoke of justification for a genocide that some of their citizens have been hoping and planning for. This is not the middle ages anymore. We know better. You know better. The fact that my government actively supports this breaks my heart all the more.

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Killing people is apparently 100% legal in the US as long as you use a car to do it are politically connected. Same as 90% of other countries, unfortunately.

Well, fuck you too, Jeff.

Dude. This is 2023. I'm sure they've already got a translator app that flips the words for them.

It's one chicken Michael, what could it cost, $800?

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This shit is fucking terrifying.

"...the way we hear ourselves?"

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You really need to read more and gain yourself some perspective on the way corporations are now structured to drain any and all value from users/customers and funnel it to (mainly the majority) shareholders, using any tactics that they Believe they can legally get away with. This includes lobbying (re: bribery) for legislation and/or legal decisions that work in their favor.

Was it not her in the truck then? I thought the family had positively identified her by her tattoos.Though, you really can't see much of them in the video that went viral.

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Seriously. What a dick of a human being.

It really is. Etsy too.

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I am so scared for my kid's future in this country. For now, I'm just really thankful that we live in a relatively safe area with mostly intelligent, non-evil leaders. Though even here, our school board elections this year had right-wing candidates with cookie-cutter talking points and websites.

This is actually what I expect the law enforcement NPCs in games like Thief and Cyberpunk to sound like.

Don't get a jeep! Ours developed a heart defect 2 weeks before we paid it off. Turns out, it's a known issue that Jeep just doesn't care about addressing because "loyal" owners will just replace it (meaning the whole engine), and often do.

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Why did you censor the other word, but not "cunt?"

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Well, that's simply not true. While that may be how they found the land for Central Park, that's not the reason why other cities haven't made large parks like in NYC.
Portland, OR has (I think) the second biggest inner-city park in the country, and I'm fairly sure no minority neighborhoods were destroyed to create it. Way to be edgy though.
As for answering OP's question... I'm guessing the property is just too valuable as commercial and residential land for the city governments to want to redesignate as parks. Especially now with the housing crisis and all.

No, you shouldn't.

And here we've all been doing it for free all along!

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Yeah, they may not be taking much ground back, but they're also not in danger of losing much external support yet, which is probably the only scenario where Zelenskiy would cave to Putin. From his comments, I'm guessing this is just a stalling tactic to help win back some eyes and ears.

Yeah, the American version of the Taliban isn't far off now.

Oh come on now people. That was kinda funny.

Cocaine. A red flag being your heart beating itself to death inside your chest.

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They will, they will just blame any/everyone else though.

Performative masculinity.

That's kind of a false equivalency though. Most laborers are not given any stock-based compensation, and those that are rarely given enough for it to make much of a difference in lives, if they're even employed there long enough to accrue much. If motivation and alignment of interests between shareholders and employees is actually their argument, shouldn't all employees be given similar stock-based compensation then? I don't believe that businesses should be based on shareholder value at all (let alone the fact that the stock and debt markets seem to run our entire economy now), but based on actual, delivered value of services or products to customers. The argument that shareholder value is more important than employee pay and benefits (or human/environmental/legal rights, as it actually plays out) just creates more ways for people to be exploited and held down.

God, I am so hard right now.

Linkypoo for those of us who might want one too?

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2024 is going to fucking suck.

Probably Excited Delirium

Fucking spot on, as usual.

Like Trump himself is gonna walk up to your house and try to arrest you, tough guy. He wouldn't even know your name. You'd just be another poor schmuck on a list getting their ass dragged off to jail by the cops or the feds. The truly scary part is that if it comes to that, no one would be able to help you. By that point, everyone will be too afraid of what is happening and/or completely powerless to do anything but quietly hope they're not next.

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So, the article didn't say... What kind of time is he looking at?

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I saw something weird like that in Portland once...
This was almost 10 years back, but it's still fairly vivid in my mind due to the apparent mysteriousness of the sighting.
It was a weekday morning, probably around 8, and I was driving home after my regular shift at the mortuary. There was a man walking on the sidewalk of a busy street in an upper-middle class neighborhood. He kinda stuck out because his outfit looked to be of high quality, expensive pieces, which kind of drew the eye, yet he also looked like a straight up Bond villain, with black pants, a black, leather, car coat type jacket, rolled-up stocking cap, and leather gloves, all topped off with Eastern European features on a serious looking face. He was also carrying full-size bolt cutters, which were tucked upwards under one arm, like he was trying to casually conceal them and hope no one noticed.
I obviously don't know why he was carrying bolt cutters down the street like that, but I figured parking sucks in PDX, and maybe he got stuck with a shitty spot around the block from where he was either delivering a much-need tool to a friend in a pinch or doing a B&E while hunting Jason Bourne.
I only saw him for about 10 seconds as I slowly passed by while driving and, ever since, he pops back up in my mind from time to time and frustrates my thoughts with a lack of closure as to what he was actually getting up to that morning.

Why the fuck would you hang out at WinCo foods in the middle of the night. Just get a fucking graveyard shift job.

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Why the shift, all of a sudden, from many news outlets to "Hamas-run health ministry"?