2 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Iā€™m all for watching Reddit reap what it sowed. They absolutely should be considered damaged goods at this point. But the ones that are really going to suffer are the mods that moderate critical subs such as r/suicide r/stopdrinking and r/auntienetwork. Spez didnā€™t even give one brain cell to think about the consequences of subs that provide valuable support to struggle people.

Really grinds my gears on that part alone.

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Fuck him and his stupid ass Reeseā€™s mug.

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Why? Why do care? What does anyone care if they want to get vaccinated or not? Donā€™t get it if you donā€™t want to. Donā€™t wear a mask if you donā€™t want to either.

I just cannot understand this holier than thou attitude about vaccines and masks in 2023.

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Thank you for asking. I too, had no idea and was too afraid to ask.

I feel like Reddit really suppressed my curiosity to post questions like this because theyā€™d either get downvoted to hell, get shite responses, or just taken down.

Oh yes. One of our senators is a black republican AND running for president. He seems like the nicest guy but so fucking stupid. Tim Scott.

Jicama. Itā€™s the most refreshing snack ever. And they are dirt cheap and readily available.

Itā€™s like biting into sweet crispy water. Peel it, cut it up into sticks. Boom. Itā€™ll be gone by the end of the day.

Excuse me my kind gentle person, I believe one says, Fuck Nestle.

Exactly once a month, I find a 20 on the ground. It can be anytime of the month and it can only be once a month. How great a feeling to find a 20 on the ground and no one is around?

The 20s are coming from scumbag people like jerks who donā€™t pick up their dogs poop or are mean to customer service people.

I can only reasonably guess that there are guards who support him or Putin allows for these videos to be leaked. If itā€™s the former, brave guards.

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I drive a 2008 Honda Accord. I refuse to give it up because of how dependable it is. The best features of the this car is the electric heated seats and itā€™s dependability. knock on wood Iā€™ve yet to encounter any major issues within its entire life span. Iā€™m keeping her until she quits on me.

In fact, instead of putting money towards a new car Iā€™m going to invest in her body and interior. I canā€™t stand what new cars seem like these days.

You know I just realized this myself a month or so ago. I swore my 14 had a SIM card slot. I was arguing about it with a friend. and whatta ya know, itā€™s ā€œthereā€ just glued in and inaccessible. That is some straight up bullshit.

I have a US factory unlocked iPhone. šŸ™„

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Youā€™re my hero. I always wanted to work on cars. I ended up in IT. I miss repairing shit back in my tech bench days. Using my hands to repair, build, make better. What kind of racecars?

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Also, lots and lots of lead exposure.

You are absolutely correct. Iā€™ve seen a doctor and even have gone to PT for this. I completed 6 weeks of PT back in May and was feeling fantastic. (As an aside, I do weigh training for my normal everyday exercise routine under the supervision of a trainer.)

When itā€™s happening you think, ā€œholy shit this pain is excruciating! Something has to be very wrong!ā€

Well, let me tell you a fun storyā€¦ from all the doctors and therapists Iā€™ve discussed this with. This is normal for things like pinched nerves, sciatica, herniated/bulging discs or just simply your weak ass muscles like to seize up ļæ¼and say fuck you.

They wonā€™t give you proper painkillers, only muscle relaxers that donā€™t do anything but make you feel sleepy and loopy. You just have you wait it out until you can move around enough. And thatā€™s when you can actually make it to a doctor. For me these last 2 attacks left me truly incapacitated (unable to walk, get up from a laying or sitting position) for at least 2 days.

Doctors donā€™t take this type of pain seriously and I donā€™t know why. They wonā€™t prescribe opioids, probably for various obvious reasons. But for this scenario, it should be one of the few exceptions.

Another fun story, this happened to me for the first time about 7 or 8 years ago. I called my doctor crying. They said go to the ER. This was probably the biggest mistake of my life. I have never been treated with such disrespect and disregard for what I was going through. I was treated as a pain pill seeking junkie. I waited in the ER for 5 hours until I finally stood up went to the front desk and mid sentence of me asking how much longer, I blacked out from the pain and collapsed on the floor.

I was just hoping Iā€™d find others who have gone through this. Hoping to feel like Iā€™m not crazy for wanting more from my medical system than ā€œthis is just how these things happen. Youā€™re fine. Now here do these exercises and youā€™ll feel so much betterā€.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but thank you for listening.

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Holy shit, the term, the straw that broke the camelā€™s back is too real in your situation. Iā€™m glad the neurosurgeon and surgery worked out for you! What was your actual diagnosis if you donā€™t mind me asking?

Then your original comment makes no sense. If you truly donā€™t care what other people do then why comment at all? Why do people need to be ridiculed for taking another booster? Itā€™s not like we havenā€™t discovered how well Covid mutates. Take it, donā€™t take it. But Iā€™m happy itā€™s available and that people have the option to have it.

Did I not care two years ago? What kind of silly question is this? Of course I did. And youā€™re fucking right I had develop this attitude because I take the subway system everyday. If I cared about every Tom Dick & Harry wearing a mask or potentially not being vaccinated at all, In 2023, Iā€™d never get anything else done.

You also have every right to throw ā€œlight ridiculeā€ on the internet, but be prepared for others to comment right back on how silly it is.

Iā€™ve found my peopleā€¦ as I cry into this shawl project on my lap, of merino fingering yarn I paid to have imported because ā€œyou want to support small yarn producersā€ telling myself, ā€œitā€™s not soft enough. Just throw it away and buy that cashmere/silk blend that you know feels like butter.ā€ šŸ« 

Itā€™s always hard to know what kind of outdoor space youā€™re working with when it comes to rentals. There are indoor composters like Lomi which can do it indoors but the cost of the unit is out of reach for most. Composting yourself will always attract pests. Itā€™s not fun when those pests make it inside your place. Reach out to local community gardens and see if they have recommendations for composting your food scraps. Iā€™m fortunate enough to have my compost picked up every week. I pay for this privilege and again, I know itā€™s not affordable for many but I glad Iā€™m able to make the investment. I probably empty my normal trash bag once every 2 weeks.

There was this very popular kickstarter for this reusable floss pick (you just tie on new floss). Iā€™m not sure how well they fulfilled kickstarter orders but i ordered one on their website, pre launch, and basically got a bounced email when I tried to contact them about it. Pretty unfortunate.

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Not when teens have access to finance 101 classes in high school. It was an elective in my HS and you better believe I took it. I learned how to do my taxes, balance a budget. It was great. I wish this was a hard requirement for all HS students.

But I will agree, teenagers are pretty stupid. but at least I was a knowledgeable stupid teenager.

Holy shit, this is pretty accurate.

No problem at all. I like eSIM. I wasnā€™t complaining, It just caught me off guard. Why block the physical sim card try? If itā€™s an option else where, why am I restricted?

Also, I have old parents. Itā€™s not easy for them to figure this out (as much as I try to explain these things to them) if they are traveling abroad. They just see it as barrier instead of just popping in a local sim card.

Can I be you when I grow up? (Am already in my 40s but thatā€™s okay right?)

No apologies necessary. I appreciate the advice. Thank you. šŸ’œ

Iā€™ve been telling my mom to go to the Mayo Clinic for her chronic cough for years. Iā€™ll check it out.

I saw Halloween decorations at Loweā€™s last week. I havenā€™t even done any back to school shopping. Why do it be like this?

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. It was a real bitch to get to the small battery to power it himself. This was during the pandemic and was the first time I was like ā€œhmmm maybe I donā€™t want a Teslaā€. And, among many other reasons, I do not want a Tesla.

Correct. I didnā€™t ask about how many mugs have gotten stolen but I figured it was enough to make that sign. Heh.

Smol bol šŸ„¹

Thank you!!! Just ordered it :)

Way ahead of you brother šŸ¦ššŸ––

Itā€™s reasons like this post I make homemade gummies. It helps immensely.

Better stock up on your chocolate reserves though, just in case.

Yup, I stand corrected. This is the way.

University of Washington. This is good to know! Iā€™ll poke around and see if I can find any recent work on this. Thank you!

Oh my dear, I wish Cyclobenzaprine or any muscles relaxers worked for these episodes. They donā€™t. They are definitely helpful after the initial episode.

I suppose I felt compelled to make this post because I was feeling (and still am) completely dejected. I put so much work into my previous recovery and continued prevention. When it all comes crashing back down on you, its hard to know how to feel about it.

First, thank you for comment. I couldnā€™t have explained this experience better myself. Iā€™m so sorry you experience this. I donā€™t wish this upon anyone. (Except my mortal enemies but thatā€™s a story for another day šŸ˜‰)

And youā€™re right, Itā€™s not only the pain but the intense state of stock as well as the hazy memory and speech.

Sounds like you have a solid recovery routine which is the same as me. I do find a few rounds of acupuncture also helps with inflammation and range of motion. I think im going to start taking Yoga classes along with my strength training. Hereā€™s hoping this reduces the episodes.

And hereā€™s hoping your last episode is truly your last one. šŸ’œ


2008 Accord owner here. Iā€™m not giving her up anytime soon.

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. It was a real bitch to get to the small battery to power it himself. This was during the pandemic and was the first time I was like ā€œhmmm maybe I donā€™t want a Teslaā€. And, among many other reasons, I do not want a Tesla.

Youā€™re a better person than me. I would have smashed that Bluetooth speaker the very first morningā€¦. I am, not a morning personā€¦

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