5 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


But not run by the original owners. And the current team is really shady. I wouldn't trust downloading an .exe from there.

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Luckily the only "AI" we have are LLMs which seem to have hit their peak, and probably will start corrupting itself with its own training data now that they've scoured the web clean.

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I'd say this might be true for programs, but as long as you download movies, shows and music I'd assume it's fine as long as you use common sense.

Well, many do...

Thanks for answering! Nothing against fedia, after all I'm posting from here, just asked out of curiosity.. would've been fun if the local magazines were somewhat more active. Though I guess there lies the fediverse's strength, of being able to post and read in this collection for example.

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For sure. And Libreoffice doesn't constantly try to make you save your documents in OneDrive...

I see your point. But as someone else mentioned, there are many programs, apps and what not that shouldn't require a subscription just by looking at how the software or hardware is set up.

"Natural" diamonds are a manufactured luxury. Lab-made are just as well, if not better, but big diamond is really pushing the "rocks we find in the ground are better". Even though the diamond industry has their hands covered in blood.

Chick-fil-a starting a streaming service sounds like the worst idea ever.

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At least earlier there have been quite a few problems with federation not working between KBin and Lemmy, posts and comments not syncing. It does seem better now but at the same time it's hard to know if you're missing a few comments or threads or whatnot.

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This is an interesting point as well. Before, if you weren't happy with an update or whatnot, you could just keep running the older version. But nowadays that's impossible in many cases.

It's generally really hard if you have no experience. But if you're willing to pay, maybe. Check this out:

And wasn't that what we were promised by capitalism? That we could own our land, our homes and our lives. But even that, they're turning back on, except for the privileged few. Back to feudalism it is.

I saw a comment expressing this ruling is only applicable to e-books where there already exists an e-book from the publisher, and that it won't affect media preservation or books that have been scanned (e.g., old textbooks) and that do not have an e-book. Is this true? If so, it's not all bad.

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Great arguments, thank you!

Absolutely. I constantly revisit the services I subscribe to, but to be honest, I still keep some streaming services on a constant subscription even though my viewing patterns differ from month to month. In that case I'm just too lazy, and it's not a huge hit to my disposable income. I pay for it to be available when I want to use them. I think this might be the case for many others, and coupled with not having a budget and/or financial sense, this can definitely add up for many. I also think many people just forget what services they are subscribed too, and barely even watch their bank account/credit card slip and what's being withdrawn.

Is this the only mbin app out there?

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This reaffirms my wish to go back to monkey.

Haha I definitely appreciate /m/FloatingIsFun, also great stylesheet

Thanks for this awesome app, and probably being the only mbin-app out there (if I'm not mistaken?).

Yeah I don't really get why I should pay like $20, or even more, yearly, for a service that just serves free podcasts, and where the money doesn't go to the creators at all. I like sync.. but that doesn't justify the price.

Didn't know about this site, thanks

Cool, too bad I shut down my NC server a while ago...

You were thinking about me emulating eg. AntennaPod? Thanks, I've used it before but it takes up a lot of resources and feels a bit sluggish

I did check it out earlier but feels a bit clunky that it must run the audio stream in a separate program. This means it'll inherently lack some functions like going back or forward 15 seconds with the press of a button as this is a function mostly inherent to podcast players, not e.g. VLC. Not the biggest issue but still.

Grover Podcast seemed promising, too bad it's not open source. Might run with it either way if I can't find anything better.


I've never found a use for any of this. I only utilise a calendar. How complicated are your people's lives?

Lemmy-centric, I don't know... I've been using Kbin and Mbin all along. I'm even posting this from But yes, I admit to feeling that the more users a service has, the more attractive it should be. And I was also thinking from a sync POV, as there has been problems before between the services (which doesn't seem to happen now as much luckily).

Awesome. Sounds like you made the same journey. Right now it feels like I might ditch the dual boot too in a near future.