1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

tbf that's a lot easier to say when you're the president of one of the richest companies in the industry. I don't disagree, but not everybody has the resources to just keep developing forever, and that's easy to forget too.

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if your title was "I NEED ANSWERS PEOPLE" then this one's on you...

Personally I never understood why file managers in linux refuse to do operations that require privileges. Guess what, if I have Nautilus open and want to move files into, let's say, /usr/local, I don't want to have to switch to the terminal to do so if I already have the stuff copied within nautilus. On Windows, I just get an admin password prompt if I try to do naughty stuff. On Linux, we have the whole polkit system, but no file manager seems to ever use it. Tbf, this is not a nautilus problem, as no file manager seems to do this.

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according to the Asahi guy, it doesn't work correctly for ARM:

I am utterly oblivious to how neofetch works, but it does seem to need updates to support newer tech.

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TL;DR: Devs asked their Twitter if they wanted to see 150% breast jiggle physics, deleting the tweet and apologizing after some backlash, which in turn got them more backlash from the other side for caving in.

It was rather obviously meant as a joke, so I'm confused about what people were mad at. Did they think they actually intended it to be included in the game? I would've just liked to see that gif, sounds funny af.

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IntelliJ and PyCharm are the only JetBrains IDEs with community editions. If you want to use CLion for example, you'll either have to be a student or you have to pay.

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I'm pretty sure this only concerns twitch affiliates. Multistreaming was always allowed for non-affiliates.

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I believe the main thing people liked about Floorp is tab grouping and vertical tab layout à la Vivaldi, and a more modern and slim design out of the box, while keeping a firefox core instead of being another chromium based browser.

Yeah one of the Asahi guys was also confused about why people still use neofetch:

I like Sublime Text and Sublime Merge and use both daily.

This is correct, while OpenGL and DirectX 11 and before are considered high level APIs, Vulkan and DirectX 12 are both considered low level APIs.

I'm aware of nautilus-admin, but not only is it not maintained, imho it should be part of nautilus by default, and it has to open a new nautilus window when you use it. What I want is to drag and drop files to /usr/local and then get a password prompt to do the move. With nautilus-admin, I need to have the foresight to use "Open as admin" when going into /usr/local, but if I had that foresight then I might as well just start nautilus as root to begin with. Usually I just want to look into the folder, and only then realize I need to change something, which means a good old "go back up one folder, then search the local folder again, then right click, search for 'Open as admin', then get thrown into a new window, completely disorienting myself in the process".

Wow that firefox css is looking real nice. Thanks for sharing.

Can't speak of other languages, but in German anyway the sentence is exactly the same. "Ich bin zuhause" meaning word-for-word "I am home". Same issue, normally a location would have a preposition and an article. Reasoning is also the same as in english, "home" and "zuhause" are not a location but a state in this case.

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The MS extensions are quite convenient, like Live Share and the MS C/C++ extension. There are equivalent free versions, but those are more work to setup and might not have the full feature set.

I love wezterm, primarily because it is cross platform. The most important factor to me is being able to use the same one on Windows, Mac and Linux, because I use all three on a regular basis and don't want to maintain multiple configs. However, wezterm currently has a bug that prevents it from opening on Wayland+Nvidia which forces me to use something else on Linux. None of the other ones get close imo.

You definitely can with Group Policies.

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Last time I tried NixOS, I tried to get some newer and lesser known wayland window managers to work. After like an hour of trying to get a custom session option into gdm, I had to give up. The nix package manager is fantastic, truly, but NixOS imho alters the way the system works way too much. Either it supports whatever you're trying to do out of the box, then it's very nice, or you'll be in hell trying to map whatever explanations you find online to the clusterfuck that is NixOS's altered file structure. You don't simply add a .desktop file to the xsessions folder.

Whatever solutions to problems like these you build in NixOS are always meant to be beautiful and reproducible, but building such solutions is a lot of work. For a window manager that I only wanted to try for a couple days, way too much work. For a system that I don't intend to install on any other machine, probably not worth it.

I.e. NixOS trades initial time invested with beauty and future time invested. A solution in NixOS is more beautiful, and much quicker to reproduce on another machine, but it takes way more time to set up the first time around (e.g. just doing it as opposed to writing a script that does it). As someone that does a lot of experimenting with new setups, NixOS was frustrating as hell. But for someone that needs to frequently install the same system on multiple machines, it's a game changer no doubt.

I have night light turned on 24/7 on all my devices. If I don't I get a headache after around a day.

In fact, I couldn't consistently use linux until recently because only the latest Nvidia drivers (545) added support for night light on wayland. Those glasses could've been handy there.

The only feature I miss in the Epic client is a way to make yourself appear as offline. Other than that, Steam has a bunch of social features that I couldn't care less about.

That's exactly it, no wonder I couldn't find it. Thank you so much!

Probably wasn't clear on that. I meant the 150% thing being a joke, not the jiggle physics. People having a problem with the inclusion of realistic jiggle physics is something that I didn't even consider tbh...

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My vote goes to Auxio for music and Just Player for video.

The way UTF-8 works is fixed though, isn't it? A new Unicode standard should not change that, so as long as the string is UTF-8 encoded, you can determine the character count without needing to have the latest Unicode standard.

Plus in Rust, you can instead use .chars().count() as Rust's char type is UTF-8 Unicode encoded, thus strings are as well.

turns out one should read the article before commenting

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This talk is technically not about Zig, but he still shows many of Zig's strengts:*removed*IvAdq

To me, Zig is a language that tries to be like C, but with all the decades of mistakes removed, or rather with modern knowledge of good language design in mind, while keeping as much compatibility as possible, as to not require a lot of work for the transition as Rust did. Thus, if you're working in a C codebase, you'll be good to go to integrate Zig in as little as an hour. They also have by far the cleanest solution to macros and generics that I have seen yet (although I miss my type classes).

yup, my bad. Frankly I thought grapheme meant something else, rather stupid of me. I think I understand the issue now and agree with you.

Haven't seen anyone mention the Zed Text Editor yet. It's only available on MacOS as of now, but I've tried it out a bit and once it's more mature (and available on other OSes), I might switch over from Sublime Text. It's got a similar speed as Sublime, but with LSP, vim emulation and collaboration features built in, whereas in Sublime I need to install packages to achieve the same. Also made by the same people who originally made Atom and Treesitter.

I also want to mention Onivim. Unfortunately, development has stopped, so it's not really a viable option anymore, but I loved the idea. The idea was to make a vscode/vim hybrid. To that extend, it's written in Reason which allowed them to support vscode extensions, thus they didn't have to create their own extension ecosystem, while still being faster than electron. As for the vim part, the entire editor could be controlled with a keyboard. They had a global shortcut to go into a "UI move mode" so to say, which allowed you to go to every single piece of UI you had on screen. Thus they were able to copy the vscode UI, but still be keyboard-only. It was a surprisingly effective idea, so I hope some people can revive it someday.

I use bash and fish natively on Windows and it obviously works in those. You can also use nushell natively and that has piping as well.

I'm explicitly saying natively because most people assume that I'm talking about WSL when I say I use bash on Windows. I am not, msys2 allows you to use these things natively without a VM.

scoop manages the whole PATH problem when installing apps. Winget on the other hand installs with the app's installer if I'm not mistaken, thus should also have no problems with that.

True. I was more going on the idea of OP that it must confuse english learners. I often feel people who only know one language tend to forget that most latin languages tend to have similar quirks, often making such quirks in a foreign language rather natural.

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there is Inshellisense

I think Zed looks really promising in that regard, although it's only on MacOS so far (but other OSes will come). It feels like sublime text, but with modern LSP, vim emulation and collaboration features built in.

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if it's taxed more, wouldn't that just make them worsen the chances to compensate?

I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying the original comment is factually incorrect. Criticize windows for the shit it's doing, not for something it isn't.

Not perfectly sure what you mean. I found Zed to be not any less simple than Sublime+LSP+Terminus. Mind elaborating?

The only thing Windows installs without you wanting to is Edge. Ads like Candy Crush will only be installed after installing windows for the first time, not after any updates.

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shit on windows for what it does, not for what it doesn't.

There is also Mailbird (not FOSS, costs money and has some weird NordVPN-like fake sales, but the app seems somewhat competent) and Mailspring (partly open source but afaik not completely, built with a MacOS-esque UI but works for Windows and Linux as well).

I've turned off Updates with group policies and have not had an issue with that ever since Windows 10 got released. Afaik the same can be done with registry when on Windows Home. It will still check for updates, but if set up correctly it should not download nor install them.