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I'm happy they did the right thing. I lived under Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump. (Don't really remember Bush Sr or Regan personally) And one team helps us, and the other fucks us over. I will remember this in the voting booth.

Sandy Hook survivors are in high school now and some are getting into activism.

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Anhedonia is horrifying if you think about it.

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If you do I'm sorry.

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You give us too much credit.

They can't do everything everywhere all at once.

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I'm glad it's better.

Then we got the leaks saying the Chinese Military is Fubared by corruption down to the warehouse workers.

Russia could at least limp into Donbas when their Kiev assault disintegrated. If China tries to invade Taiwan and their missiles don't launch, it will be a stupidly expensive, deadly, embarrassment. Just ships and planes littering the ocean floor.

Xhi needs to be confident that his navy won't get pulled into Taipei ports by tugboat like Russian Tanks in the cornfields.

Prosecutor said it's not their responsibility to ensure he faces consequences for crimes committed.

It is fucking insane, but it's nonsense to punish him by handing power the guy that wants to genocide harder.

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I think Johnson got into briefing rooms with the white house, the CIA, and the Joint Chiefs, and realized that the maga games have the potential to spiral into world war 3. Death and destruction beyond anything humanity has ever seen.

And he started figuring out how to givern like an adult. McCarthy had already burned too many bridges with Dems. They hated him. Johnson was a fresh face and Dems were desperate for someone they could cut deals with.

This is nonsense. If you believe that you should skip to violent revolution because you are not getting anywhere peacefully.

I'm (edit:not) saying I think that's a good idea. But if you are going to refuse to vote for the better guy because he's not good ENOUGH then you were never going to vote at all, and the rest of us will go back to persuading the last 3 swing voters.

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Non wealthy people had their taxes cut for a time, but raised permanently. The trump tax cuts were a wealth transfer from the working class to the owner class.

The hospitals underpaid maintenance team vrs a licensed tech from the manufacturer is a false dichotomy. The choice could easily be the hospital's underpaid maintenance team or no repairs at all.

Realistically, they don't put grandma on the vent because they won't buy or keep a device they can't afford to repair.

And why would the company spend more time/effort on their repair staff than the hospital? The company license is no guarantee they aren't minimum wage nobodies.

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Liberals are not the same as fascists or conservatives. They are preferable to either.

But not as good as leftists.

Raise the price of labor to the point that a working family can afford to have children at the standard they consider socially acceptable.

That would devalue investment accounts though, so it won't happen until there is suffering on a scale not seen outside of major wars.

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France has a powerful executive. More powerful than even the US president, inside their own system.

I have heard the French presidency described as an "elected dictator."

Macron wants people to see what the far right has to offer and hopefully realize they don't like it before the presidency goes up for grabs.

Who said they have a wife?

I've argued for years that while I don't like Manchin personally, he is far superior to any Republican he has run against.

He votes for the good of the country more often than "centrist" Republicans like john McCain or Lisa Murkowski ever have. He has been a blessing to this country and the world.

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Yeah, America is undermining it's own hegemony since 2016 and what do you know? The threat of violence is rising.

Russia invaded Ukraine, China is threatening Taiwan, Ethiopia is threatening Eritrea, Venezuela is threatening Guyana. A world where large nations can bully, invade, and occupy small nations unopposed is not really better than the Pax Americana.

Every accusation is a confession.

Sorry to come with "um, ackshuslly" but they didn't ask if they were convicted of a crime. The question was "were they jailed? And according to your post, they were not.


Who will bail them out when nobody is working to pay the taxes?

I'm not saying it will work itself out, but at some point the country will start to look like south Africa. The infrastructure will break faster than it can be fixed, degrading the system further and further.

I'm depressingly curious why voters would trust trump on anything .

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France made childcare and education free and relatively high quality and look at that! They have just under replacement level fertility!

Some people do want children. Not everyone, but lots of people do. It's true that wealth depresses fertility, but you can have a sustainable society if you give people financial security.

I'm willing to believe there are some cultural issues at play, not just the economics, but that is for demographers to tease out.

The American congressional representatives have an average of 2 children. Replacement rate. Get our standard of living up to that and you will see fertility go up.

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I I stalled helldiver's and didn't realize I was doing that.

I'm not exactly savvy though.

In what country?

I'm talking about raising wages by 40-70% in the US.

Pipe dream, but if it happened the fertility rate would increase.

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I'm a fan of sortition over ballot, but what is the purpose of this? To have fun?

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I'll take a crack.

Slow population loss, while concerning for policy makers, can be managed theoretically by moving money around. Taxation, subsidies, etc.

The US is currently at 1.6 fertility rate. 2.1 is replacement rate, so a pretty steep drop of 25% loss per generation. But we have substantial immigration to make up the shortfall. It's an issue, and it's trending down, but manageable for now.

Fertility rates of 1 or less are terrifying. Each generation is half the size of the one before. Half as many workers supporting the elderly. Retirement/pension systems will be strained then collapse, allowing retirees to fall into poverty. Half as many workers to maintain infrastructure, half as many doctors, half as many nurses, half as many experts in every field, means half as many researchers making discoveries and breakthroughs.

God forbid you go to war and have half as many soldiers to call on, from a workforce already stretched beyond any before. It's a recipe for mass suffering in a scale never before seen.

South Korea and Japan are currently below 1. China might be even lower. People are, generally, resilient and resourceful. Adjustments will be made. People will work into their 70's and 80's because there is work to be done. But there will be a great deal of suffering.

The one thing you can count on conservatives paying attention to is messing with their money.

What happens might not be pretty, but if they try to day "fuck it, guess we are ending the program" there will be hell to pay.

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Social security is funded by government bonds.

Bonds are just a promise the government makes to pay a certain amount of money at a certain amount of interest after a certain time has passed.

They aren't stacking gold bars in fort Knox.

(They might or might not be stacking gold, they just aren't paying for social security that way.)

SS has always been a funded by the promise to pay it. I don't understand what you mean by "stealing"

No one has been paid less than they are owed just because SS ran a surplus for 60 years.

In any single moment, that's true, but over time they inevitably become one and the same.

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I have been trying to cut down my social media use. Leaving reddit was a big part of that. What actually happened was I spend time here and on YouTube, and occasionally I load up old reddit!

I'm trying guys, but it's hard.

This is either deep stupidity or willfull ignorance

Ie: bad faith.

Crime in rural areas is, on average, higher than in cities, per capita.

Vermont is safer than large cities, but that's never what the right wingers are talking about when they say rural.

Blanket? Not at all. In this specific case I wish Google faced the repercussions rlinstead of the employees.

Possible exception would be Ohio, but that state isn't in play really, so it would change nothing.

That's, a remarkably rosy set of predictions.

I hope you are right, and big picture, I think things might shake out that way eventually.

But I am not as optimistic as you on several points.

I don't think LLM AI will do as much as you claim as fast as you imagine.

I don't think the owner class will put enough pressure on the politicians to generate that level of systemic change. They will muddle through with a thousand band aids stuck together.

Which will lead to an increasingly dystopic hellscape in which young people increasingly persue careers as scam artists, wanna be celebrities, and outright criminals because those are the only paths to a comfortable life.

But so hope to be wrong. Good luck to us all.

I wouldn't believe the same things I believe now. I don't think I am some kind of truth oracle.

But I wouldn't believe Trump is an honest or God fearing man. That requires an emotional investment in the lie that I don't think any version of me could sustain.

The divorces, the lechery, the misogyny, the racism, the repeated refusal to pay his contractors. (Theft)

Those are matters of public record. They vastly predate his status as a politician. Trump was a real life movie villain back in the 1980's when Back to the Future was made.

If I was still a Christian hearing my pastor sing Trump's praises every week would make me question the pastor, and if the congregation stuck by him I would question the whole church.