5 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago isn't for sale, Elon.

Except much like your comment, they aren't actually trying to have a good faith discussion.

Everyone commenting seems to be missing your point. Regardless how people feel about pets and fireworks, people should be aware that the 4th of July revelry can be extremely difficult for some veterans suffering from PTSD. There's one I know personally who was in combat in Iraq and saw really terrible things. You can tell talking to him it deeply effects him to this day. I think of it a lot when I hear illegal fireworks. At least with the official fireworks shows they know when to expect it. The illegal fireworks are just random out of the blue and could easily trigger a PTSD episode. Maybe the guy in the screenshot talking about patriotism should consider that.

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It was the first one I was able to join. Beehaw didn't accept me. They're too exclusive for me.

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Thank you, that SQL command looks like exactly what I'm after! I'm going to give that a shot. I appreciate the help!

What do you think of Then I could do some subdomains off of it like and

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Sort of. If I understand correctly something in 18 broke captcha so they can't use it without being swarmed by bots. It will supposedly be repaired with server version 18.1. The Connect app for Lemmy doesn't seem to have an issue with the older server version if people want to give that a try. Jerboa is broken with currently.

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I like it but it's taken. I could grab is way better though.

And yes, definitely watch those renewal costs. There are some domains that look like a great deal right now with the introductory deals, like .host, but be ready to pay $85 per year at renewal time!

Thanks for the tips! That sounds like a great approach. I'll give it a shot.

I've only ever used Lemmy from a phone, and mostly using Jerboa as well.

That has been my approach so far but I think it's getting pretty picked through. :)

Avoid spoilers if it hasn't already been spoiled for you. Story mode is a masterpiece!

They've demontrated their evil nature in the past, promoting divisive and inciteful material and anything to drive engagement for the sake of advertiser dollars. I don't think we need to wait for them to do it again in the Fediverse. Better to head that shit off right up front.

That sounds like a good idea. Do you know of any documentation for this? I'd like to give it a try.

Well played, Sir!

It definitely gave me a whole new appreciation for the Western genre!

People have bots doing that but it's actually pretty lifeless and doesn't add quality to the site. The organic OC here is high quality, as is the quality of discussion. We don't need Reddit content posted by bots.

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Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately the closest thing is and it's been in use since 2007. If it were available they'd probably charge me a premium rate for it too. Single dictionary words are generally more expensive. I'm kind of being a choosing beggar I guess but I really want a catchy domain name cheap.

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My self hosted setups have evolved over the years. I started out with a Raspberry Pi hosting a Drupal site flying under my ISPs radar with a dynamic IP address I had to adjust my DNS settings to point to pretty frequently. In time I had 3 Pis running hosting websites. Then I learned about apache virtual hosts and put all the sites on one Pi. These days I use a ODroid H3+ to host a Nextcloud instance. It sits on the back of my desk collecting dust. Glamour pic for reference. I have it propped up on some junk for better cooling. I love it for it's low power consumption and relatively good performance for a single board computer.

Thanks for the suggestion! As Nix asked, do you happen to know of a guide or any documentation I could reference for this?

I like pickling things. Pickled Red Onions are delicious and easy, and Pickled Green Beans are probably my favorite. Fresh Green Beans can be had by the big bag for about two bucks. Throw in a couple Habanero peppers for spice, maybe $.50 worth of seasoning, $.50 worth of vinegar if you buy it by the gallon, and you have some delicious cheap snacks that are also relatively healthy. The worst ingredients would be salt and sugar, but you can minimize its use to taste when you make them yourself. I guess it's all relative, but to me a few bucks for a quart jar of quality homemade pickles checks all the boxes when it comes to cheap, healthy, and delicious. It does take a bit of prep work though so it's definitely better if you enjoy that type of thing.

I have reverse proxy configured for Mastodo using Nginx. It's the Lemmy Easy Deploy script trying to bind all traffic on port 443 where I run into problems.

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Wow, thank you for these great resources! I will check it out. I really appreciate it!

I'm thinking general instance, but I don't want a bunch of right wing or religious stuff so I will have some ground rules.

Thank you for sharing your config and advice! I appreciate it. I got it working along with ssl certs installed with certbot and all is well. Cheers!

Thanks for pointing that out! In this case I am using subdomains so hopefully I won't run into any issues with that. I recently bought with the intention of creating subdomains under it for my federated projects. and are now live. If I do a kbin instance it will probably follow the same format.

Thanks for the suggestion. What would be the benefit of switching to a docker install of Mastodon?

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Thanks for the perspective! I am a reluctant newcomer to Docker so I appreciate it. Time for me to get with the times and embrace Docker since that's the most popular installation method for many of my favorite self hosted platforms these days. It might take a while for me to really get used to it though. Since I have this setup and working it will probably remain as is, but I'll make a point to do a pure Docker setup on a similar build in the future.

I gave that a try but actually ran into a problem with that too. I setup Mastodon on the same server earlier and was planning to use Nginx server blocks to send traffic for and to the appropriate destination, but the script failed when it tried to bind all traffic on port 443 and Mastodon is already listening on port 443. I had hoped for both to listen on port 443. This is actually somewhat unfamiliar territory for me as usually I am working with Apache and virtual hosts, but I'm hopeful I can make it work. I am very familiar with Apache virtual hosts and have worked with them extensively. I hope I wasn't crazy to assume I could run Lemmy and Mastodon on the same server on Nginx in a similar fashion.

Interesting point. I hadn't given that any consideration but if my Mastodon/Lemmy plans don't work out I might give it a shot.

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Another Nextcloud user here. If you setup a Nextcloud server you will see many benefits, with the Talk app being just one of them. Install OnlyOffice and you can even collaboratively edit documents in the web browser similar to Google Docs or o365. I really can't recommend Nextcloud enough. Anyone who is into self hosting should at least give it a try.

Thanks for the input. At least I know I'm not alone. I'll probably just have to settle for something soon and stop wasting time.

They're more expensive, but check out ODroid H3+. Very low power consumption and great options for storage with pcie m.2 and on board SATA, and RAM slots.

Sadly, no. My server has been a bit neglected but it's been plugging along and working fine for the most part. I need to upgrade though. And I assume pictrs but to be honest I haven't checked. I just noticed today it was running poorly and checked and the drive is full.

Thanks for the feedback! After days of thinking about it and checking availability it was the best I had come up with so I just went for it. Those urls should work soon if all goes according to plan.

Yes, it's very similar in Apache, but different enough for me to feel a little out of my comfort zone. I appreciate the tips.

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The policy still exists. I am located in California and had to attest to where I am from and how I intend to use the domain.

Thanks for the advice. I'm old school and never use Docker, but maybe it's time I get over that. I'm actually out of my element anyway in that I do a lot of self-hosting but up to this point it has almost all used Apache and MySQL rather than Nginx and Postgres. Hopefully someone will come along with a solution for the diesel-async compiling error while I'm at work for the next few hours, but if not I'll give your suggestion a shot this evening.

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