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Joined 12 months ago

God damn it, that headline got my hopes up for a second.

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There are no men on the internet

In Australia Coca-Cola is made under licence by Coca-Cola Amatil (not the same company), and the full sugar version uses local cane sugar. I don't know if the recipes for the sugar free versions are different to the US, but I suspect they might be in order to better match the taste of the local full sugar recipe.

I deleted my 12 year old account the day his buyout went through and never looked back.

ABC News in Australia has been using the passive voice everywhere in regards to Israel until they simply couldn't avoid it any longer now that Israel has killed an Australian aid worker.'s%20national%20broadcaster,claims%20that%20convulsed%20the%20outlet. ABC staff have been complaining internally about pro-Israel bias in their use of language too

The true American patriots are the ones who take the case on the side of the prosecution.

That's the Spirit!

It's been an unusually warm July here too this year (funny that). I'm dreading summer after seeing what's been going on in the northern hemisphere.

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I look forward to fighting Clippy as a raid boss

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Just announce that you're running for office, then the charges become election interference.

Like a baby. Just like a baby.

Waking up crying every 2 hours? I guarantee that whoever came up with that saying to mean sleeping well never had kids.

I struggled to sleep on planes even before I had an energetic little kid to keep under control. I don't like sleeping while sitting up so I only ever manage to sleep lightly for a couple of hours at most.

If a target could be found along New Horizons' trajectory then it could be diverted to do a flyby and get pictures, but there currently aren't any known KBOs that NH could reach. That doesn't mean there aren't any, we just haven't discovered any that are close enough yet.

Then he just needs to appoint himself as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and become the President of the Senate to fulfill his dream of running the entire government.

Our former prime minister actually did something like this. He secretly appointed himself as health minister, finance minister, industry minister, home affairs minister and treasurer. It was quite a big scandal that only came out after the election that kicked out his government and threw a lot of ministerial decisions made during that time into legal doubt, though nothing ended up coming from it.

Morrison was a lazy shit and only used his secret ministerial powers a few times, he just wanted to have the power for himself. His stated reason was "in case the existing ministers became incapacitated by COVID", but we already have assistant ministers that could fill in if that happened.

Not to mention that the bar for a referendum to pass is very high. For the non-Australians, you need not only a majority of voters nationally to vote yes, but also a majority of states to vote yes (the so-called "double majority"). Only 8 of the last 44 referendums before now have passed and partisan referendums have never passed, so this one was doomed the minute Dutton decided to play politics with it.

No, the full context of the code snippet doesn't appear to check the browser user agent at all. Other comments have explained that it's most likely a lazy implementation of a check for ad blockers.

Yes and yes imo. A person's voice is part of their likeness, and people should get to decide how their likeness is used and get paid for such usage.

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My first was a Galaxy S1 back in 2010 which I rooted and flashed with custom ROMs almost immediately. I remember applying the various generations of Voodoo lag fixes because Samsung used cheap shitty flash storage and a slow proprietary file system. Once the Nexus S came out the dev scene took off because they had almost the same hardware. I had it running up to Android 4.2 or so before it was relegated to sitting in a drawer for good. Unfortunately I don't know where it is now, if I still had it I'd try to boot it up and see if it still works.

OH SO YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULDN'T HAVE PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION? You want to keep people imprisoned in their 15 minute cities? ^heavy ^/s

Almost like it's an ideological thing and not based on any kind of evidence or fiscal policy.

Incoming wall of text:

"To short sell an IPO like Reddit's, you'd typically follow these steps. However, it's important to remember that short selling involves significant risk and requires careful consideration and planning.

  1. Brokerage Account with Short Selling Capability: Ensure you have a brokerage account that allows for short selling. Not all brokerage accounts have this feature, so you may need to apply for permission or open an account with a different broker.

  2. IPO Availability: After the IPO, there will be a period before shares are available to short. This is because the shares need to be in the secondary market and sufficiently distributed to provide liquidity. The time frame can vary, but it's usually a few days to weeks after the IPO.

  3. Locate Shares to Short: Before you can short sell, your broker needs to locate shares that you can borrow to sell. This can be challenging immediately after an IPO due to the limited number of shares available. Your broker's ability to find shares will depend on the relationships they have with other institutions and their clients' holdings.

  4. Understanding the Risks: Short selling an IPO is particularly risky. IPOs can be very volatile, and prices can spike significantly in the short term. This volatility can lead to substantial losses, as your potential loss on a short sale is theoretically unlimited (since there's no cap on how high a stock price can rise).

  5. Executing the Short Sale: Once your broker has located shares for you to borrow, you can place a short sell order. This involves selling shares you don't own at the current market price, with the intention of buying them back later at a lower price to return to the lender, profiting from the difference.

  6. Cover Your Position: You'll need to monitor the market closely. If the stock price drops, you can buy back the shares at the lower price (covering your short position) and return them to the lender, keeping the price difference as profit. However, if the stock price increases, you'll be facing losses and may be subject to a margin call, requiring you to add more funds to your account or cover your short position at a loss.

  7. Consider the Regulations and Costs: Be aware of regulations concerning short selling and any additional costs, such as borrowing fees for the shares and interest on the margin used to open the short position.

Because of the risks and complexities involved, it's highly recommended to consult with a financial advisor or a professional before attempting to short sell any stock, especially an IPO. Short selling requires a solid understanding of the market, the specific stock, and a high tolerance for risk."


Not every member of the Commonwealth has the British monarch as head of state (in fact the majority do not).

This one looks like a pressure seal, which as the name suggests seals by tightening the cap. In my experience from a packing QC standpoint the potential problems with a pressure seal are either the seal not sealing fully because the cap isn't tightened enough, or the seal getting damaged by the cap being over tightened. This looks like a cheaply made seal wad to me. I dare say the QC department complained about it but management wanted to save a few cents.

snake_case gang represent

Likewise, I'm enjoying it but it just doesn't deserve any awards in a year when other games that are simply better came out. It's a firmly mid tier game and it was (not) awarded accordingly.

(I assume) Australia

You assume correctly. Senate Estimates is usually a bit more dignified than Question Time in the House of Representatives though. QT is just a straight up circus with the way the opposition behaves.

There are dozens of us!

It's going to moon any day now, for real this time! /s

Because the reports go unheeded by management until it costs them money, at which point the quality department get their arses kicked for not fixing the problem that management ignored.

I'd say Eric is more like Buster because if they had a Michael they might not be in so much trouble.

I signed up on because I had trouble signing up on at first, but after trying again it worked and now is my 'home' instance. I do also have a Mastodon account on

"Essentially infinite" is a bit of a stretch. The minimum warranty period is 12 months but it is true that there's no defined maximum period. The reasonably expected lifespan of a consumer good generally increases with its value. Manufacturers and retailers are free to offer further warranties in addition to the guaranteed warranty period under the consumer law but this does not reduce or replace your rights under the law.

I will add that change of mind refunds are not covered by Australian consumer law and it is uncommon for retailers to accept them compared to the US. You can usually exchange something for another item of equivalent value or store credit, but you usually can't buy a phone to try out and return it after 30 days for example.

I never saw any arguments against the Voice that weren't either simplistic ideology ("it's racist to have an advisory body for indigenous people!") or outright lies and conspiracy theories. Claiming that it wouldn't have gone far enough isn't a good argument to do nothing instead. Does anyone really think that a treaty is more likely now than if we had voted yes?

That is a trickier question. My gut feeling is that while it makes sense for a person's likeness to enter the public domain after they die, it feels a bit morbid and disrespectful for it to become possible to start running AI generated ads of a celebrity the day that they die. I hate how long copyright lasts now, but I feel like there should be at least some period after someone dies before their likeness enters the public domain. I don't know how long that should be, but definitely shorter than copyright currently is (which should also be much shorter).

My other concern is that if studios can freely recreate dead celebrities then new talent won't get a chance to make a name for themselves. Hollywood would much rather milk existing celebrities for every cent possible with AI (which is part of the reason for the SAG/AFTRA strike I guess). I don't have an answer for this right now.

Hot chips and potato chips if you need to be specific, for everything else there's context.