1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Reminds me of a true story of a mother who died at home with her toddler in the apartment. By the time anybody noticed, 4 days later the child had been living off cereal and sugar, and he rubbed lotion on his mother's body to try to help her feel better.

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The Peter Principle. These bosses have been promoted to the point of incompetence, and now they're stuck alone with their confusion and nobody else to blame.

Phoenix got in a lot of trouble for sending their homeless to California a few years ago. This problem will continue as long as we let capitalists dictate the economy.

It serves Israel for Hamas to exist. Everything Hamas does leads to the death of Palestinians more than Israelis.

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Fuck Putin. All my homies hate Putin.

They're in an open-air prison. They don't house anybody.

One IDF official, who declined to be named while the investigation is ongoing, said he was astounded by the degree of planning that went into ensuring maximum civilian casualties.

They learned it from watching you.

Keep talking, you're a perfect example of the way ignorance rots the mind.

Absolute shit-brained take.

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The public projections of a guy who sucks dick to feed his private addictions.

Somebody downvoted you, I can only assume it's the guy who shorted out the safety cutoffs.

The reason they can't just level Gaza is that when the dust clears they need to be seen as the good guys. Think for just one second, even if it hurts.

You don't know that those videos weren't created by the IDF as propaganda. You don't know that Hamas isn't entirely made up of IDF. You only know the narrative that reinforces your world view. Israel loves to do things like bomb residential areas then cry that Hamas uses human shields. They love to respond to fireworks with carpet bombs.

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It wants to eliminate Palestinians, not Hamas. Hamas is the villain they use to justify their genocide.

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It's so easy to write damning sentences about Hamas, and so difficult to write the same about Israel.

I always thought it rewarded skill better. Instead of blue shells, karts were faster the farther back they fell in rankings, the lack of randomized items encouraged strategy, and if you didn't touch the steering, accelerator or brakes, the boosts would last longer. Plus the music was dope.

Spoken like a true idiot.

It takes all parties to create peace, but as long as the initial assault continues there can ultimately only be one responsible party.

It's no conspiracy to quote fascists' own words and actions.

You can easily find videos attributed to Hamas. You can't verify that Hamas aren't funded by Israel. You can't verify that Hamas are Palestinian. You also can't blame the oppressed for any actions they take to rebel against their oppressors (If you have any integrity.)

The Indians didn't initiate that war. The French and British did by their colonizing presence.

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There can be no split without colonization. It's amazing that you work so hard to be so ignorant.

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There can be no SPLIT without colonization.

We're talking about a specific scenario, but if you want to move the goalposts, let's do that.

In each and every conflict, there is one party pushing their values or priorities at the cost of others, even in tribal conflicts. The aggressor is the colonizer (oppressor) and the other person is the aggrieved party (oppressed). In each of those conflicts, the oppressor is responsible for every atrocity that is committed because in their absence, there is NO CONFLICT.

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There's not a single conflict in human history that doesn't fit that description.

To be clear though, there is no war without the British and the French meddling with Indian affairs.

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Everything you know about Hamas you've learned from Israel and the US government.

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There is no Hamas without Israel. There is no discussion of one side without discussion of the other, unless you were trying to create an asymmetrical dialogue.

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You attacked one questionable piece of evidence while looking at another equally evil quote and accurate statistics. You lack integrity.

Israelis call themselves Jews, but it's clear they worship Mammon.

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Israel isn't the excuse, Israel is the cause. There is no Hamas without Israel. The Israeli government, funds and informs them so they have a righteous enemy.

You either lack integrity, intelligence, or both.

It's not whataboutism, it's identifying the root cause of the conflict. They're absolutely both terror organizations, but criticizing one without criticizing the other equally is taking a clear side.

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Israel is responsible for far more death than Hamas, yet you blame Hamas. This open wound you speak of, it's maintained and exacerbated by the IDF.

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