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Joined 11 months ago

Good luck finding a 65"+ monitor at a reasonable price.

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It will have a boot or case on it and will be filled with grease. Just like a cv joint or ball joint.

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Yes but i think reddit is many times more valuable than Lemmy. I just haven't found the same level of very specific subreddits that have lots and lots of activity. Most of the traffic here is memes, politics, news and Linux lovin. On reddit if I needed to find a community about my local town it's no problem and there are tens or hundreds of daily posts. The same community does exist on Lemmy but the last post was 6 months ago.

True companies do not pay per packet but they do pay for the bandwidth. The more users that use more bandwidth consistently means the ISP needs to invest more money on throughput/links. If you have 100 users and they use 1 mbps on average you can get away with a 100mpbs link. If you have 5 users using 50mpbs on average now you need a gig link. So technically it's not free but yeah bandwidth caps suck big time. My suggestion would be to pick a place to live near a city with a municipal broadband option.

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Yea we are in the Chattanooga area and enjoy gigabit symmetrical fiber for $67/mo. No taxes or extra fees, just the 67. It's a big part of why we chose to live here.

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So it's better to put more lives in danger so that there can be someone to blame?

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OLED TVs, AV Receivers, game consoles/new games.

Who said there was no safety authority involved? I thought it was part of the 4 level system the government decided on for assisted driving.

Pixar movies have accurate lighting which makes them look great. Lighting separates a good looking game from a great looking game and is more important than textures imo.

What's the cost to rewrite all of the existing software to a Linux version?

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Do you tag all communities "linux"?

So, should we just give up then and not bother?

It looks like a stuffed animal, is it not?

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How the heck does a system interpret a string value null as a literal null? That seems insane to me that there really is software out there written like this. "null" != null... Or so I thought, maybe there are languages out there that this can happen in easily? Or someone is storing the string value of null in a non nullable database column?

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Fishing. Who would have thought it was so easy to get addicted to buying various baits and lures.

Y'all are dillusional. There is no way it's going to crash and burn. 90% of the people on reddit give no shits about AI data harvesting, API costs and privacy issues. Facebook is at an all time high now and look how shitty that platform has been.

Wtf is a lasyanyarer

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Totally disagree. If there was a way to disable comments about Elon Musk, Windows and Trump that would be great. I mean yeah I get it. Lemmy users don't like those topics but it seems like it's just constantly force fed to you on this platform. At least on Reddit you could filter certain subreddits out but here it seems to be everywhere.

Yea I could believe the other stats but there's no way one person out of 400 is being shot every day.

No because this is only for connected services. All of those features work without any cost with the included remote. OP is expecting connected services for free for the life of the vehicle.

Mine doesn't have anything like this and is connected to the internet, no settings to change either. LG Oled

Whoopty doo 13% < shits crazy now, napsters back in business

Choosing. Def had the option to have kids but decided not to.

I pay 7.99, so it's going to $14?

I deny all DNS traffic except traffic going to my router IP so my pfBlocker will always work.

Currently visiting Japan and tipping is not a thing. It's actually quite a liberating feeling not feeling guilty about if I should tip 18, 22, 25% etc. That and the dining experience is better overall, sit down, eat and walk to the register and pay when you are done. So much simpler. I can't stand waiting for a server to grab my card and come back.


What happens if you have $5 in your account and visit two stores and purchase something for $4 in each store? Not all stores process transactions immediately. Is the store supposed to just accept the loss and the bank doesn't honor the transaction? I think if it's a credit based debit card overdraft has to be a thing in order for this to work.

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Yea same here. I actually moved to a new area of the country in part to have access to quality municipal fiber.

Easy mode is for younger adults and kids too. Age isn't really relevant tbh. I never played games on hard or even normal when I was a kid. Like you said it's more about how much time do you have to invest

But even in JavaScript a string representation of null is not equal to a null literal. 'null' or "null" are not the same as null

And Wifi will never be as good as Ethernet assuming both standards continue to evolve.

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Already did

So you would sit over their shoulder and watch them work? Why not ask them to bring you into a call the next time they run into an issue? How would you be notified they need help if they were in the office.

The problem with prebaked is you can't have dynamic effects show up with the same quality as the prebaked light maps. Think of a car driving down the road or an explosion. I think ray tracing is great and in 5 more years when GPUs and game development has advanced further it will become the standard.

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It's called a prevailing wage request and one is required before an overseas worker can be considered for a position in the US. Yes this isn't for handouts but for outsourcing work but that does exist in a sense.

I mean the reason is that most people will be a bit sketched out by homeless people hanging around your establishment. I've run into quite a few homeless people when living in the city and more times than not they are pretty sketchy individuals, not all but most.

I don't think he's implying he doesn't tip, just that the system is broken.

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Attempting to install updated drivers

You do realize a 500 sq ft studio apartment may run $2000/mo or more in that same area right? It's one of the most expensive places to live in the US

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