7 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Heard a Catholic guy go all nuts about the fact that he had hard limits on the fish he could catch, but the Ojibwa could fish unlimited in their own sovereign lands. I tried for a few minutes to explain it’s their right they were given in recompense, and is hardly any compensation.

He just had to go on about liberals and eco terrorists and how they should be mad at Ojibwa fishing instead of the keystone pipeline.

There were too many things to unpack in that 2 minute conversation.

Btw, nice to see you in the wild outside of the folkpunk community!

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I definitely see it as a double edge sword. On one hand I don’t mindlessly scroll as much, on the other, the lack of content is just because I’m figuring out the quirks, and I have a feeling finding new and weird communities could be a McGuffin quest.

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Oedipus has entered the chat

Bruh, what dose for them gains?

Yeah, I didn’t realize at the time.

Same guy was memeing hard about election 2016 and how you’d never see a self respecting conservative throw a temper tantrum about losing, we fell out of contact by the time January 6th happened because he kept calling me nicknames alluding to various communist leaders.

That and the same tired “LGBTQMNOP Alphabet people” statement I’ve heard several times a week since ‘05.

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My turn to step out next, I haven’t been out all day.

Dude’s sub looks looked like a soda can 💀


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People who are unable to verify ID will just use sketchier sources

Money isn’t speech because me buying crack isn’t protected by the constitution. If I can’t do illegal things with my money why can they?

Edit: forgive the over simplification

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They were my boss. We’d get out the kitchen and go to the bar next door. They weren’t as terrible as they could’ve been, but definitely one of those “I don’t care till it affects me” conservatives.

They let up on the alphabet people jokes after their kid came out, still not an ally.

Believe it or not I’ve had worse more conservative business owners in my career.

I just hope to one day be able to be in business for myself and to stop slaving away for someone else to gain more means to produce.

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They sell Sloppy Joes premade in a can? I’ve only ever seen the sauce without meat.

That doesn’t fit on a t-shirt. /s

If burning a flag is political protest, why not burning crack into your lungs? It’s political speech to protest the government and its world wide drug war!

P.S. Stay away from crack and coke, dopamine exhaustion is real and fucked

I’ll be here. I like that it takes a little more effort, it’s a little cumbersome or gatekeepy, but it also seems to keep the vibe more like the early internet and less like whatever it has currently turned into.

It reminds me of crypto spaces but without the incentive and monetization of action that seems to lead to a scammy and disingenuous feel to the content.

That sounds a lot more feasible if we’re being honest. 75m would be a lot of anal beads…

Thanks for sharing ❤️

Fidonet was dope. Something magical about dialing (mostly) local and being able to see stuff so far flung it would cost you hundreds in long distance premiums normally.

Even if you weren’t a hacker in the modern sense, it was such a good hack in the old school sense that you couldn’t help but feel 1337.

I’ve been using Garuda as well. It’s solid, and I like the fact they have a gaming variant that takes a lot of the nitpick presetup out of the picture.

Same here. I go to Reddit for a specific thing and forget I’m not on lemmy, see some promoted post or whatever, and wonder who would even dare post that shit here, then remember and switch back.

It’s been nice to be able to reclaim yet another part of my life from advertisements and incessant tracking.