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Joined 1 years ago

Good, tbh, I think we've had to back off Open World RPGs for years now. Smaller scale RPGs can tell a story with far more focus. I think something like Witcher 2 or Baldurs Gate 3 are good examples of balancing exploration and story telling.

1 more...

If they take it as "tricking" them, from what you said it sounds like that's their* problem. If you were open about it as soon as it was relevant then you did fine, as far as I'm concerned.

Edit: Ye gads a typo

Many species of wasp are important pollinators

14 more...

Nah they didn't axe it, they just really limited development. You can still buy and play the game and it's alright. Frankly if it wasn't for the battle Royale mode no one would be talking about Fortnite today, I played the testing from before BR mode and it wasn't that cool.

It Is A Joke

tbf, fallout 76 was also made by a different studio under bethesda. It was basically the Mass Effect Andromeda treatment, they handed it to the team that previously only did the multi-player for DOOM 2016 and made them add multi-player to the creation engine while adding "16x the detail" and it was too much for them.

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It's perfectly natural to cry over the loss of a life, even if you didn't know them personally. I think the man's family would be comforted that even a complete stranger was moved by their passing, I know I would.

I don't think crying is a bad thing, I cry if I'm watching a sad scene in a show or reading a sad book or something. I may not be full on sobbing (unless it's a really heavy one) but just the tears to me feels like a kind of free emotional release. I'm a hairy man with a full beard as well, so I'm fully aware of the stigma against crying.

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Personally, I would have opted for just stopping early access to preload but people have gotten angry over stupider stuff before, I guess

Well I'm saying it's not fair to judge starfield based on the work of a different team, sure bethesda published it and it was ass but it had different developers regardless.

When's the "blasted to-" tier list

Yeah, the creation engine definitely got a lot more stable after Skyrim, last time I tried playing Fallout 3 it wouldn't even run.

All of the above, yellow jackets are important pollinators as well.

We cry together, brother

Had them living under my porch a while, used to sit out there and watch them buzz around

Nah, I love these tones of green

I generally grab a cup or bowl and cover it if it's a hornet, but most wasps won't even sting me if I'm gentle while taking them outside, the vast majority of wasps are quite docile unless you bother their nests

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I grew up on Oblivion too, Bethesda games are great for open world. Having many smaller stories is great if you want to have a whole world.

It's only 1 to 4 player co op, there is no major social element, don't worry you can get buddies together to play BG3 years from now if you want co op I'm playing single player and its astounding so far, tho, so you're fine either way

What do you mean accidental? Do you think bees are purposely going and pollinating plants? The pollination happens as a side effect of bees gathering nectar, same as wasps

Star Citizen delivers just enough to keep people super invested, their recent server rework is actually a really cool addition but every time I consider trying to play it again I realize how shallow and broken it is as a videogame.

I don't think it looks any different at all, really, just different lighting, probably different time of day or weather or whatever