0 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I wouldn't say Trump won the debate, or that it strengthened his position.

More the debate weakened Biden's position strictly in regards to people's view on his age and health.

Trump still said some pretty awful things. He lied plenty, but some of those awful things he took credit for, and if Biden was on his game that night, he would have in the past at least, demolished Trump. Problem being he missed those openings, and sometimes changed topics mid sentence from a strong point, to topics that people see as Biden's weak points. (like abortion -> immigration)

Biden's biggest enemy at this debate were unforced errors. Based on his performance at his rally the following day, and during past state of the unions when MTG and others are heckling him, he was clearly off his game, and I can only wonder what the debate would have been like if it was in the morning/afternoon instead of of late at night (or some other condition that got him back on his game).

It's great his performance improved so much the next day, but that won't be seen by many people. The debate was seen by millions, including many that normally wouldn't be reached. This was his opportunity, and he sort of blew it. Reaching those people in another form with the modern media environment and media consumption will be difficult.

If Biden continues to run, those who consider abortion, democracy/avoiding fascism, or freedom a top issue, will still vote for him. I will still vote for him.

If he steps down, and Gavin Newsom steps in as the democratic candidate, I'll vote for him. (granted he isn't part of the Primary, and there are pledged delegates for others, but those people have either already dropped out, or would get crushed by Trump).

On the CNN side, my biggest complaint was the mics were not indeed cut at the end of each persons time. If I was undecided, I wouldn't want to listen to two old men bicker, I'd want to actually hear their opinions and viewpoints.

They let it slip to some back and forth with both mics active at the same time on occasion. If they can't manage that, then they shouldn't get to host any presidential debates in the future. Luckily the next and last debate for this election is not them; we'll see how ABC does.

Short video of him guesting to review some political ads, after his endorsement announcement.

That SELECT and WHERE are all caps, but from is not is bugging me.

I don't care if you choose to uppercase keywords or lowercase, but consistency please.

Also, great, love it.

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I did watch the state of the union address, and Biden did a wonderful job overall.

There were a few word stumbles, and his stutter came out at a point; but I know I couldn't give an hour long plus speech, and not stumble several times. There was one spot he stopped mid-sentence to respond to a heckle, which will probably be clipped, but I cant remember the exact words.

Republicans need to learn to just shut up during his speeches and not heckle. He is on the ball, and at his best when responding to their heckling, it makes him look good, and he gets concessions out of them every time.

Gaza was probably the toughest segment he tackled in the SOTU; primarily that he repeated several things I've heard to be false, but may well be stuff that either stuck in his memory hard, or the US intelligence community has more information than the media I've seen, and could be accurate.

Overall, he did look energetic, intelligent, and delivered on a lot of the messaging for what his office had helped accomplish, that people generally don't hear about.

If your issue with Biden is his age, or you think his office hasn't done much of anything, I suggest you watch. If your issue with him is Gaza... likely nothing he does is going to placate you, and this address won't change that. He clearly is for a two state system, and not anti-Palestinian, but also is anti-Hamas, and is well aware of Hamas tactics of blending in with civilians, and using them as a shield (which isn't new, it has been how they operate for a long time prior to the current conflict).

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This only makes me favor copyright reform more. Should really cut that down to 25 years or less; anything from before the 21st century should be public domain by now.

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All companies that plan to have dynamic pricing, please let me know.

I've already stopped going to Wendy's; I'd love to add you to the list of places never to patron again.

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... Are there people out there expecting more than a private/incognito session not saving your session data when you end it?

That is the sole reason I use private mode, because I don't want it to save cookies/cached/temp files/history locally for whatever I'm visiting.

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Before Oct 7th..... ummm... the economic pain for bankers caused by forgiving student loans? Inflation did suck for a while, but the Biden admin walked a tightrope with almost guaranteed recession below, and managed a soft landing to avoid recession (which honestly, everyone was expecting a recession). The Biden admin has a long list of things they actually have done, just their PR sucks (Biden tends to quietly work to accomplish stuff in the background, and not throw a victory parade for every little thing they do. Not that I want him to do that, I consider it tacky, but Trump does it constantly and gets all the media attention, so hopefully that changes for the duration of the elections).

Even with what is happening in Gaza, Biden and the Biden administration are not 'pro-murder Palestinians'.

Bibi isn't going to listen to anyone unless made to, this is an ambition of his.

What I would say the Biden admin, AND CONGRESS, are guilty of, is not being heavy handed with Bibi and Israel. They have no actual power to stop it, but they do have the power of influence by enforcing our standard policies for military aid; ie: condition continued aid on not murdering Palestinian civilians/make (and show) great effort to specifically target Hamas... if not, stop selling weapons/providing aid to Israel (beyond maybe the Iron Dome).

I do want someone younger for President, but if it's Biden v. Trump, I'm voting Biden. The Gaza situation sucks, Israel has gone too far, and is rightfully being viewed as the villain here, but not being able to control the leader of a foreign nation isn't reason to be ANTI-Biden, and let fascists/authoritarians come into power.

The world suddenly acting like Biden should have ultimate control over foreign leaders is a weird new twist I did not expect. Israel has long been an important ally and partner; we do need to be firmer/heavier handed, but not so much as to turn a partner/ally into an enemy, unless absolutely necessary. Ideally, Israelis would take care of removing Bibi from power on their own.

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The unwelcoming post title aside (I assume in jest)...

A single takeaway of my personal opinion from this series of polls is that Gen Z is comfortable with themselves, don't feel the need to hide, and the older generations are following suit and/or the long fought battle for social change from the older generations have finally yielded an environment that people can just be themselves.

I'm 100% straight millennial (and thus didn't have to deal with this struggle personally), but I can for sure say the general culture today, I would feel comfortable being out in, but in 2012.... I would not have been. Still dealing with people I thought were accepting people falling for the the Prop 8 BS from.. what was that, 2008?

Proud for having a generally more accepting and welcoming culture/society.

Not surprised at all it is something the Trump administration was doing considering his rhetoric on the pandemic in general, and China. Awful all around.

If you are an adult, and clearly an adult, then it's probably too old.

I'll still give you candy if I answer the door, but that is probably where you might creep some people out, or they give creeper vibes and don't trust answering the door.

That said, in my own experience, you are too old to trick or treat once you pass about 5'6" (~165 cm).

I remember finding out I was too old. After an event, some friends wanted to go trick or treating. I was in high school still, but just shy of 6 feet. Female friend the same age was just over 5', and another female friend that was a few years older was about 4'9".

Anyways, they trick or treated fine, and I got stares, and clearly treated differently. Clearly trick or treating is not about age, but perceived age. (and effort. If you're short and all covered up in your costume, no one will know or care... long as your voice isn't boss baby)

"In early 2019, ConcernedApe formed a small development team to continue updating the game. The 1.4 update of the game was developed by ConcernedApe, Arthur Lee (a.k.a. Mr. Podunkian), and Alex Erlandson (a.k.a. zillix). The 1.5 update of the game was developed by ConcernedApe and Arthur Lee. See Stardew Valley for more info about the game's development. "

So he worked on 1.4 and 1.5 with ConcernedApe. Technically a former Stardew Valley developer, but title is just click bait to get attention. Up to 1.3 was a one man show, and by that point, who could blame ConcernedApe for hiring some help; the game was successful, and had the funds to do it, and help with his vision (possibly with things outside his expertise).

Indeed. Need to vote all democrat down the ticket (hopefully with good choices in primaries) for the moment to preserve American democracy and freedom. Once the current fascist/authoritarian push is in the rear view mirror, then we can work on better choices.

This is Biden's last chance at a second term, he will not try again if he loses to Trump. Trump on the other hand will probably keep trying until he is dead, in prison, or his health in old age drags him down; Here's hoping Biden wins this one, and by 2028 Trump's health will be in decline/prevent him from running.

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But... it's a Non-commercial Attribution license. /s/ns

I'm joking, but on a more serious note for those that don't know, not all Creative Commons licenses allow you to monetize, and be sure to actually read which version of license is used if you plan to use a CC work for anything other than personal use.

A few years ago, wasn't there a company (maybe it was uber?) that was being overwhelmed by arbitration fee's for a large number of arbitration cases? I forget the outcome, but it may be due to their agreement stipulating they would cover arbitration fees. Either way, forced arbitration needs to go.

I feel like Little Bobby Tables has grown up, and should now be Robert'); DROP TABLE loans;--

This is a message to people in generally, not specifically the top level comment:

If your instance, or app/frontend offers a keyword filter/block, I would suggest adding Chappelle to the list.

Politicians, or words of violence can also be added if you generally want a joyful experience on Lemmy; staying up to date the news and politics can be important, but some people get plenty of that from outside of Lemmy, and may want this to be a space to relax, chill, or experience their interests and hobbies, or something important to them on a personal level.

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I feel like I wasted 60 seconds... now 120 seconds of my life reading and typing up this reply.

Who is abbreviating Firefox? Who capitalizes FireFox this way, and why would it really matter to anyone.

And who made the decision to abbreviate it Fx... that's a horrible decision.

JavaFx is what first comes to mind to me, but it's such a common abbreviation, as others have pointed out.

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While I'd love for the country to implement it, I will settle for my state implementing single payer as a starting point. You'd think it'd be easier at the local level, but seems almost as impossible.

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... I had an IT tech from our old MSP tell me her knowledge/recommendation of ABP is what got her the job.

I knew her boss, and doubt that was the reason (probably more because she was cheap entry level labor), but that some people have that take in a professional setting shocked me. I don't think your ad-blocker recommendation will ever be what lands you a job, but I do think it's possible for it to be the reason you don't get a job.

Is that an economist url?... yeah, no, not clicking that.

Typically the "financial type media", are full of political opinion instead of focusing on finance. Very often bad takes, and over the years, I've learned they just aren't worth a click, and my time.

I would not recommend working on two GUI's at once, but if you build it in a way you can use different frameworks for it, the maker of Rich also makes a nice TUI framework API called Textual.

Here's some projects made with it for a sample of what it's usage can look like:

I believe it does not use curses at all.

For compliance with EU's GDPR and CA's CPRA, they should have some tools to remove information.

Whether those are available to you will depend on where you live, and the companies policy.

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I get that there are a lot of novel are cool distros out there, but I just stick with Debian (or one of the other well known distros that have been around for decades).

I do it because from a security standpoint, they have my trust. Maybe in 10-20 years with a good reputation and history, but it's not there.

To be clear, CA in this case is California, not Canada. But if you are on, i'll assume you are in the Midwest. More states need to adopt some kind of similar legislation.

I use Voyager, but am assuming this isn't an app feature, but a Lemmy feature.

Under Blocks & Filters, there is a Keyword filter.

I would suggest anyone trying to avoid the topic add related keywords to your filter. If something comes up after that, examine it, determine why it made it past your filter, and add necessary additional words if needed.

Of course it is major world news, so if you want to see updated news about it in your feed, that's not doable, but people don't have to read the comment thread.

I am an Apollo Reddit migrate, and to allow my wife to function, I had an extensive keyword filter in place for her, anything relating to violence (shootings, sexual assault), politics (mentions of certain politicians, or political topics), horror stuff, sexual content, and words she finds generally offensive. It really made such a difference for her, whereas she could never function in such a social platform (without affecting her mental well being) without those filters.

The key feature I am waiting for is the ability of users to block/filter whole instances/servers on their own, as that would allow participating in more difficult nuanced topics like this, while mass filtering communities whose user base one finds to behave badly, or be generally offensive/trollish.

I feel like when he was in office before, I recall him wanting to pull out of NATO then.

I hope we have legislatively done everything we can to ensure whoever the president is, is not able to unilaterally pull out of alliances, and membership in the UN, and WHO, without first getting congressional approval as well, and any such action would be null, and void without such approval.

We were a joke on the world stage when Trump was in office, and lost the trust of much of our allies. We are finally taken seriously on the world stage again, and not laughed at for our president, but we have not fully regained that trust; it is there now, but the world now see's weather they can trust us at any given moment is depending on elections every 4 years at minimum, and our current congress is even swayed by the whims of a former president that isn't even in office.

The trust, standing, and soft power the USA lost from Trump's time in office, may never return to what it once was.

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Nothing! I'm going with a Sega Dreamcast/Gamecube classic, and jumping into Phantasy Star Online BB for the holiday weekend. Apparently private server even has a guide for getting it running on Steam Deck (or any Linux distro), but I'll just be playing on PC.

We are talking about two very different things.

The reply I responded to was about student debt forgiveness. Forgiveness does not equal payment suspension.

Yes, his post was threaded a couple down from yours, but neither my post, nor the post I responded to mentioned payment suspension. Your reply should probably be up a post or two.

Trump and republicans of course want the people to pay every penny, plus interest of student debt. Biden kept loan payment suspensions up for years, which is far longer than I expected. Biden is getting debt forgiveness to the people, and a large number of them, and it is making a difference. I don't think anyone thought he would accomplish a fraction of what he has gotten done; I can only imagine what he can get done if people give the Dems a majority in the Senate and House.

With the republicans trying to shutdown the government for their political circus, Biden has done a good job of picking his battles, and making them look like fools. It's clear the current Republican party is incapable of governing.

I love 3D movies.

That said, I refuse to go to a movie theater now days.

I'd rather just buy the movie on Streaming and watch any time I want, as many times as I want.

But I don't have 3D at home, or a home theater type setup, so, it is just something I go without. Would of course love a home theater with 3D capability, but that ain't happening, so, life goes on.

"Proton shader precaching eliminated the stutter that plagued that game at launch, so it didn't happen on Linux."

I've been meaning to ask, and it probably should be it's own thread, but when launching a game and it says 'Processing Vulkan Shaders', does allowing it to partially process do anything.

Warframe for me will quickly jump to 33%, then do about 1% per 10-20 seconds. I don't want to wait 10+ minutes to reach 100%, but does letting it get to like 40-60%, then hitting skip, at least keep the processed sharers, or does it skip/dump and process on demand? Basically, is Immediate skip vs giving it a minute or two before skipping worth anything?

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You said you are 'in the EU', as in currently living in the US for said job?

Are you considered an independent contractor? Or an actual employee of the company?

As a US citizen... I would just advise EU citizens to 'in general' avoid working for US companies, we have bad employment policies, and our companies think they can just do the same things in other countries. Obviously everyone should choose for themselves; if you think the extra income is worth it, that is your call, but our work culture is awful.

At the very least, if you do decide to work for a US company... keep it remote. Cost of living in the US is really high, work culture is awful, it's dangerous, and healthcare costs are crazy. Unless your household is making at least $150k USD/year, you'll be considered poor to middle-class.

I haven't used noscript in a long time, but it is the only way I feel truly safe on the internet.

That said, I would never recommend it to the average non-technical user.

Average user, I would direct to uBlock Origin (make sure it is Origin, from gorhill or raymond hill, preferably from the extensions shop for your browser with lots of ratings).

For anyone inbetween uBlock Origin and noscript in techinical skill, I would recommend uBlock Origin + uMatrix (from the same developer). Has a small learning curve, but provides decent protection from 3rd party sites.

If you want protection from first party sites though... noscript all the way.

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I've not played counter strike in 20 some odd years, or so, but if it's anything like I remember, then yeah, that sounds accurate.

The Counter Server community was friendly enough though.

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I have not kept up on antibiotic resistance research, or phages in recent years.

I do recall a number of years ago, I believe in the US, someone scooping up pond and garden soil samples looking for new phages.

A quick search though, does show work on "phagemids"; the following article does mention that phages can cause harm to the human host by releasing harmful toxins in the bacteria when cell lysis is performed (potentially causing sepsis, or death), as well as bacteria do also develop resistance to phages over time.

And there's also KivyMD after you learn base Kivy, that adds more widgets with the intent of following Google's Material Design spec.

I'm not going to vouch for the project, or link, just mentioning it exists. links to your bank account, and creates individual virtual credit cards that locks to the merchant upon use, or can be single use. You can put a limit based on: per transaction, per month, or cumulative total; you can also pause, or close the card any time.

More banks are beginning to offer virtual credit cards as well, but I don't know how common they actually are.

Beware that some vendors do not accept privacy credit cards, and privacy may block some merchants that are known to generate a large number of declines (like shady porn subs, or onlyfans).

Also, some in person vendors will not accept a virtual card, and will require physically swiping a card in person. So, this would be more in a situation that the vendor offers online registration of some kind where swiping is not available.

(My auto insurance company had no problem just reading the card information off my phone, but my local car wash insisted they needed the card (but accepted if I registered online instead))

Edit: (this post is entirely from a USA perspective) but also be aware of terms of contract. you may still be liable for additional fees, even if you stop paying, if your contract term is not up, and you signed for a specific term, or have early cancellation fees. They can still legally collect on the contract, just they will have to seek payment by another method. Also, be aware of your state laws; some states limit contract terms, such as California:

"The duration of the contract may not exceed three years, and the contract may not require payments for longer than the term of the contract.5 That means that a four-year contract would be unlawful, and that a two-year contract requiring payments for longer than two years also would be unlawful. It also means that "lifetime contracts" are prohibited. The contract must state the length of the contract term in a size equal to at least 14-point type, above the place for your signature.6"


Well, here's hoping New York's plan is implemented and successful. If it can lead California to pass single payer, and even better, have an interstate compact, it would be nice.

I'm in California, and they worked on a bill, but failed to bring it for a vote a couple years ago. Democrats are in full control of our state, with almost no possibility of Republicans being able to pick up the seats needed to oppose them, so responsibility fully lays on Democrats shoulders for this.

I'm hoping for the public to push their own proposition, but I've yet to see it happen.

I remember thinking in 2020 when the GOP skipped primaries for Trump - 'How undemocratic. People should have a choice.' It would be hipocritical of me not to apply the same to the Democrats.

I say let Dean Philips run. He's mostly unknown, but he only got into politics because of Trump, in 2017, and only announced his bid for the presidency like a month ago. Give us time to get to know the man outside his own state; I'd prefer him to people I know are in corporate pockets like Newsom.