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Joined 13 months ago

Didn't someone have a picture of a Tesla in the wild with a bumper sticker that read something like: "I bought this before I knew Elon was a complete idiot."

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An election year is a great time to blow up the only part of the government your party controls... I say let them flight.

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My Nephew: "What's a fax machine?"

Me: "A landline network of low quality printers people used to use to do invoices and file for divorce."

My Nephew: "Landline?"

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The infra bill was a huge shot in the arm and, based on the ads I'm seeing, he's going to run on its passing... that bill is beyond amazing, but they should have gone harder. While the ~$1.6 trillion is an eye watering amount of money, ~$4-6 trillion is what was originally asked for and what is needed. Hopefully he'll run on a Build Back Better: Part Deux. Also his appointees to the NLRB have been super progressive and aggressive, the return to Joy Silk will give the reinvigorated labor movement serious steam, but he also busted the RR workers ability to strike and he seriously shouldn't have done that. Overall, I'm not mad at the Biden WH on domestic issues... but more is needed and he should have let the RR workers strike. Like, the economy be damned, call the hedge fund's bet and end the Reagan era union busting.

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Southern Georgia, USA.

This is more of a regional rationalization about occasional weather hazards. Here in coastal Georgia, we get snow from time to time, about a half an inch to two inches once every three to five years. There's a lot of people from colder climates that move here for work or retirement; they hear "a possible light dusting of snow" on the news or from a weather app and think that means nothing. Where they're from it's just normal, happens every year and there's often more. They'll even laugh at us for shutting down the schools and staying home from work for freezing rain. Here's the thing: no one here knows how to drive in snow and will likely only see black ice a dozen times in their lifetime. Further, we have no salt/sand trucks, we have no plows, we have zero civic infrastructure to meant to deal with our very occasional ice storm or light snow. It happens so infrequently that there's no way to justify spending taxpayers' money to prepare in that way for those kinds of situations. So we shut down the schools and most businesses for a day or so and everyone mostly stays home. We're not necessarily unprepared for winter weather, we just prepare in a different way that makes sense for the situation.

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Can Musk do that? I would think this goes against Apple and Android app store rules right?

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Her district is germandered at like +25 Republican... she's going no where. But also, having the Republicans do a ton of party infighting during an election year is great if you don't like them. Makes them less appealing overall to voters. Let them flight.

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An Acquaintance: "Oh my goodness and they said that people could actually be living on Mars soon! Isn't that just neat-o?"

Me: Having watched enough hours of "Science Fiction and Futurism with Isaac Arthur" to qualify for a doctorate

Me: "Yep. Sure is super neat-o."

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It's nice that the House has its own Ted Cruz.

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Needs exactly four Republicans House Reps to do what I could only describe as the funniest thing ever.

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Well, over the last four years I've only received a 3-4% annual raise. This means that, because of inflation, I've seen an effective pay cut of ~10%. Meanwhile the CEO of the company I work for just bought his third condo/apartment (or whatever) overlooking Manhattan's Central Park while full on doubling his take-home in 2022. That'd be a huge reason as to why I feel like shit Uncle Joe. Not like Trump and the Republicans would make things any better or do anything about it... they're more on the billionaire take than the Democrats only plus the GOP apparently is just openly talking about wanting to overthrow the government. I'll hold my nose once again to vote for a Democrat, but they've seriously got to pull their heads out of their asses.

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For a party that claims to love and respect the US Constitution, being filled to gills with "constitutional orginalists," I don't think any Republican has ever actually read the document. If they had even glanced over it, they would have looked at Article 6, Paragraph 2 also known as the "Federal Supremacy Clause." It's meaning is that law at the Federal level supercedes State laws and even state constitutions. The "Founding Fathers" intended for the Federal government to hold supremacy over the state governments... now it isn't written in plain English, but it is plain enough. Further, the end of our Civil War the court case Texas v White made it plain as day legally that no State may leave the union. Again, the party of "law and order" comes in clutch with that misunderstanding of what those words mean.

All that being said, succession isn't actually that popular (even in Texas). There would likely be a mass revolt against it in any state attempting it. Further, even a play at attempting it would be a political death sentence (as well as, perhaps, a literal one). Any insurrection against the federal government, even by a collection of contiguous states, would face a similar challenge the capitalists/monarchists (or Whites) of the Russian Civil War faced. The major population centers wouldn't recognize the authority of those in revolt and all they'd be left with would be the hinterlands and rural towns. Which is not a great position to be in strategically (again, see: the outcome of the Russian Civil War).

This is all not to mention, while States have their own National Guards, the insurrectionists would have to convince those troops to fire on troops who are wearing the same uniform. You'd have to convince their officers to break their oath to uphold both US law and face a possible death sentence if captured. I don't know Abbott's relationship with his National Guardsmen, but I highly doubt many officers will go in with him in this piece of political theater.

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I mean... that's putting a lot of faith in the dishwasher to work properly every single time you do it. I don't know if I've got enough trust in the 1995 beige "landlord special" under my counter right now.

He's already got my vote. He's by zero means perfect, but I live in a swing state and cannot throw out "meh it's terrible, but good enough considering" because it's not perfect.

Here's some things he could do to make "meh, it's terrible but" into just "good":

  • Put any kind of pressure on Israel.
  • Expand the Supreme Court.
  • Executive order giving the NLRB Sectorial Bargaining at the Federal Level.
  • Force the FCC to regulate data collection.
  • Go back in time and allow the railroad workers to strike and threaten nationalization if the hedge funds that own the railroads don't play ball.
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For Millennial's it's wild to have had our parents tell us "TV will rot your brain" and "don't just trust anything you see online" to them now where cable news has turned their brains to goo and anything posted by some guy in a truck wearing sun glasses on Facebook Reels must be reality.

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The joke is on them... the game is definitely rigged, she's paid off the NFL so that she can announce she's running for president on an independent ticket against Trump and Biden.

As a cis dude who's asexual, I've gotten weird questions from straight dude bros... one asked me if I "had to be super careful" to not get myself pregnant. Honest question coming from a person our country's education system has failed.

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Years ago, I drunk purchased a microwavable sandwich press off Amazon... it was a genuine surprise when it showed up and I considered returning it, but didn't. Brought it to work and now I use it three to five times a week; I genuinely recommend this thing to other people. It's so convenient and works really well.

[Link to the thing:]

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Normally statements denouncing Trump from a sitting elected Republican is accompanied by a retirement announcement (fears of primary challengers, etc). Now, that's not always the case but, to my knowledge, this guy might be the first US Senator to do so.

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I was wondering when someone was going to create a Fediverse platform like this. Figured it would be the folks at either PixelFed or Peertube. Can't wait to try it out!

I sit to pee because I'm lazy. The dresses I wear while belting out ballads from Skykid shows are just to assert my dominance in the workplace.

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Oh, thank goodness the billionaires will save us from [checks notes] the billionaires.

Boots on the ground here... GA isn't looking good.

Switched to Vivaldi last year and haven't looked back. Did some side by side with FireFox for a month or two on my phone. I have a cheap 2022 Moto G something or other, running whatever Android it shipped with.

I guess that like a lot of people, I don't like having apps tracking stuff, but my work requires me to have access to Facebook, Insta, Threads, and the like... so, I just use browser shortcut widgets for them instead (I should quit my job, I know, I know... working on it). Both Firefox and Vivaldi immediately figured out that I wanted to run them in containers so that was great. However, Vivaldi runs all of them so smooth where as Firefox just kind of stumbles around. Some of them would refuse to work some days, just bringing up the web browser container and then crash. Facebook dot com was the worst... there were issues with the UI not showing me the text input bubbles and latency with button presses was terrible... like needing a refresh to show a "like" or even that a notification was read. It was almost unusable. Bizarrely, Outlook was also bad on FireFox... like that's a fairly bog standard email client and "productivity" site, but on FireFox it would crash more than it worked. Vivaldi handles all of the sites/platforms I need like I'm running the apps.

Maybe it's something with my cheap ass phone and Motorola's bloatware, but Firefox crashed and burned more than it worked. I cannot recommend Vivaldi enough.

Me: * checks to make sure this wasn't Georgia *

Me: "Tennessee, thank God... oh and the delivery driver wasn't killed, that's good too."

I'm a television technical director and Ross Overdrive is hell on wheels... it's a video production system mostly used by local television stations to consolodate "automate" their control rooms down to one person. There's three major companies that build systems like this: Sony, GrassValley, and Ross. In my experience GrassValley's Ignite is pretty good, it's stable and gets the job done. Sony's ELC is best, going above and beyond what I need it to do (plus their customer service and tech people are just awesome). Hands down, Ross Overdrive is a pile of garbage. Their physical video switchers are really great (super intuitive and built to last), but the Overdrive automation system itself is just a clunky and uncooperative UI. I've had such a bad experience with their system I've turned down jobs when the place uses Ross Overdrive. Ross's Xpression graphics system (or "Chyron") is also a hot mess. I've heard that if you're using all Ross stuff (video switchers, graphics system, video servers, robotics, etc) it runs smoothly and that may be true, but Christ-on-a-pogo-stick have I had nothing but trouble with their software.

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Been using Jerboa and Connect interchangeably for a couple of days to compare and contrast. Honestly Jerboa takes it, super stable and it's been rolling with all the punches has been throwing it much better than Connect. I'd honestly recommend both, but Jerboa has been just slightly better in just overall UX. I'll probably keep testing out the various apps for Android, but Jerboa will likely be my daily driver.

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That's probably the thing conservatives are going to go after when they're done banning birth control medication.

Leaving/left Facebook for Mastodon back a couple of years ago when the whistle blower revealed their dialing of the "outrage algorithm" and the true width and depth of data capture. This was when (and why) they rebranded to Meta. I've only gotten a few of my FB folks to give Fedi a try, but I'm effing loving it. Lemmy and Mastodon are growing and I am here for it. This is what social media should be and how it should work. I've found so many awesome people through Mastodon I would have never found on FB or Twitter. The cool things I've seen on Lemmy I probably would have never seen on Reddit. I just feel more connected on here than when I was jumping from corporate walled garden to corporate walled garden.

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The porn hasn't been very good. I can get around dudes and chicks with like fourteen fingers, no toes, and nipples that hover over their skin... but I draw the line at the dirty talk being "I'm glad I could help you with that."

So I'm on Threads (occupational hazard, I have Instagram for work) and it's a surreal experience. It's like if everyone you know on Facebook and Twitter joined you on a muted Tumblr overlay. Someone's already @'d Zuck to ask for a "home feed that's just your follows." So... like Mastodon.


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Ford F-150... the best selling child mulcher in the United States.

I remember watching her first interview with Tucker Carlson and thinking "oh thank god she's a black hole for charisma." She's just a void of intellect and nuance collapsing in on itself... of course Ron DeSantis likes her.

The British Royal family. I'm an American, living in America, and the number of people here who follow the royals to the point of being sycophants is so freaking weird. I literally do not care about the machinations of a bunch of rich fucks who's sole claim to fame and fortune is being sprayed out of the correct penis before then falling out of the correct vagina.

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Can anyone explain how these are different from the data Meta already collects from its Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger users? I've been slowly moving my online presence away from Meta products, but I feel like Threads isn't going to do much better than BlueSky, or Hive, or Post, or even our beloved Mastodon.

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Respectfully, Dave Ramsey can suck my whole ass.

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I like Android because I get more of a choice in phones than just the two or three on offer by Apple. I usually go with Samsung but I've had Motorola and LG before... just depends who's got the best device in my price range.

If a Democrat wins a statewide election in Texas that would send shockwaves through the American political norms. It'd be the Georgia 2020 Senate elections and runoffs but on steroids. Serious Republicans know that when (not if) Texas becomes a presidential election swing state it's just about over. The Democrats could ignore Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida to focus solely on winning Texas... meanwhile a cash strapped GOP would have to fight in Texas while also spending money in all those other swing states. They haven't had to really fight for Texas since like 1980, they might not even have the ground game infrastructure to pull it out of a tail spin if Texas goes purple. The Republican party would still be around in the Senate, House, and governor's mansions, but hope for a Republican president would be over for like a decade at least... if the party doesn't crumble from such an event, with donors fleeing to found new parties.

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Lol. I read the header as "Lemmy World PsyOp" and was like "well, that's disappointing," lol.

Kept the covers over my head for this exact same reason. I figured I would feel it if a vampire tried to remove the blanket or sheet and I could defend myself... no real thought or planning put into how I would defeat a vampire, but at least I'd be awake. A very religious aunt told me vampires don't exist and that it was in fact demons sent from hell that were trying to get me and all children... I was four when this was explained to me. It's one thing to get scared because you saw a movie about a kind of monster and quite another to have an adult you've been told by your parents to respect explain what to her was a real monster and one of which she was convinced actually existed. I was a very light sleeper well into my teens.