1 Post – 188 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The thing I dislike most about Atlassian products is that each of them has a completely different formatting engine and markup syntax. You'd think they'd be consistent but noooo

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Before this new behavior uBlock Origin always blocked YouTube ads.


We did it Lemmy!

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I just use use uBlock Origin.

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It's so nice to be excited about my OS again. I remember as a kid, I used to be really excited about Windows updates. People were cynical about Microsoft even back then, but I remained loyal to Windows for years.

Only last year did I finally move to Linux as my OS (although I still use Windows for gaming). Since then every following Linux news is always exciting. New versions of distros, desktop environments and software always bring interesting improvements.

Meanwhile on the Windows side, most noticeable updates just bring more ads, tracking, forced Edge recommendations and forced logins. Ironically the last Windows feature I remember being genuinely excited for was WSL 2.

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It's not sleeping I'm worried about, it's not waking up.

I've noticed YouTube comments have actually become more positive (though still mostly useless). It seems YouTube has implemented some algorithm where it prioritizes "positive" sentiment comments above all. That's why all the top comments on popular videos are generic platitudes.

For example, go on any MrBeast video and read the top comments. They are all praising MrBeast for his videos and hard work. Finding any negative comment is difficult. On the other hand, if you go on a Reddit discussion about MrBeast, you'll find plenty of people complaining about him.

MrBeast is just an example, I'm sure we all have our own opinions about him but that's not the point I'm trying to make. In fact, the same is true for any popular YouTube channel. Even political channels, where you'd expect to see heated debates in the comments, mostly showcase top comments agreeing with the video.

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I find I tend to get more replies here.

Do you remember what the original was?

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I mean algorithms have their flaws but there is a reason they became popular.

Subscribe to a dozen RSS feeds and suddenly you have more content then you can read with no easy way to sort through the chuff. Also no easy way to discover content beyond your feeds.

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Only half of that is actually about reading. The rest is just showing off.

So many people boast about not using TikTok. Then waste comparable amounts of time on YouTube/FB/Instagram Shorts.

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Ironically, right now Lemmy is better for contributors than lurkers. The limited amount of content means than any post/comment that I submit is more likely to be seen and get engagement. I already get more comment replies on Lemmy than I usually did on Reddit.

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RedReader is still allowed to exist due to its extensive accessibility options.

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I keep meaning to check out Obsidian, but I'm like you said, lazy.

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The Kestrel Cruiser from FTL. Even though it's not even the coolest ship in the game, The Kestrel is still the most nostalgic for me.

It brings me back to when I first played FTL a decade ago. I was a kid back then and loved the game so much, I even built and painted a cardboard Kestrel model.

I was wondering if this happend again so soon, since I already updated last week.

It's not as bad as it was a month ago. Already the content feels more diverse.

Waiting for Godot 5.0

I block them, then they never show up in my All feed. Easy enough. I'm waiting for the option to personally block entire instances.

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That name is guaranteed to get you kicked.

7/10 Too much water

Yes my experience with PipeWire had been flawless. Not so much with Wayland...

Annoying (I also purchased it). Thankfully the app is open source and still available on GitHub Releases and IzzyOnDroid.

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YMMV with Powerline. In my experience it often has worse speeds than Wi-Fi.

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I shower at night if I've worked out that day.

So you never shower at night?

With the increasing popularity of OLED displays, screensavers might make a comeback. Although I still think OLED displays aren't worth it.

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There are a ton of great FOSS for Windows. Even before I moved to Linux as my primary OS, I used many of these because they were often just better than the proprietary alternatives.

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It's still my favorite download manager on Windows. It often downloads file significantly faster than the download manager built into browsers. Luckily I never installed it on Linux, since I have a habit of only installing from package managers.

Do you know of a good download manager for Linux?

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First season is the best, it actually gets much worse after that. Shows tries extra hard to be edgy, graphic and "weird". It also becomes less and less about hacking, which was the most interesting part of the show.

The word instance is fine, and makes sense if you think about it for five seconds.

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Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves.

The episode with almost no dialogue is particularly brilliant.

Despite not liking most of the last season, I agree that episode is brilliant. I did not even notice there wasn't any dialogue while watching it, I was that captivated.

I have a love-hate relationship with Jira. Overall, I guess we are able to make good use of it in my team and it does actually help keep track my work (both for myself and my manager). Most of the complaints I might have against Jira are more about dealing with Scrum BS than Jira itself.

As for the software itself, the only thing I really dislike is text formatting. I wish Jira just used Markdown, but instead they have their own WYSIWYG editor. Which would be fine if it worked properly... Almost every time I create a ticket or comment, text formatting gets messed up after posting (especially numbers and bullet points).

The text formatting is also inconsistent with other Atlassian. Bitbucket and Confluence have some support for Markdown but they each do it differently. Using all three of these Atlassian products should feel like a unified experience, and in many ways it is, but text formatting is an inconsistent buggy mess.

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I guess it's just a federated version of Discord.

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Movies lied to me.

Are you really asking this right now?

Lemmy doesn't even have ads. If you're that paranoid why even bother commenting on anything?