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Joined 4 months ago

Asked my dog, he confirms that bi-sexual men love crossdressers

I get it, the part that is weird to me is americans having so much one-way courage that they needed to pull their guns on a man who is... on fire! Do they think bullets can kill fire? Do they not know how hard it is to threaten anyone when your ON FIRE?

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Oh lots of things

Drag Queens ( they are so entertaining)
Inconvenient truths
People who hang toilet paper the wong way
The French (cowards? They won more battles than anyone and have mastered the art of standing up for themselves)
Pineapple on pizza ( its good, Ill die on this hill)
Caillou - not, that whiney snot deserves it
Ned Flanders
Bell bottoms
Satan ( the word in acient hebrew that we translated to Satan first appears in the book of Job, and would more accuratly be rendered as accuser of prosecutor. In the whole bible satan only goes after 10 people, and only when god tells satan to do it. Half way through satan is like 'um god? This guys like, broken now. Call it good?' But that rapscallion god was like 'no, he could still recover keep hitting him' and all that because god 'knew' Job was the most loyal and devout of his followers and his narcisism just couldnt help but make a grand display of proving it)

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Good. Every hourly job should be unionized

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This is scary. It feels as if we tipped past something the climate scientists and everyone else didnt know about and are about to go on a wild ride.

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I boggles the mind, this image of god nonsense. If we are made in gods image then gods image also includes Meth addicts and sexual offenders? God must be one crazy bugger.

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Only a priority in election years

I worked in produce as a quality inspector for a couple years. Organic generally just means lower quality for higher price. No one is regulating it as far as I know, they can just skip pesticides, do everything else the same and charge more for the same product that actually cost them less to produce. We refered to it as a hillarious scam when the boss wasnt around.

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Does Poland not understand that farmers just want a hand out? Its always the same with farmers....

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I am so so sorry you are going through that.

As an example I've paid for a copy of Breath of Fire 3, 3 times in my life, because the disc broke twice over the years. Now my ps1 & 2 are caput. I still own a copy of the disk. Would it be illegal to download an emulator (I've boughten 2 ps1 and 4 ps2 in my lifetime) and a rom of BoF3? Sony got their cut 9 times already.

If buying isnt owning then pirating isnt stealing in my humble opinion.

3rd anti-christ? What like they think god has to try multiple times to make his own 'prophesy' to come true?

DJT is the anti-christ. He can fullfill almost every related 'prophesy', there is a website that collated them all. It is kinda freaky

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As a canadian, all I can do is feel sad and angry about it and post while chugging maple syrup

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In ww2 the U.S. navy had a ship that just made and delivered ice cream to the fighting boats. Ice cream is as american as apple pie!

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This is good, the last thing I want is competent people running the republican party

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Clam of the Cave Bear

Very good, the more I learn about Hunter the more I like

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You sure? In the whole bible Satan kills 10 people in total, because God tells him to, and even Satan is having second thoughts about doing Job so dirty, meanwhile God makes his arrows drunk with blood.

Oh I know, my favorite old testament law: If you neighbour strives against you and is raining blows down upon you; if your wife grabs him by the genitals to delivery you from your assailant you must cut off her hand. Show no mercy. < is that the image of god you like?

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All major media imo, everyone needs to look at a trainwreck and it drives their eguagement wether their messaging is for or against

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If you look closely you'll notice republicans are only fervent about certain things that they have linked to the christian religion but the link is usually tenuous, sometimes the subject not mentioned specifically in the bible at all. Jesus supposedly said "live by the sword, die by the sword" - those were not instructions but a warning. And other things in the christian religion they fully ignore. I posit that they are not fervent christians at all but rather wolves in sheeps clothing.

If you want to see really fervent christians, there are many in Africa and Asia. Being actually persecuted, or even just poor in education tends to ratchet up the ferventcy in true believers.

Guy on Reddit: Fat people are disgusting!
Me: the coolest people I know dont give a shit, they have better things to do than get upset that someone has a weight problem
Reddit guy: Your a loser!
Me: Get a life! You must be projecting your dissatisfaction with your own body.

Permabanned for harrassment. Didnt bother fighting it. Couldnt be happier, not enguaging with 50 thousand teenagers has helped my sanity

The thing I like about Bogurt is that she just cant help but be hillariously unhinged and corrupt. If life was a comedy movie and not a tragedy reality she would be my favorite character for being too stupid to get anything right and just failing upwards anyways. Her and Marjorine Turning Greene would be good as co-antagonists (theres no good guys in this hypothetical movie) in an american pie style movie focused on gross cougars trying to reclaim their lost feelings of youth and relevancy

Sadly in reality she represents the rot of our society

Edit: forgot to add, they are so tone deaf they keep making Biden sound cooler and cooler. Why not just call him the Godfather at this point?

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For 50 years its been Russia bad, Communists evil. And now the USA has a freed hand to fund a proxy war with Russia and they just cant agree on it? Smells like Kompromat

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I can see how people raised in stable loving families think 'why shouldnt the parents know?' But I was raised by a raging narcissist, if dad slept bad a head-punch during breakfast was not uncommon. First memory I have is being hurt by my dad...

If I were trans this would have sealed my fate; killed via 'exorcism'

If the kid doesnt want their parents to know about their gender identity well that isnt a bad kid, those are bad parents. Yes really.

Believe you me, the good parents dont need the school to tell them, they already know because a child that feels safe will just tell you. If you really love them you will already know anyways just from paying attention to them.

I know people with mental diagnosis who support this shit. Try explaining to them that they are one the list of undesirables too, or dont if you value your time and sanity.

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8 beats 7 in most ways, but 7 has a better and more coherent story. At least Clouds memory wipe makes sense, where as 8 is like i onno, gfs did it. 8 had deeper customization and so many hillarious way to break the game, a sick card game, a bigger more realistic world and still quite a good story even with the plot holes.

But there is no denying that the characters in 7 are much more Iconic to the series. There is a reason 7 got tapped for a remake and not 8 or 9 or even 6. I would do unspeakable things to see a modern version of Kefka just, being a massive douche in the world of balance.

I have to applaud the dedication to the bit. Show that complainer whats what.

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IDF just holocausting away out there.

I stand outside and smoke and it feels like nothing more than the calm before the storm

Scene: The road to Damascus

Samaritan: laying on the ground, beaten and bloody


Samaritan: lifts head slightly to see who is yelling

Repub: HE'S COMING RIGHT AT ME!! pew pew pew

Samaritan: dies

Repub: you guys all saw that right? He was coming right at me, I had to stand my ground! (from 100 yards away)

Rookie numbers... for the cops. He definetly committed way for than 5 crimes in recent years. Crime is a lifestyle

Edit: commit to committed

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When 'let them eat kellogs' becomes more of a reality

You see, were old poor. Were used to it. You need new poor to really get things going

I would be bitter too if I did free work for a guy making 190 mill a year. Reddit mods are the saddest of usefull idiots

We all got caught off guard, dont feel bad. No one could have seen this coming in a million zillion kajagabillion years. Even God was fooled, not our fault

Absurdism in an absurd world, thats all

I am literaly in the middle of this right now. I have innatantive, so my way to be a superstar at work was to just have 3 things going at once, so my focus has somthing to shift to that isnt pointless.

However when my daughter started having medical issues it brought out some latant anxiety issues in myself. Now when my brain switches focus at work I might just have a panic attack instead. So, went and got a diagnosis last week (I was right, innatentive with anxiety) and will be letting wellbutrin have a go at me.

Im actually happier already, though also misserable. Ive been smoking weed for 25 years, now I have to stop (already wanted to stop, this is good) because both drugs bind to the same receptor. No weed gives me insomnia that melatonin pills dont seem to even touch. It hurts but not as much as seeing my wife and kids worry about me.

From one sufferer to another: I am very proud of you for being such a high achiever despite the illness, and for taking the steps to get a diagnosis. I hope Im wrong but I think your real struggle with adhd will begin in retirement. You will need good hobbies to focus on. I think you are capable of navigating a good outcome for yourself and those around you, for what its worth

Just think, if he had just made another tv show instead of being president he wouldnt be going through all this.

Just waiting for some dipshit to use AI deepfake of Biden saying "by executive order, all guns and ammunition are now illegal" with a nice sora video of the national guard kicking down doors and shooting people, followed by pictures of shuttered gun stores

Doesnt matter that he cant do that with an executive order, what matters is how gullible people are if you trigger them properly

I never said they shot at him, just drew on him per the article

I'll admit I did not consider a mercy killing

Reading is fundamental as you said

Google is free, Im searching recipies, websites of companies I might invest in, the law in general and pop-culture crap 90% of the time

Seems like a waste of water and energy to ask a highpowered LLM about it. I heard each query on GPT uses 12L of fresh water, seems wastefull when I could just use a basic google

Edit: it is approx .5L of water for 5 to 50 prompts, thanks google!

I attack her for her character, thats all good innit?

Yea give presidents immunity, Biden can use it exactly once, and then cancel it all together

Edit spelling