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Joined 1 years ago

seems like most people owe this guy an apology. the signage was genuinely confusing / missing according to the images and recordings. he legit was trying to get out.

Unless you are willing to switch to linux, suck it up

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Apple has no such “deals” because apple owns the entire stack.

I didn’t know mod logs were public! Amazing feature

Does this matter for ios?

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Using edge is probably a bigger offense than using chrome.

He is not wrong lol. His interpretation is just more “originalist”

You can reform islam all you want but the text says what it says.

This cannot be true lol. If it is, russians must be feeling this a lot more at home and international news hasnt reported the shock yet

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it wasn't dumb at all. look at the pictures of the signage at the time. it was genuinely confusing.

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How did biden win any percentage of the latino vote in 2016?

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Not google proven. Just apple.

Supposed to be but most gun owners are drunk idiots so here we are.

I actually liked windows vista :(

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Argentina economic woes are due to economic policies that their elected officials picked… yes…

Lending money to idiots to do stupid stuff is still the idiots decision

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Hamas maga is the best way to describe it.

Honestly going to get off lemmy soon because the issue is worse here than any other social media. It is kinda insane.

Houthis are being terrorists and people cheer them lmao

Christianity is literally the most critiqued religion in the west lol

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Lmao my b

Same shit in Palestine. Brain washed population

A closer inspection already showed it was rogue saudi elements and a combination of arrogant, incompetent analysts during a transition period of presidencies.

You should give that consideration.

Not any more trump repped america or boris the uk

The US didnt really care much for argentinian leftists tbh.

Argentina moved right mostly on their own.

From an undergrad thesis guy, but the sources are pretty solid here

The Argentinian economy declined well before Us intervention was even considered, and the US intervention was mostly failures. The successful changes in administration (coup) came almost entirely from argentinians themselves.

You might have an argument if you were discussing bolivia, nicaragua, el salvador, colombia, venezuela, mexico or panama. But Argentina? They did that shit on their own.

Eisenhower and ford? Do you know the history of the korean and vietnam wars? Lol

The only reason hamas isnt ass blasted right now is because they hide among civilians.

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And they would vote them in again today.

Leaving those people to suffer that regime was a greater crime than any we committed in the 20 years of occupation

This doesnt make any sense lmao.

We tried. We failed. So we stopped.

They are both. How is that hard to understand? It is a decentralized organization that fits both roles depending on the faction.

The CIA was toppling democratically elected governments. Hamas is a terrorist organization that hasn't held a vote in two decades. no equivalence unless you believe all "underdogs" are equivalent.

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That is ridiculous. It is like saying matt gaetz represents the intentions of all americans.

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It will be if the left criticizes biden for not doing more while at the same time praising hamas as a resistance force

The signage posted was literally a “dead dont inside open” situation. I wasnt referring to the actual alarm mechanism.

Hamas hasnt held a vote ;)

happened in philly and nyc at random jewish restaurants...

I am not israeli lmao. I am not even jewish. I am actually of muslim and catholic descent. I just have a brain and recognize the obvious anti semitism from the left.

If we were criticizing only idf, then sure. Why is the left protesting jewish restaurants in philly and nyc?

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Except when you poll and find out how deeply unpopular the conservatives are. Common trend…. Elected officials dont always represent a population. Similar situation with hamas tbh. Except hamas stopped holding elections.

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And was immediately called a lunatic by his own conservative colleagues on television right after

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When ISIS attacked iran, a lot of people blamed iran and america, despite that conflict being driven by hundreds of years of sectarian conflict. They justified their reasoning with the most anti semitic shit possible. I think the left is having a very hard time recognizing anti semitism, and it is going to cast doubt on future leftists efforts. Shame:

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When the world media is citing hamas, then no.

Now you pretend like the left wasnt ok with protesting random jews in the usa lol.

Zionist nazi… lmao. I am not even jewish.

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I proved that hamas are terrorists that you support? Thanks I guess.

Only stupid people believe terrorists over established intelligence allies.

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You know false positives exist right?

Progressive leftists have some issues with antii semitism if they are protesting random jews on behalf of palestine. Immediately obvious

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