Dysphoria is not what makes someone transgender!
Yeah I know. I've already cut off ties with that friend mostly.
::: spoiler CW: rest of this message is infused with my brain worms around passing
Many transfem people do not pass. [...] You don’t owe it to anyone to look a certain way before you can be yourself.
I'd actually rather live with dysphoria forever and simply be dissociated and self-hating the whole time. Not because I don't think I'd be a "real woman", but because if I can't for the most part look like a cis woman, I'm STILL going to have the dysphoria, but then I'm also going to have to deal with people telling me I'm an abomination - it'd only make things worse because it would just add to the existing pain.
Then again there is basically no way for HRT to make me look worse, and I already look so fem that if I was actually trying I could probably already pass. :::
I find Linux to be MUCH easier to use. Granted, this is unusual, especially for an i3wm user, but hear me out: Although Linux has a very steep learning curve and using it seems very hard at first, this difficulty is short-lived. Getting anywhere is significantly faster and requires fewer steps, and the "simplicity" of windows quickly turns into complexity when you actually want to multitask and keep having to resize and click through dozens of windows.
Of course, I also really like the freedom of actually owning my system, and that of tinkering with all the software on it when I am annoyed at something not being how I'd like. Privacy is a nice bonus, but honestly the lesser concern since I already have none anyway by owning a phone and being too lazy to degoogle it.