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Because relationships takes works and I realized that I am happier putting that work into me instead.

A sleeping pod for home.

Imagine as you go to sleep it is perfect temperature for you no need for open windows or extra blankets. You just turn the dial and it adjusts it or maybe it even have a curve so that you love for it start cold but wake up warm.

It is pitch black, no need to try block out any light.

It completely soundproof even if you live middle of the city. But it also have speakers just in case you like something in background as you sleep.

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While I see the world with same problematic lenses I draw a different conclusion.

If nothing matters why not remove buts from life!

Travel the world. Eat things that are not healthy. Take a simple job because no point chasing the future. Help out other people. Test all the hobbies you want but afraid of.

The world is fucked but it doesn’t mean your life have to be fucked.

That reason I am angry so often is because I have anxiety.

Now this may be because I am oldish. But I grew up in world where anxiety and depression. all those things luckily existed but where associated with sadness or apathy.

So a lot of situations where I got anxiety, for example to be late or risk of asking stupid question I became really angry.

Making it extremely hard for people to deal with me because of the association was not something that was naturally occurring for people.

So last year I found an article about it and it honestly changed my life. I still get angry but now I can actually try healthy coping mechanisms instead of fighting anything.

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iPhone. I travel a lot and I had my bags lost three times. Well no more thanks to AirTags.

We don’t know where your bag is, come back tomorrow and try . I understand you overworked and underpaid but my bag right behind that wall. Oh look it was.

This is only thing reason why I keep using it. I am not going to be hater . For some people it is a great phone but gods on high the limits all over the place.

Here is app drawer. Great can I change Categories? Nope have fun if an app is wrong category. At least I can change what icon gets big? Nope.

The keyboard? Where is the bloody , or ? Button? On android I can have button that lets me pick any of those. But not here I have to go into an under keyboard. But you can have auto prediction on! Not once have it given me a question mark during this whole rant.

The spellcheck. This is probably me being dumb but god, how do I correct? It doesn’t seem to work if I click the word it doesn’t work if I use spacebar to guide it to end of a word. Only seems to work if I somehow managed to click at the end of the word.

The first party cable missing the basic thing pretty much every 3 party cable using to prevent the cable from breaking but no need to 3d print option for it.

The lockdown. Now this maybe obsidian but I will blame Apple. I love lockdown and I probably should not use it yada yada. But why can’t I just a bloody list of all apps and white lists what I want? No instead I have do a big song and dance with sync on obsidian for over 3 hour’s then just one day it works and shows up.

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While I enjoyed my time I really struggling to find what I feel like I would different on a new playthrough making me worried about longevity of this game.

It really feels like unless bethesda (unlikely) or moders could do something drastic I would not return. Just pick the game back up and do the new thing.

Feels not enough to do by only stick to space. Not enough ammo to not use a variety of weapon. Nor that much other ways to deal with combat that it would warrant a new play through.

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While many times it is a gift it is a curse if we suppose to be with someone. We go on a road trip? You barely close the door I am asleep. We ride buss I am asleep as soon as I sit down. Air plane I wake up 8 hours later. Hang out in bed I am gone.

I have to fight to stay awake but that is in vain. I will lose the fight five minutes later.

A man gets a scam letter and decides to figure out why he is being catfished.

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Just want to add to your yatte this source/instance this gives you a lot of instances to start with so you don’t need to add them manually.


That insane! I was thinking like a bed 2.0 not freaking dystopian let’s live in a bed sized apartment.

When you say happily you mean it is better than living in your car right?

That surely can’t be the future that you get!

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Maybe they can reach 10 years now?

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Makes me worried what Microsoft force onto us next.

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They still harvesting your data. So not only do you pay for product monthly but you also pay with your data.

This data is so important they are able to subsidize either YouTube or YouTube music.

Legally I have no right.

Morally I have right to pay to not be tracked. If thats the case I would pay.

But paying a high price for one product forced to get at same time being harvesting my data?

No thanks I will watch my YouTube free as I am already paying them with my data.

10 minutes?

I am IT technician and I can’t have a meeting without a user feels their whole world is crashing if I don’t click the scary button for them.

So I don’t want to imagine if suddenly we all disappeared how they would get on. Probably back to paper and pencils.


Honestly feels like that.

They given many things in the base game fells like that they where more showcase.

Here is background it exists we barely doing anything with it but maybe you find it useful.

Here is new game plus it erases the whole world so if you want to reset world.

Here is enormous skybox. We have no reason why you can fly across the star system but tons of space for you.

There is yatte for iOS.

It is in appstore or test flight(recommending that version).

It is great but it relies on the piped/invidious so your mileage will vary depending on the instance you select.

I love books, mail or notes. Honestly all those lovely small lore parts.

But I would like an option to have them read to me. I don’t need a fancy actor, it could be simple as text to speak.

But I struggle to keep concentration on a paper. Instead I would love to hear it read to me while I go back to my looting.

In the beginning people will be weirded out but as it progresses I hope it gets better as it will help a lot of people. It will also be a beneficial tool for a lot of people. I am one of those that would consider it.

I am not interested currently in a relationship and probably won’t be again with a human. Because honestly I am to spoiled of my own independence and hate compromise.

Compromise doesn’t have to be big things. It is small things. Things like what are we going to eat tonight? Should things be here or there. I want to wake up suddenly at 3am and decide to make noise.

Independence like if I decide this week I want to go to London. This week I just want to sit silently ignoring the world. If I want see my family or friends I can just do it.

When a relationship turns more into a checklist of this I want and this I don’t want. Is it really a fiesable?

Nah I rather have someone that doesn’t have their own life. Instead complements my lifestyle, has my hobbies and ideas.

Simply give me those great parts of relationship’s but not the lows.

This is the reason I stopped unbound. My unbound worked great for years. Suddenly I got this weird issue that was no one could understand why. And after a week of trying to trouble it just decided to work and kept going happily.

People has often a natural need to play teams. I would have serious discussion with your friends about it. Because there is a limit when friendly ribbing turns not friendly. And that doesn’t sound healthy friendship.

iPhone is great for some people and Android is great for some people. I am happy you found what works for you.

But I have to ask what are you using for syncthing? Last time I tried it it was really sub par compared to my android.

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Android. I grew up with old phones where you chased the new trend but you always lost something or you where limited to what manufacturer’s limited idea. This one has good ring tones. this has amazing camera. This got real games. This one has music buttons. This one has apps(not really apps but back then impressive for a phone)

Updates did not exist what you got in box was what you got. suddenly this device comes out where you could do anything.

I could install real Linux, community supported software and made it better. This was my gateway because why should I accept to pay money when the moment I given you money you moved on and forced me to buy next stuff but forgot the great things you done?

While that is true for normal user versions. But do you really think that for enterprise?

Not to mention that ltsc is enterprise with less features for stability. We don’t have windows store, Cortana or even edge.

I got some rapper in weird language. I don’t really get the charm. But more to pop world to love foreign rap.

I kinda hate that scratch rebound like sound she is making.

That program looks amazing!

Sadly it is only windows only while I prefer to keep my steam deck Linux.

Yeah thats bit rough but maybe like one side you heat the wall, bottom and roof it could offset a bit? The other side cools just a tiny bit. You would not get as cold as you want but maybe it would be good enough compromise.

Plus if you have the problem of her hoarding bed less likely she does on your side.

But if you are the bed hoarder it probably won’t help her.

It could also have music streaming style. Where the features of platform is the more pull then content.

Spotify supports far more range of devices. Tidal sounds so much better, deezer is slightly worse quality than tidal but for more country. YouTube music gives you add free YouTube etc.

Same with piped pwa app

The world please don’t move to capital we are to many people and to few homes.

Russia we advertise that by invading other countries you can move far away from the capital.

Oh definitely the modding is going to carry. But what point I tried to make is I will need something big for me to consider a new playthrough. Not just adding in bunch of mods to existed save file.

Unlike Skyrim where I felt start over for mods I could actually feel like I had choice and it kinda made a difference in play style to be a mage or a knight.

I do and it’s wonderful. No wall warts just clumping up or trying to figure out where right charger is. All my chargers have same watt and usb c so no matter if I need to charge my phone, laptop, steam deck or headphones it all just fits and charges reasonable fast no matter where in the house I am.

If you knew more about how the crack worked you know how small the vector is. That would leave it extremely unlikely that not one person that using the same crack would noticed if they got hacked.

It was a joke/hope as they have managed to extend support further then google have done in past.

Why is night crack so amazing?

If I could use it any other time of day my life would be so much better.

Instead I hark along the day being mediocre hoping to find a time when I don’t need to sleep.

I doubt that they would go that far for ltsc. But maybe windows store?

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Yeah exactly. I would not buy an external display as 80% of the time it would be useless.

But an iPad I could actually use for other things then just screen mirror. Especially with that battery life.

I actually could see myself get an iPad now.

Sometimes I travel light and just bring my steam deck as a laptop. But for certain tasks and local multiplayer player games the screen is to small especially with it being a controller.

Then prop up an ipad and suddenly I have a 10 inch(I don’t know the size) screen.

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Yes it really would been. The temporary is not updated for 3 years so that is quite abandoned.

Firefox some native but they feel more a solution to keeping data you want separate from each other instead of just having a way to isolate then remove.