
2 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Then mod it and play it. If you think you don't deserve to have fun then do something about it.

So which one really is it

  • dropping it for backlash
  • too expensive to be done
  • actually implementing it but keeping it shush for PR
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Bro, they have remapping keybind in their game, I don't know what you're on about.

Drivers Tend To Kill Pedestrians At Night. Thermal Imaging May Help.

Yes, I need more incentives to kill pedestrians.

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Since no one is naming it:

  • Firefox Multi-Account Containers
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You mean their site's longevity. This won't affect the game either way.

Also, mods of these type will always exists anyway, and Palworld would end being even more popular thanks to that (unless they start with the classic early access bullshit from other games).

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Is this an ad?

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Title: Let's all of us laugh at Japan's failure haha

Yeah, no.

Space is extremely unforgiving. The fact that the vessel is intact is a great success.

Lusty argonian maid

They NEED to put more effort in PC. Right now is not much of a choice.

The Steam Deck did literally flip the board, and Sony had an entire year to notice it. Nintendo reacted sooner.

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A story for an anime. I can't believe I got scouted by X company!

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No comments until it's released. I just hope it doesn't take more than a year.


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Usually these cosmetic mods only work for yourself. You modify your client files to replace certain models and textures. Only for your client. No one else would notice you're running mods and everything would be perfectly normal for everyone else. And unless DRM is a thing in this game, not even the devs would notice.

Devs can demand to take down mods, they could also kill all mods for good if they wish. They are not being affected by copyright at all. Not even with their original game. Is not a clone of a Nintendo game, their aren't using their licenced characters or assets. Not even their game modes are similar.

All of OP posts coincide with that blog. Another user for the blacklist.

Chaotic good.

Completing a 10 mins ticket for something you end up fixing in seconds. Fucking chore.

I have ruined lives gifting Factorio.

Would Ralph 's hat also stop existing?

Bro, it's a Corporation. Just when you trust them they WILL stab you in the back.

They WILL fuck up Mass Effect 4 somehow.

Can you really blame them though?


Was this made by a 12yo?

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Outrage! : China trains soldiers

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If the US territory were to exist on its own, there wouldn't be an United States.

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Nintendo is this century's Disney.

A one handed controller. That certainly will have some uses.

So, Bethesda publish a crap game with their brand, but it's not Bethesda's fault.

Yes, very fair /s

stares menacingly

What kind of AI would name their kids like that.

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With ubisoft bloat, everything is possible

Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

Says the scared developer after Baldur's gate 3 success.

It's the most* realist immersive cake you'll ever find.

16x the detail.

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Is there another way to get it?

So I will be playing an incomplete (and probably bloated) game on a console I may not have, a sequel to a first part I may have not liked (aren't you glad multiverses exists in fiction?)

When this infant gets to be a teenager or an adult and hopefully healthy, their parents won't shut up for shit like "Remember when you went to the Everest? There's even pictures." I bet the kid will remember every detail. /s

Bring me back memories

Soviet Womble The Forest

They waited for Netflix results first =_=

Subnautica forced me to draw a proper map. It was interesting.

I wonder if now they have enough money to refund me the 40usd I spended back then on their kickstarter, when I still believed I could get the next Privateer/Freelancer.

Call it an unintended scam, just like Peter Molyneux.

And after that? when the PS5 console cycle is over?

Their PC competition has mobile devices, VR of any kind and a easy platform to distribute games with lots of features (and almost everything is compatible between those).

So either Sony release a super console compatible with all of that (and hopefully can play PC games too), or they keep their focus only on developing games. Their consoles will slowly get consumed by the rest at the end.

Edit: even Nintendo is screwed since you can emulate almost all their Switch titles on PC and the Deck, and sometimes it runs better.

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