Turd Ferg

@Turd Ferg@sh.itjust.works
3 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Paid streaming services that have ads in the UI (youtubetv). Amazon firesticks having ads on the UI. I actually complained to YTTV and they sent me an email explaining why there are commercial on live TV, pissed me off even more.

We used to leave on our bikes for the day (no phones, so basically unreachable). The only rule was you had be back by dinner.

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Its crazy that they burnt through almost a billion and theyre nickle and dime'n people for ship insurance/ single player. If I gave their crowdfund a penny (and waited 12 years), I'd be demanding a free game.

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Fans: "This sucks" Developers: "It wasnt our choice, it was sony" Sony: "Hahaha deal with it and give us your money" Fans: "Fine, okay"

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My last 2 phones stopped charging through the ports. Keep that wireless charger, it may come in handy. Saved me from buying a new phone for at least a year.

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I'd settle for a headphone jack period. Any suggestions?

Lemmy world mods are a joke.

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It was definitely the time to do stupid shit, but it was also great freedom. I remember constructing skate parks in abandoned factories that would rival some of the best pre fabs today. We made a 2 story indoor go-ped track. Obviously very dangerous stuff, but i wouldn't trade those memories for anything.

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Go touch grass = just dont think about how the world is going to shit. lol great advice everyone

Mods, I know this doesnt follow post criteria, but I thought it was relevant. Please remove if its no bueno.

TIL Helldivers 1 was a top down shooter. Not from the article, I was just curious.

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So basically this guy is behind EAs thirst for micro transactions and getting rid of physical copies. Anything he says in cringe.

In my own experience I found that .world communities are usually the ones to stay away from. Most of the comments devolve into petty bickering and go off topic quickly. It was a great improvement when I made a new sub list of topics from other instances. They arent as active, but the quality of discussions is higher and respectful.

I never played EFT but I saw their 250$ price point and laughed. Then I read they lied about access to upcoming DLCs. Who's still playing this game? Bots and trustfund fanboys.

The Tamagotchi - for obvious reasons.

and then Intergalactic

Yup this is definitely the first thing to check. Unfortunately I think it was my need for bulky un-destructible cases, that bent my charging ports.

"In his first year as CEO, Wilson initiated a "player-first" corporate strategy, and offered more free-to-play games and in-app purchase options.[7] In a move towards a transformation from physical software to digital, he also greatly increased EA's digital offerings, and launched EA Access, a subscription-based digital service for Xbox One players that allows unlimited play across a selection of EA titles.[7][8] Electronic Arts had a large revenue increase and its stock price doubled in 2014.[7][9]" -wiki

IDK why that happened. Im speaking with levelcap to see why it went private. Could be something juicy or just a copyright claim.

Dirt tracks were amazing. We had a few, one of which was a huge bowl in the ground. The jumps were enormous and I always thought "whos hitting these?" Like pro level size and you would never see anyone on them. Then you'd hear "so and so" did a 3 on that one. It made for some good myths. Luckily there was so much empty space, we'd just make some jumps for our skill level.

I had a MTV Road Rules page on angelfire. Its still there, but the HTML is embarrassing. (this was when frames were becoming popular on sites. 1999ish)

I was going to say 12 foot ladder, but that doesnt work. Does anyone have a similar site that would do the job?

I read the headline and thought "well yea, no shit. Thats what happens". It must be a slow news day (you can only report the "new" release date for gta so many times).

Social media ;) /s

There it is, meet me at 4 behind the Wawa. Its on!

I have a friend who worked on the Mandalorian as a make-up artist. I was so jealous when I found out. I believe she did the Xi'an character, if I remember correctly.

I looked into this, but the closest to me was about 1 hour away. When I looked up the streetview, it was a guy's garage with small shady sign infront lol

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I've slept on Horizons for too long and finally downloaded Zero Dawn. I cant believe I deprived myself of such a visually great game. Now I have Forbidden West in the queue. So yea, I got that going for me. Also Surviving the Aftermath has been a good time killer.

Ill fight anyone who downvotes this! 🤪

For the longest time I told people the peppy tgif waiter from Office Space was the voice of Michelangelo. Then I looked it up..... its not true. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTeUAHNMpeA

Give my phone to some guy in his garage to fix or just use the wireless charger. Thats an easy choice every time haha

Undoubtedly this man suffered from mental health issues, that were only exacerbated by social media echocambers. Please remember that other users dont care about your well being. r/acebush1 You can see by his post history, what kind of mental state he was in before this happened.

and some of their admins (Im looking at you Antik)

and then Witcher 5 and 6 woo. Why come up with a new idea when you can just milk this one.