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Joined 1 years ago

This is what I was afraid of 15 years ago. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought a AAA game. This release is so disgusting.

14 more...

Ages ago, I had the owner of a business I supported tell me I could remote into his computer any time that day, it would be available to me. I remoted in about 5 minutes after that call and he was amidst some fullscreen hardcore pornography. I respect that sort of move.

Getting comfortable not owning your games?

When the power goes out and that fan stops, it's the quietest thing you've ever imagined. It shouldn't even be possible. I hate it.

4 more...

I had my Reddit very heavily curated, my subs were mostly smaller subreddits. I was incredibly active and had my settings so that anything I voted on would not appear on my homepage. I got to see a ton of posts because of that.

Around 2021, I started noticing that reposts weren't just people coming in and posting things we've seen a dozen times because they had no way to know it was a repost. It was bot networks that would take top posts and then other bot accounts would recreate the original post's comment section. The accounts followed patterns and became really obvious to spot after a while.

The original tells were the bots taking really specific posts that only made sense in that context. Popular post from last Christmas? The bot doesn't know what Christmas is, sees a popular post from a few months ago and reposts someone happy about their gifts in August. Look at this beautiful picture I took of the summer Alaskan wilderness this morning but it's February. The photography subreddits were obvious because the bots would rotate the picture a few degrees which would sometimes ruin the picture's aesthetic.

I'm not sure if it was just me spotting them easier or if they were really ramping up into 2022 but by the time they killed API access and I stopped using it, I think over 80% of posts were bots. Made leaving the site way easier.

This story should be done and dusted but these devs keep dredging it up and coming back for more. It's really astounding.

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I don't remember the last time I was properly comfortable.

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A $30 bidet changed my entire quality of life. Couldn't recommend it enough. It's been neat to see them popping up more in local stores, though. A decade ago, that was unheard of.

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The clutch is a third pedal to the left of the brake which lets you disengage the engine and transmission so you can change the gear then let the pedal out, engaging the new gear.

With a clutch, the brake pedal is usually really narrow. So when you get into an automatic instincts will tell you to press the clutch and change gears but that pedal doesn't exist and the wide brake pedal is there instead. Instead of changing gears, you slam the brake.

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When I was a kid, I never worried about owning a home. My parents couldn't afford it, I assumed I wouldn't either. Back then it was because I never thought I'd be successful. Now, it's because it's unattainable, even at the mild level of success I've achieved. What I have now would have been more than enough in my rural area 20 years ago.

This fucking rules.

She put out a video explaining that she sees the humor in all this but realizes that this picture is now a part of that, which is a bummer. I think it could go down as the least flattering picture of a person of all time. In said video, she looks lovely and clearly takes great care of herself.

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Mine is a fun sort of specific. Years later, I'll remember that I hate a person's guts but will completely forget why I hate them. But that visceral hate stays with me.

I recently had a conversation with my ex-fiancée of 15 years and she was apologizing for things I didn't even remember her doing. But I remember the bitterness from those things.

From the looks of the crash test results, I might have to buy one of these to get in on the lawsuits that will come from those who are maimed in accidents with them.

I value my bones too much to bother doing that. But seriously, a lot of people are gonna get hurt.

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Soul crushing. I'm incredibly good at the job but every morning, I look at my case queue and the shotgun on my shelf starts glowing purple.

I wouldn't have been good at any other career, but maybe I could have been happy while floundering.

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They just want more people being pushed to their NFT marketplace while getting free development. It's astounding they are getting so much good press.

Gotta go with Bad Religion on this one.

Reading so many stories like this through my life, and now all this on top of that, is relying on the lived experience of transfems to make absolutely sure I never bother with it. I would love nothing more but I've already got too much to worry about. I don't need all this, too. I wouldn't survive it.

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My really obvious one, and a huge source of problems for me, is Discord. But the biggest one was a wild one:


It is a super-fast image viewer and simple image editor. Supports every format I've ever thrown at it. Bulk conversion and resize works like a charm. Hell, it's half the reason I haven't moved to Linux for my daily use.

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I stopped paying any attention to them when they started talking about NFTs. This is cool news.

An open world, survival, party based rpg. Survival elements are light and focused away from micromanaging every crop placement and every floorboard. Player parties build cities, forts, roads.

It's like: Minecraft without the block gimmick or detailed building capabilities. Skyrim with more playable characters in a player built world without a set storyline. Valheim without the heavy focus on survival elements or linear progression. Party management and diversity like a tactics RPG.

I'd love it to have several for game loops to bury yourself into. City building, character builds, crafting, gathering...

And multiplayer capable, self hosting if desired.

This is a pipe dream. A game that huge is too difficult to make for a game that wouldn't have larger appeal.

Fucking do it.

Dresses. Big, cute dresses. Skirts, even.

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Been happening a lot longer than you imagine. I stopped using Reddit when the third party apps got shut down. At least the last year of my time there was calling out repost bot accounts. Threads like that on smaller subs with week moderation were really common.

Even on some better moderated subs, they got through.

Reddit died for me a long time ago.

Holy hell, that's a wildly supurb owl.

Sounds like he's starting to get impatient waiting for his god.

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It's Yoshi. The "T" stands for "Tax Fraud."

That dog looks nothing like Harry Potter.

Yay, I'm in bed now! Good thing, I was getting eepy.

At least somebody is.

If you knew what that one knew, you'd be screaming too.

I stopped posting but keep the account active because a lot of the Japanese artists I follow have stopped using other sites that were once pretty standard and never moved away from Twitter. There are also some people I don't want to lose touch with that never moved away.

I recently visited an IKEA in Japan. They write it as 「ブローハイ」

Unrelated but you just said "but fuck".

Way back when, I had a job where I used them regularly. Always had one on me at work. And therein, I had 4 or 5 at home any given day.

I can't imagine a universe where what you did makes you an asshole.

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I locked into something, but I have no idea what it is. Cool.

I grew up in one and am currently trapped there. It's my personal hell.

I'm afraid it's not so simple in my case. I live in the deep rural US. It's not worth it in any aspect.