
1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. Usually gets an, "oh" and a sideways look

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Married 30 years. Eyebrow position and, "eh?"


And we are pretty much on the same page.

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What is a "used" bedroom? As for flies, buy a pack of fly strips for a couple bucks. That should handle your introductory list of "oppression".

All you are going to do is prove that your parents are right to not trust you. Consider why they don't want you to have it in your room? What happened that they won't allow it? Or maybe you need to prove you can be trusted with it first?

If this was one of my children acting in open defiance like this, the next step would be locking the PC in a closet for a month, and then trying again with it downstairs. To allow them to earn trust back.

This is not the way.

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Depression = twice in the last month. I have an appointment to adjust my medication.

I'm feeling the same concerns. I agree with everything the admin said and why they did it, but at the same time the idea that some other person (instance administrators) can decide that I no longer have access to some of the communities I joined bothers me.

It seems the only way to control what I have access to (via federation) is to run my own instance? That's more work than I want to do.

Looking into just putting everything into RSS feeds, but then I cannot contribute anything.


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The amount of noise IS the signal

I saw a BBC article that says that tickling produces a panic response in the brain, and laughter is a sign of submission to the aggressor.

I hate everything about tickling.

My son says, "A futon is a very honest piece of furniture. It has F U right in the name."

When troubleshooting equipment I sometimes use "evil spirits" or "sunspots" when nothing else makes sense.

If the parents took the computer out of the room, told OP that they could not put the computer back in the bedroom, and used parental controls to limit internet access, I would consider moving it back into the bedroom anyway and bypassing the limits as "open defiance".

I play online games with a friend who has a 5g tower across the road.

His neighbor occasionally gets drunk and shoots it to "death".

US, obviously. South Carolina.

They did warn you that it was your PERMANENT record...

Buy some congress people and get them to vote for things like public transport, universal Healthcare, etc.

US-centric, obviously

Ooh! Morse code with tongue clicks!

Earth Girls Are Easy

Also, the Commodore 1541 floppy drive had a serial transfer rate of 2 bytes per second. Nothing loaded quickly in the 80's either.

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Variation: BillWiTheScienceFi

OMG. I want a T-shirt that says "I survived the Satanic Panic"

I don't know if it even has a name, bit if I'm driving and traffic stops with me under a bridge, I'm always afraid it is going to collapse on me. Especially if big trucks are going over the top.

Throwing out a vote for "Dungeon Crawler Carl "

Ha! "What the heck is Pathfinder?!"
-- everyone I know

The Priestess, the Protector https://a.co/d/3ulrVuk


The universal definition of "fair" is "everything is bent very slightly in my favor".

Ugh, jealous. That's only happened twice for me. To be fair, I'm of an age that I started with BECMI, followed by AD&D. Took a break and picked back up for 5e

Maybe it's the age group...

Gotcha. I read it as "Open Source". I'm deep in industrial automation and it's rare to find a kindred spirit.


Genuinely curious: How do you feel about the lab-grown meat technology? Would you consider being an omnivore if no animals suffered or died to provide the meat?

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That's just its way of helping you find your way home.

I tried but either age or removing the battery caused it to desynchronize. I got it right before Wrath of the Lich King, so it had a good run.

The line: "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose" has stuck in my head for over 30 years.

I can't put my finger on what it is, but it feels like a profound outlook and I almost look forward to that freedom.

Automating the tests, or testing automation software? Your description sounds like the latter.

I primarily write automation software, so would be interested in what you use for testing.

Ak-shoo-ah-lee, there are some old industrial control systems that worked in octal (base 8).

It is the worst bastardization of mathematical knowledge ever committed by mankind, and I hate it with the burning passion of a thousand suns.

A'www.... I love YouTube.

Maybe go ask her? Like, "hey, what was that all about?" And see what she says.

You may never know....


I wrote a book. Sold maybe 10 copies. If someone "pirated" my book, they are depriving me of the $2 or whatever Kindle Direct pays.

Admittedly not a significant amount, but it does fulfill the definition, imho.

I did for about a year to get to my goal weight. I quit a few years ago and gained back, so will be starting again.

Ruled.me and ketoconnect were my go to.

Do you know of a sub-lemmy for keto cooking / eating?

A lot of local game stores host games now as well. Go in and if you see a bunch of tables, ask one of the staff. They love talking about that stuff.

Can you elaborate on this? I always thought the limits on batteries was the energy density of the chemistry rather than heat/conductivity of the components. What am I missing?

Agreed. My un-scientific observation has been that the more stretch goals a game hits, the less likely it will ever release.