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Joined 1 years ago

It's 37 years old, you won't find DiCaprio anywhere near that thing.

complains about losing one second

literally has an "sign up for my newsletter!"-overlay that appears in front of the article, while you're reading the article

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In other news, snow blindness is on the rise in suburbia.

Every major country that has ever gone down the communist road has ended up a dictatorship.

Up until not too long ago, every democracy relied on slavery, disenfranchised large parts of the population, and eventually ended up a dictatorship. If you asked someone in like 1810 whether democracy could work, it'd be completely understandable if they pointed out all the horrible aspects of Greek and Roman "democracy", American planations, colonialism and the Reign of Terror, and if they assumed all of these to be inherent to democracy.

"Sure, the king isn't perfect, but he's surely better than Robespierre (who was inevitably succeded by Napoleon). And besides, great thinkers like Plato argued for a philosopher king – and that guy lived in a democracy, who would know better about all of it's evils?"

Yes, communism has failed in many respects so far.* The reasons for that are complex, include active sabotage by anti-communist states, but anyone who doesn't genuinely and critically reflect it's failures is (probably) doomed to repeat those mistakes.

Assuming those are inherent and inevitable based on less than a hundred years of history is imho short sighted.

*Some very early societies were probably kinda close to what we conceptualise as communism™ today, but applying the term is anachronistic.

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You're massively overestimating how many people care about gaming on their computers.

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Tue votes of the flyover states would matter exactly as much as the votes of any other arbitrary subsection of the country with the same number of people. That's the point.

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What are the dangers of protecting fish populations, the environment and parks?

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"No pulse, no breathing, no cranial nerve reflexes – this woman is quite obviously dead."

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Maybe we shouldn't speculate about things we have essentially zero information on.

Probably when it was beaten in both features and cost by the alternatives.

If someone hires a former Facebook employee to work on their social network, is that patent infringement?

No. If that employee then implements features that FB has patented? Probably yes.

Mickey Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on a steam boat until they finally found land.

That's the whole point of going to a restaurant. >So you can convince yourself that the food is somewhat healthy, without seeing all the salt, sugar and fat they put in it.

I thought the point of going to a reastaurant was eating tasty food. No one's lying to themselves about reastaurant food being healthy.

For anyone wondering: First number is base, second is related, third is other. I have no clue what those terms mean.

It's ragebait.

I will keep this in my thinking blob.

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Sssshhh. Let it sink.

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I've come to use a privacy friendly, completely local workaround:

There's sheets of metal at the side of the road with numbers on them, the exact design depends on location. I read this number, and then keep the equivalent number on my vehicles dashboard at an equal or lower amount (slightly above seems to work as well), which prevents the speed cameras from triggering.

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Collectively know as the four humors.

It would solve so many problems over there, honestly.

Which ones?

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Also one is a strong and one is a weak verb, meaning that in certain cases, one will be split apart:

Ich umfahre jemanden: I drive around someone.

Ich fahre jemanden um: I run someone over.

The worst thing about Lemmy is it perfectly nercomanced 2010 reddit's skin-deep atheism back to life.

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one of those wall bed things


Clearly nuclear is the future!

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Always has been. In many ways, Lemmy resembles the Reddit of 10 years ago.

That's literally his legal name though.

Also: If someone wants to be known by a different name, why deny them? Sure, if it's offensive or overly complicated or in bad faith no one needs to go along, but I don't see why someone couldn't be called Ye.

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This headline is straight up propaganda then.

That's called a lie, not propaganda.

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If you're a large online news outlet doing this repeatedly: Probably sue you.


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Pfizer conducts research in various areas, including MS therapy. That costs a lot of money.

Like when Roche refused to study Rituximab in multiple sclerosis, which has been succesfully used as an off-label medication for more than a decade, and then released Ocrelizumab for MS, a totally different and not at all virtually identical drug for ten times the price?

Pfizer has a profit margin of ~30%, and that's after lobbying and advertising and the billions of fines they had to pay for illegal advertising and kickbacks. Unsurprisingly, extractable profit is a really bad proxy for people's health.

But I can't complain anyway, here in Germany you can get Paxlovid free of charge because it's prescribed by a doctor.

While I usually think the "free at point of service"-argument isn't necessary, it's very relevant here. You're still paying for it, and all the other drugs that have come out over the last few years that are much, much more expensive than the therapies they replace.

Take a look at GLP-1-agonists (Wegovy, Ozempic, ...) which will come to replace/combine with oral antidiabetics like metformine and have now also been approved for obesity without diabetes.

Metformine is basically free a 10ct/pill, i.e. ~3€/patient/month. GLP-1-agonists cost about 250 - 1000€/patient/month. More than half of the German population is overweight, and more than one in eight suffer from type 2 diabetes - with both figures on the rise.

This trend of massive price increases with every new generation of drugs is extremely dangerous healthcare systems themselves, especially public ones, and of course the patients themselves in the end. Every price hike sets a new baseline, and we need to be very, very careful about compounding effects.

In later trials, drugs aren't compared against placebo, but a standard therapy regimen.

But you compared it to other planes, not to cars. Please leave the goal posts were they are.

No, you're thinking of a kilogram. A liter and 1dm³ are identical.

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The only actual rule I'm aware of is diminutives (i.e. words ending in -chen or -lein) always being neuter (das). This is also the reason why it's das Mädchen (girl) and das Fräulein.

The rest is arbitrary, and sometimes there's even regional variations.

640K ought to be enough for anybody.

Maybe having super high details pn a phone screen doesn't make sense, but the computing power can still be used in other ways. Maybe standalone consoles stop being a thing and we'll use our phones like a Nintendo Switch, just plugging it into the TV when we want to. Maybe VR headsets actually are the future.

Who knows.

You're thinking of the West Bank.

But the vast majority won't, and that's an issue.

I don't think they researched this decision.


The new owners? They're interested in the high rankings on the playstore. The vast majority of people don't care about bloat/privacy and install whatever is at the top of search results.

The original developers? I'm sure it worked out for them.