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Joined 12 months ago

Were getting one soon as well and adding an electric boiler to work with our solar panels.

Water is only €1.13/1000L here so showering costs about 1 cent a minute water wise.

Honestly didn't need to be a expert on Russia to predict that

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I like discord a lot for support groups for small projects where it's about 50-100 ish people interested in it. But when a project grows and the server grows with it definitely becomes a struggle for people to look back at whats already been discussed so people keep asking the same questions over and over.

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If you don't think you need ANC you've never experienced good ANC, even the best passive noise isolation won't quiet down the sound of a full cafeteria or bus.

No wired iems will never be obsolete, but I will just be leaving them at my desk where the downsides over wireless are less.

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Im still using my custom app patched with my own API key. But it's slowly not becoming worth it with most of the smaller subs I follow only having 1 or 2 posts in the last week. Opposed to the 2 or 3 posts per day.

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Nah it looks like this, you can only pick up 2 bullets from the package tho.

Nah he can go full Hitler. Still waiting for him to pick up the pistol.

Security is not there to safeguard you from stupidity.

And before you know it you've spent a year in bedcare.

Requiring usb c was something I agreed with. But indeed many times apple has rightly fought for their userbase.

I was out camping in Slovenia with the scouts. We stayed in podljubelj and met an older guy (friend our campground owner, important for later) that did tours through the redstone mines and abandoned buildings in the mountains. The tour was to take 3 hours and it cost €15 cash only, so we did a quick calculation of how much we needed and got it from the atm just before the tour started.

We had a great time and got some cool memories climbing down a abandoned mineshafts and lifts while this guy was terrified for our lives😅 So the tour concludes and we go to pay him, and he almost fell over backwards when we handed him €200 which was the price we calculated + a small tip.

Turns out the €15 wasn't per person but instead a flat rate no matter the group size. Fucking €15 for guiding a group of 12 idiots for 3 hours.

We ended up having intense negotiations with the guy for how much he was willing to take. In the end we managed to convince him to take €100 from us and we ended up giving the other €100 to our campground owner who would make sure his stubborn friend didn't turn down "free" money.

I still can't believe that tour was meant to be just €15

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They can be fine. If they were properly undervolted and cooled. It's still a gamble.

Hopefully we in the Netherlands will finally legalize it as well instead of it being a gray area. Although that would require us to give up on beating Belgium's record of not forming a government.

2 breadcrumbs and 2 bottles of water is more than 1 i guess.

If his smash adaptation is anything to go by, Thanos will be begging for mercy as he gets 0 to death'.

I mean why not use the plug most batteries come with?

That scroll hijacking legit feels like getting stunned in call of duty or something, suddenly your mouse just doesn't want to do what you tell it to.

Dont dead open inside

Still remember having to patch widevine L1 on my Poco F1 just to get HD working on Netflix.

Weirdly my totally legally obtained DRMless video files never had this issue.

Emailing the author has quite a good succes rate. Many just forced to use a publisher to get it out but love giving their paper to those who are interested.

Atleast that's my experience in trying to get certain papers for my studies.

Wait until you start printing more printers

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Crashed a important server because it didnt have room for the update I was trying to install. Love old windows servers.

I remember swapping ds lite shells in like 5 minutes for some friends after getting the hang of it. Now everything is glued together like some old wii portable conversations

That's about the same as it costs them to run 30h of 1080p streaming to 100k people.

It's a drop in the bucket, and one they aren't even going to pay.

I honestly don't think something having a higher barrier to entry is gatekeeping. Ofcourse you shouldn't try to make things actively more difficult but I don't think lemmy is doing that anyways.

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A new 12tb costs about as much 1 year of netflix premium.

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Nah more, if he keeps forgetting them

By just copying the last game they spend half a decade on.

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No single part of the gameplay has to be original if the mix of them is new.

A lot of people might have seen the endgame as well by now and are just waiting for new content.

Although I agree that the game isn't that deep it still scratched my Pokémon itch better than anything game freak has released in a while.

Definitely don't paste this into cmd if your windows is still inactivated: irm | iex

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Pla+ is actually the most used filament for printed guns afaik.

They probably calculated that keeping their contractual obligations to the west who are the main supporters outweighs the monetary benefits Russia gets from the sale of the gas.

It's cycling here as well in the Netherlands. Additionally in my circles: starting a campfire.

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Battleship, its not groundbraking but worth more than 33% in my eyes.

Stremio is quite nice imo.

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Got the fans in my pc turned up higher than needed just so i dont heat the coil whine.

I had swimming as a subject from 7 years old in school here in NL.

Yeah I'll defo support boost once it comes out. Even if I still end up using another app, was too late for the Reddit version.

Still YouTube but with an adblocker

I've recently hooked my old tab s up to my 3d printer to have a nice touch screen instead of the 128px lcd with rotary knob.

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