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I might be talking bullshit here as I'm also pretty new to this. But I believe an instance is the server (basically like Reddit) where all the communities (Subreddits) are located. These instances can federate with other instances to grow in a decentralized fashion. Every instance can impose site-wide rules (e.g. beehaw disabled the downvote button, I believe, so you can't downvote anyone in all of the communities that belong to the beehaw instance).

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!

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Correct. Bavaria once tried the same thing, but then MS went to the local politicians, sucked their dicks a bit and boom, back to MS products it is! Hopefully the north doesn't fall for that kind of shit, and they likely won't because Bavaria is a backwards piece of shit of a Bundesland while Schleswig Holstein is kinda cool.

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Why pay for that shit in the first place? Just use YouTube Revanced and install Sponsorblock while you're at it.

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I've been robbed by the TSA once. Never has anything like that ever happened to me, but on my flight back home to Germany from Tampa via Atlanta those assholes stole some very rare personalized 24oz beer cans that I got as a gift from the managing director of Emsula in Honduras. 2 of the 3 cans went missing. It may not seem like much of a loss but it actually meant something to me. I was fucking pissed. Flying in the USA is a fucking chore too. Shitty quality airports (I've seen nicer airports in the Republic Congo), shitty service on planes, bullshit security measures that you can buy your way out of, dumbass TSA officers thinking they're above the police. It's honestly a shit show over there.

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I'll fight you if I catch you doing that in public. Might even murder you if I'm feeling cute.

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I'm not from the US either but I can't deal with that piece of shit. If he wins, I'm getting a dumbphone and give up on the internet and any other form of news.

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Given how terrible Teams performes, I'd dread to have merely 8GB to run it on.

So essentially Stremio with Torrentio and Real-debrid!

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Yeah, Torx is the way to go!

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What does that have to do with your initial comment? And have you ever heard of photovoltaics? The fuck does that have to do with emotion?

I myself still drive an ICE, because I don't want to afford an EV yet (they're extremely expensive in Germany). An EV would be ideal for me however. I produce a shitload of energy with the PV on my roof. In the last 30 years I've lived here, we had exactly one power outage that was fixed within an hour. We brutally overproduce wind and solar power, EVs can actually help store that surplus energy (think vehicle to grid).

Maybe you should inform yourself before you make a fool of yourself.

Unless that was sarcasm again, because that was just such a dumb comment. Jesus.

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Yet here I am, in Germany, seeing that many US citizens apparently care about the situation. This I might not have known without this article.

It's about exposure. That's why climate activists glue themselves to the streets here in Germany. Does it make sense? Not really. Do people know the cause they're fighting for? Absolutely. That's a good thing.

I absolutely hate to watch subtitles appear word for word. So no, please no live captions.

I'm gonna go ahead and believe this post is sarcasm, ok? Because this is exactly the kind of bullshit these morons would argue with.

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In Germany it's starting to get hard to find employees. Our demographic is fucked.

The company I work for offers 35h per week / 30 days of vacation plus 6 additional days that you can either take or transform into money / work from home (if you wish) / paid overtime / paid travel time / good travel compensation / a very, very strong union (IG Metall) / subsidized meals / very good pay (for German standards) etc.

Yet we have a hard time finding people. It's a bummer but I believe the young people don't really have anything to work for. Nice housing is scarce and way too expensive, excessive consumption just fuels the climate catastrophe so no point in amassing shit no one really needs. They just want to have some time to themselves and don't give a shit about leading a comfortable life. And I fully understand them. If it weren't for my daughter I'd have sold the house and all meaningless shit and lead a healthy life instead of working for some dipshit just to make said dipshit richer.

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Fuck paying even a cent to those greedy shits. First they take all of our data and sell it off to shady organisations, then they expect us to pay for giving up all that sweet information? They can go fuck themselves. If all alternatives stop working, I'll find a different video hoster. If that doesn't work, I'll just go back to reading books. All this goddamn bullshit on the internet is messing up society anyway.


I don't necessarily mean to live like a nomad or something similar. I mean to cut working hours in half for example and just come to terms with living in a shitty apartment. With more spare time on your hands, you can be outside more, do more sports, pick up hobbies (not all hobbies need to be expensive). Just live a more modest life but put the focus on yourself instead of work. Most people with well paying jobs grow accustomed to the luxury they can afford, which makes it difficult to go back to the level of comfort one used to have when they were students for example. I was happy as a student, I was also dirt poor. But happy!

Yeah, I hink its super useful too. But i usually use win+d.

I know what you mean, but I refuse to throw money at Alphabet, when we're basically the tradegoods to them. They siphon and sell off all of our information. I'm not paying for that. If I like a creator, I'd rather pay for their Patreon and get some more benefits with that.

Plus, Revanced is way more convenient than the official YT app. You can customize the shit out of it.

I pay for 3 different streaming services because it's (still) more convenient than piracy. I pay for games because Steam and GoG are super convenient and they constantly have good deals. But fuck YT.

You're thinking of YouTube Vanced. Revanced works perfectly fine and is constantly updated.

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Any android based streaming device can run SmartTube (formerly SmartTube next). On an Android phone you can patch the YouTube apk with revanced, which also gives you full access to yt music.

The real crime here is that you bought Barilla instead of DeCecco.

Mon Dieu!

The setup is super easy though. And you're paying way less than for Netflix, but you get way better quality, can download the videos, and you have everything in one place. You can also get an add-on that gives you the suggestions from all of the streaming services.

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Oh, so I guess the 15kWp on my roof that generated 14 MWh last year was just a dream then.

What went wrong in your life?

Mate, you ever stop to think that maybe you are the one falling for right wing propaganda? No one here is saying that it's time for full EV. That'd never work. No one is being forced either. It's a transition. ICEs will be here for decades to come. It'd be nice to have less of them however. Plus EVs can be a puzzle piece in solving energy storage, so full renewables becomes feasible.

You're blatantly ignoring scientific data and logic and are just parroting boulevard magazine level bullshit. Seek help, you're definitely on the side of ignorant people who are afraid of change.

I live in rural Germany. The only people with these trucks are the ones that never use the bed. In fact, I've recently seen one at the hardware store. The guy bought a shelf maybe 1.5 m long. Neither did it fit in the bed, nor did it fit in the cabin. Such a worthless piece of shit.

Everyone in the trade business uses vans. For heavy duty hauling they obviously use something bigger than a fucking pickup truck.

That out of the way, I see the appeal in smaller old-school trucks. They usually have larger beds than the ridiculously oversized pieces of shit that start sprouting in urban areas.

Cans are great from an energy-consumption point of view when viewing the entire lifecycle of a can.

The answer was already posted, my comment wasn't meant to be helpful, just a little jab at a presumably German person who apparently has never seen one of the billion machines that you put your returnable bottles and cans into.

This. If it has to be torrents, then do it via a Debrid service such as Real Debrid. They do the torrenting, while the user only downloads the cached data. That's how I understood it at least. Stremio + Torrentio via Real-debrid is what I'm using for streaming high quality shows and movies.

Just patch a new version. Use the Revanced manager, download the latest recommended apk from apkmirror and use the default patches.

This happened to me months ago and back then it was a common issue and there was a fix. I found the fix on the subreddit but can't quite remember what it was. A freshly patched version should do the trick though.

You can use Revanced for example. Alphabet is trying to fuck that up too, but it's still going strong. Plus, a revanced YouTube is a lot better than the regular app. Want to get rid of Shorts? Revanced will let you get rid of those shitty videos for good. Hate sponsor messages in Videos? Revanced will let you integrated sponsorblock.

The day that revanced won't work anymore is the day I'll stop using YouTube.

You're absolutely right! In Germany this type of behavior is even propagated by conservative parties. They're blaming the green party for acting on ideology. This is "emotion" paraphrased. It doesn't come as a surprise to me that simpletons adopt this narrative. Right wing propaganda essentially works by triggering emotions.

This safety comes at a cost, literally. It's fucking insanely expensive to keep it safe. Yet it can and has failed. Also, fissile material needs to come from somewhere. Guess where that is? Also, how much of it is still available? Nah, fuck nuclear power.

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Use Voyager (formerly known as wefwef). It's great!

Now imagine that, but stack a set of drums on top. Maybe even add 2 additional legs while we're at it!

Hmm, now that you mention it, I think it was quite similar in Germany. But I personally don't know many people who watched these shows. It was still quite a niche thing. But you're right, they weren't considered weebs. Probably because the Germans are so unaware of foreign cultures, most don't even know what that means.

Often it's literally the same thing. In Europe there is a code in every product that'll show you where it's produced. You'll often find that the cheap brand comes from the same factory as the expensive brand. They just get different packaging.

Porn is everywhere though? I recommend noodlemagazine for free full porn videos. Or are you talking about amateur content? It's what I sort of miss from Reddit, but then again, most of it was just teasers for their shitty OF.

Thanks for the reply! Sorry I didn't get around to answering earlier. I have been too preoccupied with work, so my Internet activity was limited to streaming and gaming for a very long time now. Gaming is still fine, having GoG and Steam around. But streaming is becoming less and less attractive and more complicated due to fragmentation (granted, it's not as bad as in the USA yet).

I'll check out Mulvad and some other VPNs, thanks for the hint. I just keep hearing that torrenting in Germany still is dangerous, despite using a VPN. Does Stremio with real debrid work without the torrent part?

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